The Tolerant Left

Always and everywhere a pleasure to behold:

Ms Korn, the student who objects to academic freedom (for others, that is), lists her interests as “socialism, being angry about gender” and “occupying things.” She also tells us that “dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” Though again, that’s her dissent, not yours. And so she asks the question, “Why should we put up with research that counters our goals?” You see, finding things out must be entirely subordinate to certain, rather fashionable political assumptions. Which is to say, her assumptions. It’s exactly the quality one hopes for in a modern intellectual.

26 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. Another case of some vaccuous, neurotic elitist idler seeking fulfillment/empowerment through the militant cultism of political correctness.
    – Here is a great read from a guy who has worked with these PC zombies and has nailed their control freak cultism to the cross –
    “One aspect of liberalism with which I am now very familiar is political correctness. I didn’t understand it at the time, not until I stepped outside the cultism of it and looked in from a wiser place. It always bothered me, but I couldn’t quite grasp why until later. Then, it hit me like a revelation. Political correctness was not a political ideology. No, it was a religion, a full-fledged spiritual con, a New Age ghetto of frothing mishmash that is sociological voodoo. And the leftists were eating it up like steak night at an all-you-can-eat buffet.
    These people were rationally retarded. Every idea they proposed they merely parroted from books and articles they had read. They were like malfunctioning automatons trapped in a cycle of discontented social criticism. Their desperation to invent meaning in the midst of their irrelevant lives made me feel ill. If they could not find a legitimate cause to champion, they would create one out of thin air and defend it relentlessly, regardless of how shallow it truly was >>>>>>
    >>>> There are indeed real problems in the world, swirling in a storm of obvious factual conflicts. But the warriors of the PC culture don’t see any of it. Rather, they fantasize about injustices that don’t exist, trespasses that are ultimately fictional. They imagine themselves champions of some greater purpose that, in the end, doesn’t matter.>>>
    >>> What truly motivates these people? Why do they do what they do? I think my experience with leftists makes me a well-positioned observer of the psychology of the culture. Here are the hidden thought processes I have witnessed while dealing directly with the PC army. – -”
    Read the rest here it’s worth the effort-

  2. What does it say about a species as successful as our own that it would spawn a kind intent on destroying the very basis of our success? What does it say about the rest of us that we have allowed that kind to take over all our most important institutions?

  3. the changing face of our religious believing. The “old” institutionalized religion no longer carries the weight it did once, so now the weak of mind replace it with “social” nonsensical beliefs. Humans a first and foremost emotional reactionaries, and secondly “religious” believers. Which pushes “login” into the back benches of the human condition. But this will all pass as our “leaders” find a new belief system to control ppl (money) with.

  4. “……academic freedom once meant protection from politics; now it means protection for (others)politics……..”

  5. Dissent is patriotic. Unless, as I do, I dissent from President Obama’s vision of America. In which case, I am just struggling to cope with the fact that there is a black man in the White House, because racism.
    As usual, if you disagree with them there is something wrong with you, if they disagree with you, there is something wrong with you.

  6. This should scare the hell out of every right thinking person in the land. Harvard University is considered the greatest place of learning on earth. It produces our economic, cultural and political elite. It produced someone like Ms Korn. She got those attitudes from that institution. Every other death cult political movement of the 20th century started on the streets, or as some sort of counter culture. Societies were strong enough to survive them because the base culture was strong. If the death cult political movement comes from our elite institutions, rather than despite them the mass graves will end up even bigger than in the past.

  7. The ruling class has always been bat shit crazy.. Their own customs and language to differentiate themselves from the unwashed masses.. After WW2 the middle class drowned them out, but they were still there..
    Today with the decline of the middle class their voice can once again be heard.. The choice is clear.. Elite or peasant..
    If given the choice I wouldn’t give a second thought to some shit that doesn’t matter anyway as long as my foot gets in the door.. There is no plan B.. Either you impose or get imposed upon.. So really there is no choice..
    Maybe I will feel for you after I have padded my nest.. But then again most likely not because there is always room for a few more twigs..
    Nothing new under the sun and remember slavery is always passed off as progress.. False anger in support of a leftist agenda is a attempt to control the public dialogue.. Make work for the imposed upon..
    Our elite (rich) use academia to blow smoke over their own misdeeds.. Who has time to examine what our rulers have done when your stuck in the liberal spiders web.. Good little socialist soldiers get good little socialist jobs..
    The prison camp, the pearly gates.. What side are you on?

