Selling Canada’s Soul For That UN Seat

A letter sent to all member countries showcased Canada’s support for UNRWA.

It is beyond bizarre that Blanchard would proudly state that Canada stood by UNRWA while the agency was under investigation.

While former commissioner Pierre Krähenbühl was found not to have committed the fraud he was accused of, a 2019 UN investigation found that he and other top managers, “have engaged in sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation, discrimination and other abuses of authority.”

The vote is Wednesday. More here.

34 Replies to “Selling Canada’s Soul For That UN Seat”

  1. This is bigger than a UN seat as Trudeau and Butt’s entire frame of reference for the structure of government is the UN.

    The former Canada is currently operating as a captive UN territory under Trudeau and Butts.

    Trudeau has surrendered our border sovereignty to the UN and converted Canada to an open borders UN state.

    He has said that he sees the former Canada as a post-national state.

    He and Butts are using Canadian parliament only to as an opportunity to increase spending and hurtling towards our new socialist UN framework, with their coalition partner Jagmeet Singh.

    He and Butts have increased spending to the WHO and the UN, despite their corrupt and hateful agenda.

    Canadians who are voting for Trudeau and Butts are voting for a UN-led government, this is just the next logical step.

    1. I agree but the Americans, thankfully, won’t allow PM Weirdo II and the Traitorous Corrupt Liberals to go that far.

      1. Oh yes they will. And especially if Sleepy Joe gets the presidency, he’ll help them.

  2. “have engaged in sexual misconduct, nepotism, retaliation, discrimination and other abuses of authority.

    Add fraud, money laundering, racism & Black-Face to all of the above and it pretty much sums up everything Trudeau tolerates and engages in.

  3. Trudeau and the Liberal tribe are bent on getting that UN seat and anything is on the table to do it.
    Pray very hard he does not succeed, it has no value beyond getting a one up on Harper. The less we have to do with
    that band of despots and dictators the better.

  4. Canada wants another Chance to screw UP the ME… It was Pearson & Judge Rand (Rand-Union formula) who the UN assigned to settle the Israel /Palestine land dispute….They were a pair of Piss-ants who caved to England’s demand that an Agreement MUST be reached…Palestine just refused to Negotiate… and Judge Rand ruled that ALL the Land be awarded to Israel…which was rejected twice by the UN…..England & Canada are responsible for ME wars.. Keep the brain dead SPUD in Canada!

    1. Well consider it this way, how can he mess that up any more than it already is? That being said, let’s hope it doesn’t happen.

  5. One of the obstacles to Canada’s getting a seat at the UN is the fact that the PM is a rich white guy, and the deputy PM is descended from a line of white supremacists.

    /sarc off

    I think…………

  6. I’ve said this before, the worst case scenario for us is if we don’t get the seat.

    He’ll spend another 2 years making us all much better people and pouring our great grandchildren’s money into deeply corrupt nations and grovelling before China. All to briefly sit on the useless security council in the most corrupt organization of them all.

    I’d hate to be in Harper’s shoes when we don’t get the seat, boy he is going to catch some serious blame (6 years later).

  7. I’m sort of torn on this.
    On the one hand failing at this would be seen as a major fail to those liberals that are looking for some kind of achievement to justify supporting him. The down side is that he won’t accept losing with grace and there will be retribution toward conservatives.
    On the other hand, if successful he will learn very quickly that his only purpose for being handed the seat is to do the bidding of those that stage managed the selection (aka “sit down shut up do what we tell you to do”) he will be made an example of what kind of wore he is.
    That being said, I don’t doubt that the release of Meng hasn’t been offered, my guess is though that the Chicoms have made it clear that she has to be released prior to Wednesday and no promise was given they would reciprocate.

      1. They get a vote and all the votes they control.
        The sock monkey believes that by making these bribes he will win the seat.
        What he does not grasp is that the bribes are meaningless because all the recipients know that they can do nothing and the money will still flow. Some of them (like China) consider the bribes to be tribute already owed.
        They figured him out long ago.

  8. Maybe we should sell Turd Jr’s soul. Sorry forgot it doesn’t have one. How about a package deal the liberal party all in an air-tight box suitable for long term storage. Free shipping as long as it is out of the Americas.

  9. You say tactic like they have other ones besides vote buying?

    Have you ever wondered why liberals are always eager to legalize prostitution?

