Wuhan Flu

Place your trust in science: The current CDC nucleic acid test kits for SARS-CoV-2 generate 30% false-positive and 20% false-negative results in the best state public health laboratory, Dr. Sin Hang Lee reported in a peer-reviewed article published in the International Journal of Geriatrics and Rehabilitation, an online journal based in Japan

Lots more at the link.

5 Replies to “Wuhan Flu”

  1. So the tests are unreliable, the deaths reported as COVID are inflated, and the media reports 98% positive while the hospital said 9.8%. The universe is unfolding as it should. Oh, and masks are useless to boot, and the Liberals are thinking about taxing the gains in your house price. And WE is apparently as crooked, if not more so, than the Liberal party (federal, provincial, take your pick)!

    1. we will have to kill those who want to kill us. Courage to do that, nope, not in Canada.

  2. I thought I never see the day where your odds of survival are better in a third world shi*thole country cause they don’t have the countless always wrong experts and bureaucrat who are more interested in growing their agencies to gain more power over us.
