15 Replies to “Memo to Canada’s Human Rights’ Masters”

  1. “Give me liberty or give me death” Maybe at one time in history but not so much anymore. Today freedom and liberty are bad words never to be referenced in the minds of the lunatic left.

  2. ‘Give me non-stop entertainment or give me sex.’
    …seems to sum up for me as to what motivates the average bovine joe in these end times.
    The Progressive Left…they understand this.
    The Right…not so much.

  3. Use of the word “Progressive” in politics and or public policy automatically transmutes itself in my mind to the more accurate word “Regressive”.

  4. St Paul wrote, “Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy–meditate on these things.”
    American leftists write, “What ever is base, whatever is immoral, whatever is ignoble, do these things.”

  5. From the website
    The purpose of education and the schools is to change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students.7
    ….a large part of what we call “good teaching” is the teacher’s ability to attain affective objectives through challenging the students’ fixed beliefs and getting them to discuss issues.8
    Matt’s last comment was especially threatening to the teacher. His statement, “God made us”, is an absolute truth. It can’t be modified to please the group. Therefore it doesn’t fit the consensus process — the main psycho-social strategy of the new national-international education system designed to mold world citizens.9 It demands that all children participate in group discussions and agree to:
    be open to new ideas
    share personal feelings
    set aside home-taught values that might offend the group
    compromise in order to seek common ground and please the group.
    respect all opinions, no matter how contrary to God’s guidelines
    never argue or violate someone’s comfort zone
    First tested in Soviet schools, this mind-changing process required students in the USSR, China and other Communist nations to “confess” their thoughts and feelings in their respective groups. Day after day, trained facilitator-teachers would guide these groups toward a pre-planned consensus. Opposite opinions or ideas — “thesis” and “antithesis” — were blended into ever-evolving higher “truths”.
    Each new truth or “synthesis” would ideally reflect a blend of each participant’s feelings and opinions. In reality, the students were manipulated into compromising their values and accepting the politically correct Soviet understanding of the issue discussed. Worse yet, the children learned to trade individual thinking for a collective mindset. Since the concluding consensus would probably change with the next dialogue, the process immunized them against faith in any unchanging truth or fact.
    This revolutionary training program was officially brought into our education system in 1985, when President Reagan and Soviet President Gorbachev signed the U.S. – U.S.S.R. Education Exchange Agreement. It put American technology into the hands of Communist strategists and, in return, gave us all the psycho-social strategies used in Communist nations to indoctrinate Soviet children with Communist ideology and to monitor compliance for the rest of their lives.

  6. Two things you’re always going to have in life, liars and people who just don’t give a crap.
    Free speech -includes- those people, you can’t say free speech is “broken” because people lie, or are disengaged from “The Conversation” as I keep seeing people say on the web.
    So the two biggest threats to MY personal freedom of speech are the government, way out in front by ten car lengths, followed by know-it-alls who think they are so smart they should be the ones who decide what I get to say and when.
    If nobody gets hurt its fair game IMHO, and in those cases where somebody -does- get hurt, rare though they may be, let the guy who actually got hurt be the one kicking people’s @sses eh? How many harm prevention nannies do we need in the world anyway?

  7. Ken
    when one does NOT question one’s own belief, they treat is as an absolute, and an absolute is beyond the comprhention of the human mine. Therefore, when you believe, you compromize your own intellect, such as it is!!!!

  8. S.E. Cupp is one hot conservative. As far as free speech goes, they all have valid points and about anything that would try and stifle the ability to express those views is the threat.
    I would also add personal responsibility or the lack there of, should be considered a threat. “Lets make the government regulate it” is the faulty basic attitude toward responsibility that is eroding freedoms and rights the most.

  9. @ Posted by: Texas-Canuck at February 19, 2012 7:30 PM
    “Lets make the government regulate it”
    Government at all levels now decides what’s good for us. Federal, Provincial, Municipal, Mayors, health boards, Workers Comp. boards and a endless list of unelected busybodies and activist groups now feel the power to regulate and impose their will. We are long past the point where regulations were requested my a majority of citizens. Seems as if any buerocrat with a whim can now impose regulations. We will obey. We are the sheeple.

  10. And I am suggesting that in the long run the mind-changing process will not work here either. People will ultimately break free to think and speak as free men and women.
