31 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The Nation of Islam is to Islam what the Jehovah’s Witnesses are to Christianity.
    On second thought, no, that’s unfair to the Watchtower Society.
    The NOI is more like a black supremacist version of those flaky sects that contort Christian beliefs to justify white supremacy.

  2. 1. Raise a Jewish Voice for Refugees
    Fighting for refugees is more important than ever. Over 2,000 rabbis have already signed this national letter urging our elected officials to welcome refugees to the U.S.
    At 45,000, the refugee resettlement admissions ceiling proposed by the Trump administration is the lowest number ever established by any president since the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program was created in 1980. Now is the time to raise your voice in support of welcoming refugees.
    2. Israel: African migrants told to leave or face imprisonment
    The Israeli government has issued a notice for thousands of African migrants to leave the country or face imprisonment.
    The migrants will be given up to $3,500 (£2,600) for leaving within the next 90 days.
    They will be given the option of going to their home country or third countries.
    If they do not leave, the Israeli authorities have threatened that they will start jailing them from April.

  3. …-
    LBJ Democrat to Liberal Lethter Pearson: “Don’t you come into my living room and piss on my rug.”
    “… the most disgusting U.S. president in living memory. That title actually belongs to a Texan Democrat, Lyndon B. Johnson, a howling, flatulent tormentor of women”
    “The most vulgar American president ever? It sure as #$@!%* isn’t Donald Trump
    How repulsive was Lyndon B. Johnson? Contact with him put one at risk of encountering a profane spectacle of burping, farting and crotch-scratching”

  4. Fake the News.
    “Davos Foreign Press Boos After Donald Trump Slams ‘Vicious’ Fake News
    President Donald Trump again criticized the news media, but this time in Davos, Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum.
    “It wasn’t until I became a politician that I realized how nasty, how mean, how vicious, and how fake the press can be,” Trump said, as some in the audience booed.”

  5. Off to Venezuela with the Head-Chopping “female chairman” Bolshevik Feminists.
    “Hard-Left Labour Chairman Called for Execution of President Trump
    The hard-left female chairman of a local Labour Party association in the United Kingdom has blamed “creepy, nasty, hateful and untrue attacks by bitter men” after her call for Donald Trump to be shot became public.
    Caragh Skipper was an officer of a local branch of Momentum, the hard-left grassroots group which has carried avowed socialist and Venezuelan regime supporter Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the Labour Party at the time of her comments.”

  6. So … in other words … IF … the TPP ceased being the TPP … he would consider it ? And I guess you missed the part where MY President said that he prefers BI-lateral Trade agreements as being more equitable and negotiable ?
    I assume you simply CHOSE to IGNORE every word MY President spoke prior to mentioning the TPP …
    We cannot have free and open trade if some countries exploit the system at the expense of others. We support free trade, but it needs to be fair and it needs to be reciprocal. Because, in the end, unfair trade undermines us all.
    The United States will no longer turn a blind eye to unfair economic practices, including massive intellectual property theft, industrial subsidies and pervasive state-led economic planning. These and other predatory behaviors are distorting the global markets and harming businesses and workers, not just in the U.S., but around the globe.
    Just like we expect the leaders of other countries to protect their interests, as president of the United States, I will always protect the interests of our country, our companies and our workers.
    We will enforce our trade laws and restore integrity to our trading system. Only by insisting on fair and reciprocal trade can we create a system that works not just for the U.S. but for all nations.
    As I have said, the United States is prepared to negotiate mutually beneficial, bilateral trade agreements with all countries. This will include the countries in TPP, which are very important. We have agreements with several of them already. We would consider negotiating with the rest, either individually, or perhaps as a group, if it is in the interests of all
    I would expect nothing different from you except … purposely DISTORTING every word and deed of MY President. Your clown show is wearing thin.

  7. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, Moi is not now a Boyle dunce unfit for office; nor, have Moi ever been a Boyle dunce unfit for office.
    “The Boyle family also made headlines a week before Christmas when they met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his Parliament Hill office. Mr. Trudeau said his security advisers didn’t raise any red flags about the meeting.”
    “Joshua Boyle, former hostage, faces new charges and mental-health assessment”
    “… Boyle will undergo a psychological assessment as he faces new charges in addition to the 15 initial offences he was charged with earlier this year.”

  8. the real Rosie the Riviter has passed away at a wonderful age of 96.
    thank you Naomi Fraley and your cohorts for building the planes and tanks around the guys that delivered the death blow to fascism and tyranny. we have to keep doing that for some reason. (lefties put your hand up all you fans of stalin and mao)
    note how the nyt got it all wrong first time thru. typical msm.

  9. re flakey sects:
    they hate j.o.o.o.s.
    this puzzles me, if the k.k.k. engages in terrorism to rid the nation of jooos,
    are they not aware the founder of christianity (their religion) is a J.O.O.O?
    jist askin’. something the msm has NEVER done, just a sound bite to report the violence, burning cross, shots fired, etc etc. the sensationalism first and only, not the deep meaningful ‘investigation’ stuff.
    typical msm. and now in canuckistan they’re in line to share some $75,000,000.
    just(in) for starters . . . .

  10. Vic Fideli chosen to lead the Ontario PC party in the June election after the resignation of Patrick Brown.
    ref: CBC, CTV,Global and every friggin’ other medeia.