  8. Let me see; cut and paste an article about a culture, which uses articles written by the inculcalated as their cultural source. Afraid I am having some difficulty in absorbing this one Occam. Cheers;

  9. Your comment is bang on.
    “It produces our economic, cultural and political elite.” That’s been the problem for a very long time.

  10. You do all realize that it’s all over but the shouting?
    The left has win this round, and our “Conservative” government is on their side.

  11. “Why should we put up with research that counters our goals?”
    I’ll take “because you have no choice” for £200, Alex…

  12. “Why should we put up with research that counters our goals?” Because as John Wayne said, “Life’s tough and it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.”
    Anvils make lousy parachutes. No amount of wishing otherwise is going to change that fact. Get over it.

  13. How come you’re not blaming the “Joooos” again?
    This is what happens when you give stupid people too much power. This broad would have been entirely in place during the Cultural Revolution and would ultimately be a victim of it. The self-loathing, self-blame, the stunted intellectual and emotional capacity- it’s all there. There is nothing “just” about stifling intellectual or civil freedom, as well one knows from past dictatorships. That she is not challenged and driven out as she deserves to be shows that either people are too scared or too stupid (perhaps both) to give her and others like her the boot.

  14. In the real world Ms Korn would have to get a real job and would not have time to sit around and come up with this type of stupidity.
    What should scare the hell out of you is she is what passes for educated these days.

  15. “Why should we put up with research that counters our goals?”
    Yes the GESTAPO, where you have to provide proof that your political ducks are all lined up before you get your degree.. Called on the carpet to explain yourself..
    Keep in mind in order for them to be relevant there has to be a problem in the first place..
    That role goes to you.. So the moment you enter that big building full of assholes you know you are done like dinner..
    Anything less would make them look like the useless fools they are..
    Really western Colleges and Universities should be subjected to the law of the land.. Allowing them set up and run political ghettos in the name of academic freedom is a very serious problem.. It has pulled them so far off topic that its beyond reform..
    Regulating themselves has turned into Theater Arts, where due process isnt on the script..

  16. That’s too bad Sr. eft a link to the full article and encouraged you to read t all not just what I cut and pasted – article’s relevance to the subject under discusson on this thread, is fairly obvious.

  17. The only known cure for infestation of the civic infrastructure by fools and bandits, is cut the funding.
    If we starve the beast, our current kleptocracy, these kind of parasites wither away.
    The silent majority, still exists.
    They are ignored because they are silent.
    But when forced to be silent through political correctness, by human rights tribunals and a compliant media, anger grows.
    Currently my kind of work is taxed, levied, fee’d and permitted to the tune of 100% mark-up.
    So if I accept only cash, cut out the government theft, the customers cost is halved.
    Yet here in Canada every fourth person is a drain on public treasure, the likes of this credentialed dingbat are draining out more wealth than 5 of me pay in.
    Yet if I stop funding such idiocy, I am treated as a criminal.
    Slavery is alive and resurgent.
    Every excess breeds reaction, the parasitic classes are in for a rough ride.
    Could not happen to nicer people.
    Korn, about as corny as a pseudo intellectual can be.

  18. Maybe you should extract your cranium from your blowhole. The J ews are disproportionally represented in the extreme lefty field. During the “cold war” Israel and Italy had strong communist parties, and we still see the tendency for far left leaning in both of those demographics. As one of my co-workers, a J ew, once said, “90% of J ews are liberals”, he was wrong, about 30% are socialists/communists, and maybe 60% liberals, leaving about 10% centrist/conservative. Ppl in here love to paint all muslims with the same brush but can’t except the fact that one of their favorite demographics “push” the very socialist policies they don’t like. You have to identify your “enemy” before you can fight them. Now as to Korn, I’v not bothered to see whether she’s J ewish or not, that is OK by you I hope.

  19. She can’t be in favour of justice if she opposes capitalism, because capitalism is based on the principles of justice.

  20. So, again, it boils down to the “Jooos”, does it?
    What’s it like being a bitter, paranoid old fool who can’t make a simple comment on the hijacking of intellectual discourse without referencing (and quite wrongly too) “Joooos” et al?
