39 Replies to “Who Had “Smithsonian” In Your Institutional Suicide Dead Pool?”

  1. Gee, who could have seen this ultra-far left institution with a history of hiding discoveries that were incompatible with the pseudo-scientism of evolution do something like this?

    Btw, it shares its symbol with that of the Luciferian Roman Catholic military order of the Society of Jesus, aka the Jesuits.

    Surely just a coincidence.

  2. The partntue exhibit leavers out: why almost ALL the world’s non-white people demand the right to move to, live with, and work under this “white-centric” system. So much so that it is considered uniquely evil to attempt to discourage them from doing so, and from preserving and pursuing their non-white lifestyle in the countries in which white-ism is literally nowhere in sight.

    1. Oh, oh, oh! I know why! It’s because whites have been “stealing” all the worlds “limited” resources … and forcing POC to live with global,warming! Right? It’s economic and environmental “justice” … for POC to come grab their stack of $$$ … and then SHUT DOWN all fossil fuel industries. “Justice”!! … Right? Ugggggh.

      My children were taught this … from the 4th grade until their senior year of college. They were taught to self hate.

    2. Yes. We need to demand that the non-European descended stop culturally appropriation of in-home electricity and the internal combustion motor. And refrigeration. And goods shipped from afar on rails or by jet-engine powered air transport. And any goods resulting from the development of the cotton jinny. And motorized looms. And the list goes on.

      If they agree to live with our culture (and leave all the I-am-defined-by-my-race crap behind) then they can stay and thrive along with us. But if they ever start bleating about reparations or fairness then they’re showing that they’re not part of the culture that produced all of the above (and have to leave or live per their cultural achievements). It’s one thing to be proud of where you came from. It’s another to try to use it as a stick to beat others with.

  3. What other culture on the planet is as welcoming to immigrants and not only tolerates their differences but embraces them?

      1. Almen to that, Ed.
        How has it come to be generally accepted that we must welcome and encourage their culture while they reject and vilify ours? I have never, will never buy in to that shit.

        1. DLM, we have all bought into that shit, it was a forced sale, you nor I nor any sane Canadian ever had a choice. I lie, we did have a choice but it involved extreme physical violence against our enemies and our fathers were the last generation to have those balls. You do understand that eventually you will have to hit back or die and maybe both.

          1. OWD, “Our fathers were the last generation to have those balls”

            Hey OWD, in my younger days I was a merchant seaman, I remember an old and wise Bosun, that used to say, ” In days of old, we had ships of wood, and men of steel, now, it’s the other way around”.

    1. What other culture on the planet is as welcoming to immigrants and not only tolerates their differences but embraces them?

      Not just embraces them, but alters itself to accommodate them and make them feel as if they never left the old country. Failure to comply results in criminal charges against the citizens in question.

  4. The Smithsonian Institute’s name must be changed ASAP. James Smithson was a white European. The illegitimate son if a duke, he was the embodiment of white priviledge. By definition, doesn’t that make him a racist?

  5. The “best” part of the museum’s official statement was the infographic explaining all the things that are white: punctuality, delayed gratification, working for a living…

    I was surprised they didn’t say “impulse control” while they were at it.

    It sounded like the comments section at the UNZ review…

    1. KS – A corollary of this “Whiteness” or “White Privilege” theory is that all non-white races and society are lazy, mentally slow, adulterers unfaithful, undisciplined, unscientific, etc. which is pretty racist if you ask me. If science is a form “of oppressive “whiteness”” then by default the laws of nature must be too as science defines them and allows us to “master” them. Gravity would logically be a form of oppressive whiteness and must be suppressed, overruled, outlawed. Gravity is keeping Marxists from reaching their full potential. God bless Gravity.

      1. Let me add … that this all started with the notion of “Ebonics”. Urban blacks simply spoke a different (non-white) dialect, and shouldn’t be forced to learn the white mans dialect … said the woke intelligentsia. Ax instead of ask … had to be accepted by elementary school teachers. If you DARE to correct the black child … you’d lose your job. The rejection of everything “white” … started with the acceptance of Ebonics.

        We need to STOP being passive in response to such idiocy. The culture War is going poorly for the civilized world. Time to push back.

  6. I don’t think aggressively encouraging white people to see themselves as a beleaguered monolithic cultural bloc is going to work out the way they think.

  7. Yet another example of progressives using their influence through government-funded entries to push their own political agenda.

    Disgusting stuff – fight it on every front.

  8. Dang! I had “burn it down”, I didn’t think they would fold like a cheap suit!

    Missed it by that much…

  9. The end result of all this stupidity and evil is detailed in the Book of Revelation. We are working very hard to destroy that which made us a free and moral people.

  10. Pretty much everything government touches turns to shit. This anti-white racist Smithsonian pavilion is not unlike the discharge from the Canada Council.

    1. I’m old enough to remember when the name Smithsonian signified that the institution was an intellectual centre of the world, where one could go to look, learn, and marvel.

      I guess I can scratch that place off my bucket list now.

  11. The infographic is a problem. These are not “white” values. These are values practiced in most successful societies. No one stops non-whites from embracing the same values– personal responsibility, paying attention to time, raising kids in traditional family units, etc. Those that do embrace these values are frequently also successful. The Smithsonian needs to explain which of the values is problematical and why. Also, if you get rid of these values, whose values will you replace them with? I don’t think they thought this through.