  11. “are they not aware the founder of christianity (their religion) is a J.O.O.O?”
    It never seems to occur to anti-Semitic white supremacists that Our Lord was a Jew, that his Blessed Mother was a Jew and the Twelves Apostles were all Jews. The bedrock of the New Testament is the story of the Jewish people and the prophets, the Jewish Bible i.e., the Old Testament.
    Makes mixing racism and Christianity a self-contradicting absurdity right there.

  12. AGW Kills.
    “And power outages have grown common even on calm weather days.”
    “Unstable Green Power Grids: German ARD Television Tells Citizens To Start Getting Used To Blackouts!”
    “Flagship ARD public television here broadcast a report on the state of the German power grid, which until about some 15 years ago was by far among the world’s most stable. But those days are now gone, thanks to volatile green energies.
    The ARD report basically tells German citizens and industry that they need to prepare quickly for blackouts because the country’s power grid is as unstable as never before.
    Just last week the power went out due to a winter North Sea storm which swept across a large part of Germany: 300,000 people lost power.”
    “What’s the big deal?
    But as the ARD reports, such a power outage is in fact an extremely expensive affair for industry and business. For example company manager Hajo Hagens of a plastic film producer said that power outage cost his company close to a half million euros and that it took an entire day to get the production up and and running again and tuned the way it’s supposed to be.
    Glass producer Schott also saw damages run into “millions of euros” reports the ARD.
    Back-up systems too expensive”

  13. Everyone seems to like him. The Brown fiasco will give him profile straight away. I think he may turn out to be a better bet than Brown come the election. I am personally still disturbed by the way the Brown thing played out (Blatchford flags some of the issues in the NP) but not because of any fondness for Brown. I was actually not going to vote for him. The incident smacks of dirty politics.

  14. Johnson would sometimes sit on the toilet during interviews with journalists. He also is known to pull out his johnny on occasion, wave it around and ask the people present who could beat it for size. Really awful stuff. I think I would actually say Trump is a real gentleman by comparison.

  15. MAGA.
    “Delingpole: Apocalypse Trump Is Unleashed on Davos
    We knew something apocalyptic was coming in Davos today. Those tactically released photographs of President Trump arriving by helicopter with his entourage were the giveaway: the silhouetted choppers strung out in extended line in the orange-yellow light above the mountains.
    Why, if you’d listened carefully, you might almost have heard the strains of Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyrie wailing above the whup whup whup of those thrumming blades. And a guy with a cavalry hat and cigar in his mouth growling something about Charlie’s lack of surfing abilities, and the sweetness of the smell of napalm in the morning.
    Yep, Lt Col Kilgore had arrived at the heart of the belly of the beast and the enemy was about to get a very rude awakening.
    The enemy on this occasion, of course, was Davos Man.
    Or – if you prefer – the globalist elite which has spent the last several decades stitching up the world in its own interests: the Vampire-Squid-trained central banksters; the EU technocrats; the corporatist crony capitalists; the rent-seeking sustainability experts; the priggish, politically correct, sermonising NGOs; the controlling one world government freaks; the woke Hollywood groupies; George Soros; pretty much all the reasons that made us vote for Donald Trump or Brexit, all gathered in one very expensive Swiss ski resort.
    And in the Col Kilgore role was, of course, Donald Trump.
    How did he do? Did he – to quote another movie – unleash hell?”

  16. “I think the main message is ‘Make the United Nations great. Not ‘again.’ ‘Make the United Nations great.’” D. Trump
    One year ago…
    Kissinger Says Trump Must Define US Role In New International Order
    With the international order in place since World War II breaking down, the new president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, must set a course for America in the world, particularly in its relations with China, Europe and Russia, Henry A. Kissinger told participants in the closing session of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting being held in Davos, Switzerland.
    “President Trump will have to find a definition of the American role that answers the concern in many parts of the world that America is giving up its indispensable leadership role and define what and where America can lead, where it must contribute, and in that process help in the creation of an international order,” said Kissinger, who served as US Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977 and is Chairman of Kissinger Associates in the US.

  17. AGW Kills.
    “Global SST data confirms cooling is on the way.”
    “The latest hadsst3 data shows global sst temperatures are now below the pre El Nino trend.”
    “I see that reality is beginning to intrude upon the dangerous global warming team. They say ” it is plausible, if not likely, that the next 10 years of global temperature change will leave an impression of a ‘global warming hiatus’.”
    Climate is controlled by natural cycles. Earth is just past the 2003+/- peak of a millennial cycle and the current cooling trend will likely continue until the next Little Ice Age minimum at about 2650.”

  18. I notice that Bombardier actually won their trade action against Boeing. Good thing they sold half their company to AirBus for $ 1.00. Hopefully that was $ 1.00 U.S., not Can.
    I suspect there are many avenues for appeal, so one shouldn’t get their hopes up.
    By the way, I just flew on a Bombardier CRJ 705 from Whitehorse to Vancouver this morning. As I told the flight attendant when I got off the plane, I hoped that my toes wouldn’t sting too much after they warmed up in the terminal. I was looking for some snow to rub on them to keep them from thawing out too quickly, just like we did at the outdoor rinks when I played D division hockey in Nutana many years ago.
    Maybe Airbus has some base board heaters they can ship to Montreal to solve this apparent design issue.
