62 Replies to “June 30, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. If the last song was applied to Dear Leader, we’d likely have a blank page, won’t we?

      1. Or … a brain like the weather …”foggy today!”

        He’s pulling off a “Just Watch Me” like you know who.
        Anyone else would go to prison for the rest of his life– the stunts and theft. This latest one is B-I-G.

        1. And he can do it because anybody who could seriously damage his reputation and his position has been bought off: the media, the courts, and even the RCMP.

          And don’t count on the church to speak out against him. The clergy is infested with progressives and communists.

          This is his version of the Salmon Arm salute. “Just try and stop me,” he boasts and most voters, zonked out of their gourds with legal dope and bribed with their own money, willingly let him.

          Go Wexit! Go Rupertsland!

          Mathematically, his brain would be an empty set.

          1. Go Wexit! Go Rupertsland!

            Botanically, his brain would be a “Little Potato.”

    1. Covid is going to increase because of a “global lack of solidarity” Why does everything from the UN sound like they want global control over everyone and everything? Maybe it’s just me.

      1. I see Toronto is going to make masks mandatory as of July 7th if the council votes to approve the measure. The stupid is still expanding and will destroy us all.

        1. OWG…

          Yup, been seeing this utter Bullshit being pushed by the State Propaganda Ministry and all their lackeys, as well as some corporate assholes too.

          The wearing of masks has, in my opinion, SFA to do with protecting anyone…and seemingly everything to do with the wearing of a “STAR of David” on ones left lapel or side.

          Mandatory (ChiComm), VACCINES are waiting “on deck”

          1. Yep, they all ready have one and they will shoot me for my refusal or just prevent me from any future travel. Having the balls and ability to shoot back is reserved for Americans. We will have to kill our oppressors face to face, hand to hand and we are out gunned. In my case too f-ing old. I still will not take the Chinese vaccine. These bastards created that which everyone is cowering from. It is amazing how psychology has fucked Canadians brains. I never thought that the people I grew up with could be a dumb as they are. I see it daily on line an also face to face. Sure is a good thing that I have outlived most of my friends. Yes, and many post here.

    2. Keep the populace in check with fear and bogies. Now, if they can keep the paranoia going until November 4th.

  1. L-A straight forward medical explanation of the research and role of Vitamin D3 in supporting normal immune response to respiratory virus infections. For which there is no cure but our own immune system.

    We would expect public health officials to have done a presentation like this but have not seen one so far. Why ? After all it is equally applicable for the common cold, influenza and SARS viral infections.


    1. Liu had packages mailed to herself for pick-up in Pembina, ND by “Julie Chen” so she’s a Big Brother TV show fan.
      Could she have been any more obvious?

    2. I wonder what type of chemical weapon it was and whether it was disposed of properly. Wonder if the package contained Covid-19?

    3. Eff -n god damn chinks. She should be executed (or forced to live with turd-face or shithead or whatever his name is.)

    1. When employers I worked for started laundering the toilet paper, I knew we were in financial trouble….. (sarcasm = off)

    1. The ‘Flu already is a yearly pandemic. File this story under “OH NO! We are all going to die!”

  2. This morning, I realized that Canada was the Karen of countries – obnoxious, entitled, and more than a little stupid. Take a bow, Canadians, you win the arrogance of stupidity sweepstakes.

    1. Tanker you are correct.
      It takes a terrifying level of stupid,to be as arrogant as we Canadians are.
      Knowledge,learnt skills and successful human interactions all bring us to humility.

      Hunters all know,God/The Gods are not found in wooden pews and fancy words.
      Dawn of a clear frosty day,shows you how insignificant man and our works are to nature.

      Though Arrogance is often a mask worn to cover the emptiness and fear that the useless and clueless feel,when forced to share the room with competence.

      Most dangerous words in Can Ahh Duh;”How’s your work”.?

    2. Under the government that is being led by the penultimate totem of pretentiousness

      1. But he is not worthy to calculate the parameters of the ultimate totem of prententiousness

  3. If we are the Karen of countries, we can thank our public education system.
    To me it looks like if the US, Canada and/or the UK falls, we will be the first free societies to create and subsidize a system of indoctrination that flips its own children into marxists who hate freedom.
    In Canada it is our public schools, universities, and CBC who do the marxist brainwashing. The welfare system and other government handouts maintain it. Weak politicians who refuse to bring law and order encourage it.


