Pleasing Your Enemies Does Not Turn Them Into Friends

Well, finally.

Royal Dutch Shell PLC is suing in federal court more than a dozen environmental organizations that are likely to challenge its plans for drilling Alaska’s Arctic Ocean this summer, an unprecedented preemptive move aimed at avoiding potentially costly delays.

18 Replies to “Pleasing Your Enemies Does Not Turn Them Into Friends”

  1. It would be cheaper & faster is Shell just put out a contract on the leaders of the Envir Terrorists.. A stiff fat Albert would send a message

  2. I think Dutch Shell is on to something. It is about time someone turned the tables on these paid radical activists.

  3. Resources Defense Council. What a stupid name. Who are they defending the resources for?
    The best part of this artical is the lonely comment at the bottom. Sandras really does not like us oil people.

  4. Ford@12:56:

    “Who are they defending the resources for?”

    Wrong question. Minerals are people too, ya know.

  5. Good to see that Penn State’s school of law is on the ball with an opinion that Shell has little chance of success because the process for appeal is laid out. Perhaps the point of the case is to get the anti’s to take action within the time frames and in accordance with that process?! It certainly allows Shell to claim the high ground when the anti’s bring their actions in the process and out of it. Why wouldn’t the legal scholar discuss that? Maybe he is spending his time making sure that FOI’s are not properly responded to, investigations are derailed and football coaches are pilloried.

  6. The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) is a component of the University of East Anglia and is one of the leading institutions concerned with the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change.
    Initial sponsors included British Petroleum, the Nuffield Foundation and Royal Dutch Shell.
    Who’d a thunk the monster you created would have turned on you, eh Dr. Frankenstein?

  7. Day 1: Environmentalists accuse an oil company of being Hitler
    Day 1000: After years of bending over backwards, pledging safeguards against everything including asteroids and zombies, making donations to save cuddly animals a continent away from their operations, the greens and the oil company shake hands in a gala press conference. A new era of cooperation that will balance conservation of nature with economic growth.
    Day 1001: Environmentalists accuse the oil company of being Hitler.
    You’re only as good as your last greenmail pay-off.

  8. Finally, indeed! The harassers of legitimate business – both in and out of government – would think twice, if corporations routinely countersued malicious ” plaintiffs “.
    Their should be a lot more of this undertaken, along with changes in law so that frivolous litigants lost their shirts when they embark on obstruction of legal enterprise.

  9. Finally, indeed! The harassers of legitimate business – both in and out of government – would think twice, if corporations routinely countersued malicious ” plaintiffs “.
    Their should be a lot more of this undertaken, along with changes in law so that frivolous litigants lost their shirts when they embark on obstruction of legal enterprise.

  10. Good for Shell, but I’d be happier if they hired ninjas. I mean how can it be a big, bad, multinational oil company without assassins on the payroll?
    Did anyone else notice this when they followed the link?
    Poland – Fracking Found Not to Affect E….

  11. “Resources Defense Council. What a stupid name.”
    I agree,they should have called it the “Resources JUSTICE Council”, it’s VERY trendy these days.
    At the comments, many question the jobs that will be created,claim that after the pipeline is in,there will be NO jobs anymore.
    Apparently,the “pristine waters” currently produce 11,000 jobs that will all be destroyed by the pipelines and tankers.
    Do they just pluck these figures out of thin air?
    I have a hunch most of the comments at the link are part of a well-organized environmental campaign to stop the industry, and jobs be damned.

  12. And why indeed are the enviro groups, the big ones anyway, not declared entities hostile to the people and governments of the US and Canada?
    That is perhaps too radical. Better would be to require them to register as for-profit companies, force extensive regulatory compliances, and tax them til they squeek.

  13. Robert Kennedy Jr. is senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council. He’s stuck his nose in BC land use issues, especially on the side of native bands.
    VAN JONES is one of the current trustees (Occupy Wall Street and Obama’s former ‘green jobs czar.’)
    The Board of Trustees:

  14. If the Canadian Native Bands have aligned themselves with American Communist Groups organized by Obama’s “Van-Jones”.. Screw niceties charge them with Treason and arrest Van Jones..
    The BC Natives don’t have legitimate land Claims. It is time to stop the STUCK ON STUPID. Put these Aholes & thier Courts to sleep…

  15. Then there was the post from the goose-stepping gaia worshipping eco-creep right after the article. Something about oil companies wanting only to kill the planet. Which makes no sense as why would I want to make money if my goal is what the eco-creep claims.
    There is no hope for eco-creaps; these people have too much brain damage to be saved. We should just help them achieve their dream of population reduction and make them all take the black pill.
