Blog Notes

We’ve just wrapped up three days of showing in Monroe, Michigan. Fly managed to walk in a straight line with head up long enough to take two majors, including 5 points at the Michigan Miniature Schnauzer Club specialty show on Friday. That leaves him just three points short of his title. They weren’t the only wins of the weekend, but definitely the most appreciated!
My net access here has been poor, and I have only a few minutes in the evening to check mail, etc. Thanks again to everyone who’s been keeping the place going during my absence. I should be back in just over a week’s time, but I’ll try to check in from time to time.

11 Replies to “Blog Notes”

  1. Congratulations, and I hope your trip continues to go well 🙂 On an unrelated note, I just saw something that might be best presented under the heading of “Obama: Stopping the Oceans’ Rise One Thirty-car Motorcade At A Time”; it seems that some of the O’s relatives were in DC to check out the sights, so what did the Teleprompter That Walks Like A Man do? Of course, he took them on a personal guided tour of the sights of Washington, complete with all of the necessary vehicles, security, surveillance, yadda, yadda, yadda that accompanies Him. The only good thing about this is that this time, he can’t claim he didn’t know anything about it, the way he did with the Air Force One flyovers in NY.

  2. Kate, you have probably answered this question before but I am curious if there is prize money for these things. Sounds like an expensive hobby.