  4. A column in the Ottawa Citizen today arguing in favour of breaking up the country, calling it “Defund Canada”.

    “Canadians have been struggling since Confederation to make this sprawling, under-populated country work, but there still seems to be more that divides than unites us. Perhaps it’s time to ask if Canada was ever a viable idea. Is splitting the country up the best solution to our problems?”


    1. We all know the federal government is nothing but a money laundering and payola scheme, mostly to the benefit of K-bec.
      If it disappeared tomorrow everywhere except Ottawa and K-bec would be far richer and wouldn’t even notice. (I don’t count the Maritimes because I don’t consider leeches.)
      And I live in Ottawa as well, MJ.

      1. The other areas that would lose out in the break-up of Canada: 1) the three territories (perennial deep money pits); and 2) The 620 or so First Nations, particularly those in the Maritimes, the territories and Quebec.

        1. If the west becomes independent, Indians should become a provincial responsibility and treaties interpreted as written should be the complete relationship. We might take Yukon and the NWT. The NWT has oil and gas if they decide to get off their useless asses or else they can starve. Nunavut has absolutely no redeeming features and Ontario or China can have it. It should be a capital offense to waste money subsidizing useless humanity in the territories.

          1. scar

            Indians are wards of the federal government. They signed treaties with the government that gives them certain status. Reservations technically are federal property. Indians will no more agree to cede their properties or rights to a new country than will Poles to Russian or the Dutch to France.

            Wexit is dead in the water proceeding with ideas like these. There are 7 grand chiefs in Alberta representing over 40 tribes and close to 150 reservations. If you could get them (grand chiefs) all in a room at the same time, you couldn’t get them to agree what day of the week it is.

            Likewise the Yukon, Nunavut and the NWT are wards of the federal government. Probably 90% of employment in the north is derived from Ottawa. They are as dependent as fishworld is on the feds – likely more so.

          2. abtrapper Read Treaty 6 and Treaty 8 – Indians were given $5 per year plus the right to hunt on land not used for any other purpose. All other rights are made up by judges or Indian imaginations. If the west becomes independent let Canada keep the territories and charge a big tax on petroleum products heading north to cover the cost of any future environmental damage.

          3. If the West became independent, then the racist Indian Act would no longer apply and the “Indians” would have to accept normal status and get a job like the rest of you in the West.

    2. Ottawa MJ –

      It has always been my opinion that Canada is more a notion than a nation…

  5. July 1st will officially be Canada’s 153rd birthday. But if we use Trudeau’s math, it’s only our 103rd. Similarly, our country includes all the provinces and territories as listed by the same Trudeau, except for Alberta, which he somehow ‘forgot’ to include. So with a salute to the Turd’s intellect and erudition, might I suggest a more appropriate greeting for the day: ‘Happy C_nada Day’. Happy Dominion Day, everyone!

  6. Blackie’s media reports that with Canada Day tomorrow, whiny indians are asking for multiple days to honour them.

  7. The Islamic Caliphate of Alberta must be so proud. The “woke” National Post reports that the province has chosen Canada’s first muslim Lt. Governor. Praise Allah!

      1. I worked with a Salim Lakhani, nice chap. Was a muslim but not of the normal sort; he belonged to some sect like the Aga Khan, you know, Dear Leader’s friend.

    1. Lucky Regina. It won’t have the indignity of dealing with Air Canada, the airline that isn’t happy until you’re unhappy.

  8. But for sure the 14 year olds should vote. So will they let you live if you can still produce enough ? And here I thought I had freedom 85 nailed! Ihttps://www.macleans.ca/society/should-older-people-lose-the-right-to-vote/?fbclid=IwAR1qCZJ2A40UT7fx4iTYexe2ijVjKBUouR4MPJginpT5kvrXX7cQsbUUmHM

    1. It’s a Liberal Party idea, it’s in Maclean’s. The Liberals have noticed that the older you are, the less stupid you are and therefore less likely to vote Liberal.

  9. Post Millennial report that six Christian statues in Ontario were beheaded.

  10. Kate published a link yesterday to an article that appeared briefly at the Forbes magazine website but was then quickly purged in response to the mob. The article was entitled: “On behalf of the environmentalists, I apologize for the climate scare”. You can still read it here:


    John Robson at the National Post has just published an article about how the furious climate alarmists forced Forbes to delete the article:


  11. Blackie’s Globe and Mail reports that the federal government is working with whiny indian groups to rename the icebreaker “Cornwallis”.