  12. The crazy bit,is these race baiters cannot conceive that they are the Racists,they decry.

    The old wives tales,which no children are read anymore,tell of the Queen who asked two courtiers a question each and set them forth to search her realm for an answer.
    Courtier 1 “Is my realm full of thorns?”
    Courier 2 “Is my realm full of roses”?
    Each return with the same answer”Yes you majesty your realm is full of..1 Thorns.2 Roses”.
    Now some of these Witch-hunters, Exposers of Racism,may even be sincere.
    But if they are,they are Batshit crazy/incurably stupid.
    What is this “Whiteness” of which they speak?
    I was born pink and remain “In the Pink”.
    If this is all a stranger sees of me and on this they base their interaction,I have no time for such fools.
    This is as insane as the sexual identity morons,I don’t care,never will.
    If you cannot make up your own mind,I have neither patience nor respect for your “reasoning” abilities..
    Get away from me.
    I do not trust fools nor bandits.

    And when so called academics hurl their stupidity and evil at the people who feed them?
    Let them starve,for they serve no useful function.

    I really do wonder,what do these people see when they look in the mirror?
    Is this like David’s thing,where the feminists and sexual deviants all post picture or cartoons depicting themselves as slim and beautiful,when reality is more along the lines of “I don’t look good naked anymore”.

    We live in interesting times.
    Where adults seem to fear aging above all.

  13. “in the wake of the horrific police killing of George Floyd,”

    editorialize verb
    1. to express an opinion
    2. to introduce opinion into the reporting of facts

    Editorialize, much, PJMedia? How about straight news.

    Which one of these, is not like the others?
    “police involved death”
    “police murder of”
    “police killing of”
    “unjustified slaying of”
    “lynching of”
    “justified police killing of”
    “suicide by cop”
    “police were coincidentally in the area when he happened to die”

  14. So calling blacks lazy illogical dependent bastards is the height of wokeness, is it?

  15. We need to let Whites be White, Blacks to be Black , Indians to be Indian, Muslims to be Muslim… Trying to get them homogenized into the Marxist Tent won’t Work….The different Cultures all have past Hang Nails……The BLM whites who see themselves as the Marxist Plantation “Cracker” that just Know what Blacks think, or should think…. will go to far.. and bing…..The end result will not be pretty & will come suddenly.

    BTW: We could also let the Scots be Scottish , but they can’t sell all the Ugly sheep to Iran (Virgins) and the Irish be Irish as long as the flow of Whiskey keeps them from ruling the World (re-training the brain dead)

  16. Nuclear family, science and Christianity can only be deemed oppressive by worthless subhumans.

  17. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if all of our cultural institutions were done away with. They were infiltrated and infected by the left so long ago that they aren’t even shadows of their former selves. Any desire I have to save them or any respect I still have for them is based on fond memories of what I remember them being as a child and later young adult.

    I have stepped into a few of them in recent years and realize that, any more, they are not the special places they once were. They no longer present a window into our past but rather a white washed version of it or one that is so distorted and disingenuous that it does represent anything but an appeasement to some perpetually disgruntled minority or group.

    So why not shut them down keep the art and the artifacts for a later time when these people have come to their senses or we Canadians can get them out of our country for good .

  18. I take it all the Executive positions at the Smithsonian are held by Black people, and all the janitorial services are white?

    If not why NOT?

    All white people at the Smithsonian are to quit their privileged positions post haste and make room for Black people, regardless of education, skill-sets, or experience.

  19. For what this is worth, and sorry for the typo I have health problems , barely slept last night

    I have been subscribing to the Smithsonian news letter for a couple years

    I filled their surveys and posted comments and told them they should tone down the anti white stuff
    as it is ruining great articles

    for example in heir article on the history of macaroni and cheese, which was interesting ( not kidding )
    they ( artificially ) included a paragraph that accuses whites of having stolen the idea of mac & cheese from black people

    I told them that Black people stole pots and pans and electricity from whites

    They have been deleting all my comments ever since

    Almost every article they post, no matter the topic, includes a paragraph that either tells you how awful whites are or how great blacks are, it is VERY racist.

    In fact we live in one of the most racist ages ever, except this time whites are the ones being hated and persecuted.

    Hating whites is now institutionalized; yes I mean approved and supported and encouraged by our own governments and education system.

    Anti white racism is also financed with our hard earned taxes.

    I am not kidding, this is the most racist age ever.

    Never before in the history of mankind have nations spent BILLIONS of dollars making sure a race was treated like a second or third rates citizens

    If you take a look at how much money large companies such as Ford, Coca cola, Nike etc are spending on encouraging hatred of whites, and how much money our government are spending, you have to admit that never before has so much money been spent on destroying a race

    this time its the white race

    My comment is already too long, but I could provide evidence that all this is real but my comment would be 75 pages long.

  20. Sorry for posting again,

    about 15 years ago I found a blog ( can t remember the name, then months later it disapeared…) where the guy was explaining with documented evidence,
    what he called ” black run America”

    back then I had no idea it was that bad, but after I read the super long article that contained dozens of links proving that it was true large companies and governments were spending BILLIONS on making whites second or third rate citizens, I was stunned.

    No need to be a white supremacist or a KKK member to see that this is real, all one needs is to open their eyes and do a few minutes of research.

    But that is not all, this sick modern society wants us to celebrate our demise!

    and white liberals are doing exactly that, celebrating it and beating up anyone who disagreees with them.

    Who knows where this will end, but civil war is the most likely scenario.

    when your own government takes money from your pocket to persecute you, eventually enough people will have had enough,
    eventually the pressure will make the cooker explode.

    Leftism is now anti white racism.

    this will not end well. how could it end well?

  21. It’s not about race, it never has been – it is about the rich and elite distracting, dividing and conquering the poor to control us.

    Poor people of all nationalities are indentured slaves to the rich through low wages, credit, education, incarceration, legislation or real chains. If you believe it is all actually about race and focus on the poor hating each other then they have achieved their goals.
