Hashtag Of The Entitlement Generation

This is what happens when you have a generation that got trophies for losing.”
6:05 Saturday Update: As conservative bloggers fly home, Denver police are currently evicting the Occupy Denver camp. Update 2: The anti-capitalist revolution meets the Man right now via livestream (More on Twitter). Prepare to sit through some commercials. The irony, it burns.
Occupy Fail: From the live chat feed at Global Revolution:

vicky9: FLASH MOB DENVER MAYOR’S FB PAGE! https://www.facebook.com/5280mayor?sk=wall

14 Replies to “Hashtag Of The Entitlement Generation”

  1. “This is a generation of special snowflakes, of kids instilled with self-esteem instead of a drive to achieve.”
    Kurt Schlicter nails it right on the head with this one priceless statement.

  2. And they are unfortunatley perfectly fertile ground for a charismatic personality that plays to that vanity.
    They are predisposed to “work in co-operative teams” They take their identity from group acheivement more than individual acheivement. And for all their consensus, consensus is used to smother minority individual dissenting opinion.
    Scarey….we need to take back the education system.

  3. This is one of the best things I’ve read about the Occupy nimrods in a long time. I’m convinced this is precisely the way 90%+ of the population feels, including some “progressive” friends of mine I’ve spoken with.
    What an indictment of the MSM that no such column would ever appear in their periodicals.

  4. And added was the fact that their vaccous “teachers” have absolutely no idea that self-esteem is derived DIRECTLY from achievement and success,or even just trying,not having had to do it themselves. Fawck I hate unionista/marxist leeches.

  5. The analysis could be irrelevant. We didn’t have ribbons for just participation when I was 21 but we had more hippies back then.
    Maybe the real reason for the entitlement generation is just that we’ve had three generations now stressing entitlement. The ribbons for participation are a symptom rather than a cause.
    Anyway, the idea that Wall Street and big banks promote greed — somewhat of a no-brainer — the question is, what’s worse, communism or capitalism. I never saw anyone paddle a boat through rough seas to escape capitalism to get to communism, so I guess the answer is, communism is worse (still). But they do give out ribbons to winner there if you prefer that.

  6. And these children want power and change by mob rule, all the while, only caring about THEIR rights, being more important than anyone else.
    MORONS and entitled JERKS.
    Back to Rotten Ronnies with them, get a job.

  7. One of the commenters on Breitbart, had an interesting view : “The videos of the event were delicious, delicious politi-porn.” by vivlibomuori.
    The occupants are engaging in political pornography, sounds appropriate.

  8. Kurt Schlichter, my new hero. Right after James Delingpole. Schlichter’s bio is as interesting a read as his article. “He is an occasional public speaker, yet often shouts his insights at random passersby for free.” Love it.

  9. Speaking of conservative bloggers…
    …what’s the tea party been up to lately?
    The last MSM article on a march I can find was from September 27th; since then it’s all op-ed fluff.
    Is there nothing happening, or is the blackout this total?
    If the tea party has a pulse, then the blogosphere must provide coverage. The MSM will not help.
    The Occupy movement has said they don’t need or care about us.
    We should take them at their word.

  10. Re: “This is a generation of special snowflakes, of kids instilled with self-esteem instead of a drive to achieve.”
    The real point is that these kids haven’t got real self-esteem. What they have is narcissism and phony bravado from having been given most of their points in life just for showing up.
    Self-esteem comes from achieving things, not from being protected from ever having to accomplish something in case you can’t do it.
    There’s nothing wrong with self-esteem. There’s a lot wrong when it’s counterfeit. Beware of confusing the two.