  10. I am a short-foreskin Swede. My question for my co-coreligionists is: “Why do you vote OVERWHELMINGLY for the Liberal party which has CLEARLY and RECENTLY shown, in writing, that they are antisemitic, anti-Israel, and by extension, anti the only truly democratic country in the mental-east. They also have strictly enforced human rights laws. Instead of killing them, unless they become murderously troublesome, Israel treats its muslim citizens, and even allow muslim homosexuals to enjoy unquestioned protection from the police! Israel does not allow people to throw homosexuals off roofs. Otherwise sane people know that Israel is the ONLY country in the mental-east where they could leave their kids in a time of crisis and know their abandoned children would be safe, well-fed and well-educated. This is a shondeh.

    1. So, should we point out to BLM that Mohammed was a slaver, and Islam still is?.. Or are they all buddies whose main enemies are us?.. Worth a try?

  11. I would vote for the whole of the UN to be removed from the face of this planet! Preferably when JT & Butts, were inside the building on a visit choosing the upholstery for the seat he craves! The original idea for the UN was laudable, but long ago it devolved into a corrupt, fraudulent , money grubbing worthless POS, that is a blight of pus on the whole planet! The whole concept has been hijacked by Dictators, Thugs, and enemies of democracy and decency! Why any individual quietly tolerates their country being a member of this evil of freedom hating organization is beyond sanity and comprehension!

    There, I think I have mildly stated my opposition to the UN and all it’s spawn!

  12. The majority of Chinadians are as sick and twisted as PM Weirdo II.
    Its can be depressing at times.

    1. “…The majority of Chinadians are as sick and twisted as PM Weirdo II.”

      And as shallow and stupid, too.

      It’s as if the Brothers Grimm or Hans Christian Andersen had penned a script and we are dragged along and forced to participate as a captured (as opposed to captive) audience:

      Once upon a time there was a country where most people were fools and just about everyone, including those who were not fools, were cowards. And the day came when the people had to choose a king. And the fools found the most shallow, stupid and cowardly fool in the land and said, “You are just like us! We want you to be our King”

      And the people who were not fools, but who were cowards, went out and found a great, grinning coward and told him, “You are just like us! We want you to be our King”

      But since a country can only have one king, they had to have a show of hands to decide. And on the appointed day there were far more people who raised their hands for shallowness, stupidity, and cowardice, than just plain cowardice. So the fool was crowned as King turdo la doo (which is how the French say turdo the second, because the fool’s father had previously been appointed as a shallow, stupid, and cowardly king).

      And turdo la doo did not disappoint. He he squatted, he squished and the odd time he squirmed, but as long as he squandered the cowardly, stupid and shallow fools adored him.

      And in the second semester of his reign a seat became available in a large exclusive outhouse where the world’s greatest despotic dickheads went to plop and plot and plunder. And turdo la doo, fool that he was, aspired to sit amongst them.

      So his quest became “My Kingdom for a toilet seat!!”. And he knelt and govelled before the great scum of the earth, but there was no embarrassment among the great masses because he showered them with money and promises. And even though they had just sold their children and grandchildren into servitude it didn’t matter because they were stupid or uncaring.

      Be nice if it was just a fairy tale, eh?

  13. Anybody consider the possibility that the Lieberals never actually wanted or expected the (worthless/impotent) UN Security Council seat? That the $$$billions they’ve been throwing away wasn’t to buy votes, just old fashioned money laundering, bribery? Sort of like Adscam, where the stated goal was unifying Canada and convincing Quebec to not separate but was just Lieberals enriching themselves and their friends. All this money they’re throwing away in Africa could buy a lot of industrial contracts for somebody like, maybe…SNC Lavelin? Or maybe not even Canadian companies. Maybe some Chinese mining company or Huawei?
    Even if they don’t get the UNSC seat, that kind of money could buy all kinds of other UN positions. Maybe Tam gets a WHO promotion. Maybe another judge on the international court. Maybe Butts or one of his minions gets something “Green”.
    Why does anybody believe the Lieberals stated goal?

  14. I cannot figure out how Canada benefits from getting this seat. It is not a win if there is little or no value in it.

    1. Ah, but there is a win. Our Dear Leader’s self esteem will be raised because he’ll think he now gets to play with the big kiddies. He’ll figure that every noise he makes will have worldwide importance.

    2. The UN is a cigar club for muslim and African despots.

      For the rest of us, it’s virtue signaling to pay them off every year.

      We are the stupid, who are you?

  15. Well, I am going to try to enter Canada tomorrow to do some essential work. I maintain uninterruptible power supplies for server farms and other critical infrastructure.
    I will let you know if I am successful.
