39 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. If Andy had an “R” behind his name the 750k that his wife got for her “state senate campaign” would be a bribe. But he doesn’t so it’s not.

  2. The leaders of the FBI publicly involved themselves in this fiasco. Now they maintain they didn’t know and want to shift responsibility down the pecking order. McCabe , Comey , and others are at best incompetent yellow belly sap suckers . Hopefully when they start to blame others some will realize their loyalty is misplaced and will begin to give the evidence of this conspiracy . They are not and never were leaders.

  3. Remember Watergate? Woodward and Bernstein(Wapo reporters) played a lead role in turning the public against President Nixon.
    Woodward and Bernstein got the dirt accusing Nixon from a secret source code named Deep Throat.
    Turned out Deep Throat was FBI Associate-Director(number 2 post) Mark Felt. Things never change.

    1. Woodward was the Reporter… Bernstein was not a reporter, but the WaPo assigned him because he was the Communist that feed the other communists in the media……. Same guy on CNN with same role…

    2. According to Roger Stone, Watergate was set up to frame Nixon who was hinting about spilling the beans re the Kennedy Assasination. I believe Roger Stone. He knows a lot. Another curious detail is that Phillip Graham (owner of WAPO before Katherine Graham) committed suicide under very curious circumstances. He was close to many politicians and at a conference started to mouth off. He was yanked off the stage and locked away. When he was released, he immediately “committed suicide.” He and Katherine were somewhat estranged at that point. I believe Phillip was part of the Deep State and may have gotten cold feet when he committed suicide in August 2963. Definitely more to know there.

      1. lindaL, Nixon like Kennedy was going to change some rules, effecting business, and the business people did not like that, and yes Nixon was also digging into the Kennedy thing. Ford who was on the the Warren commission was put in place as VP so he could pardon Nixon and avoid a trial, which would have exposed the whole thing for what it was. Looking on the internet brings up a whole lot of BS, most of which has been debunked years ago. I just read an entry that claimed JFK was a Marxist leaning president, what a load of bunk that is. All these years and the deep state is still keeping up the lies

    3. My original point wasn’t about Nixon or who was or wasn’t a journalist with Watergate, it was that top echelons of the FBI were involved in an attempt to frame a Republican President and impeach him.
      Additionally, the author of the Watergate impeachment documents was a female lawyer by the name of Hillary Rodham.
      Same characters, same long con, same MO.

  4. When you promote an incompetent piss-ant, you double down on stupid piss-ant.. and the stupid are easily lead by Communist activist’s… Purging the FBI & CIA, NSA of ALL Communists MAY result in better performance..

    The number of Democrat Ex-Prosecutors that believe that an accused must prove their Innocence makes the Rule of Law a farce.. How many innocent citizens have been convicted by these bastards?…..


  5. Comey’s recent back-pedaling leads me to believe that some lower level officials are going to be thrown under the bus. That, in turn, will make them more apt to turn evidence against the higher ups like Comey and McCabe. I predict some convenient ‘suicides’ in the coming weeks and months.

  6. Boy talk about Google tilting the scales…I tried loading the page in Chrome and it suggested the video was an “unsafe script” and blocked it.

    Fired up browser Opera and no problem.

    Evidently Google believe Andy McCabe is ‘unsafe for viewers’.

    Well for CNN that would normally be true; as they do truly run as the FakeNewsNetwork (FNN).

    I await the day when all these lower level FBI clods rat out their superiors all the way to the Obama-Nation™; via the ensuing supeonas, and contempt of court convictions for suppressing “nothing but the whole truth”.


    Hans Rupprecht – Commander in Chief
    Army Group “True North”
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army

  7. All the “lower level” drones should have blown the whistle before they got thrown under the bus.

    Too bad Harper didn’t have Trump stones to clean up canaduh when he had the chance.

    1. Johnboy, once you realize that he who said that a bank can automatically tack 10% of any and all savings they hold for you, if they are over stressed, and they need not ask you, you are not dealing with a conservative

  8. As Mandy Rice-Davies (of the Profumo era in UK) said

    “You’d expect theym to say that, wouldn’t you”

  9. Wolf is not investigating this, at all.

    This is just a ploy to let McCabe explain away the issue under the illusion of being “shocked and horrified”.

    It didn’t work, Wolf. Nice try.

    1. they are working as hard as they can to flip it……calling it mistakes…when it fraud

      second time the federal government has been caught rigging the election for the democrats

  10. Yup, they “were shocked and horrified” folks. Uh huh.
    “serious mistakes” while they effed up people’s lives.
    BTW…Wray isn’t fixing Jack Sh*t. He’s one of them.

    1. Wray is from the SDNY..The corrupt arm of the Democrats…. Comey, Mueller, Lorretta Lynch Etc… Etc

      What do you expect! Trump has some horrible advisers….same one’s that knee capped the AG.. Forrest Gump

    2. Trump should fire Wray and appoint a hard nosed vocal Republican from outside the FBI. The budgets of the FBI, CIA, and NSA should be cut in half because they seem to spend half their time on non criminal issues.

  11. If that does not produce a whole slew of vengeful underlings,then there are no honest men left in the organization.
    McCabe reminds me of safety meeting,where it turns out that accidents caused by company insanity are always the fault of the killed or injured.

    “Lowest level”.
    Seems the power structure is inverted as the lowest of the low are the upper management.

    1. Yeah Andy’s full of shit. The higher ups develop the plans and implement and supervise the processes and procedures, etc. He’s also a nutless coward.

  12. I’m shocked, Shocked to find out GAMBLING is going on here! Your winnings Sir. Oh thanks you very much.

    Except the eyes on these two tell a tale of a different kind of shock and horror.

    These guys are so full of _ _ _ _. Who could have watched them months ago that would now swallow what they are petaling today? Don’t know but something feels different. Could be the frightened rabbit looks. Anyone seen Chief Justice Roberts lately?

  13. They lie without conscience. Everybody knows McCabe, Comey and others lied through their teeth through FISA process.
    Was McCabe too busy exonerating and venerating himself to notice FISC ordering FBI to explain themselves publicly?
    They lie without concern for consequences against them or those they hurt. That is what must change, by courts and voters.
    They’ve done it for so long to so many that they may be forgiven for thinking they can get away with it, claiming virtuousness?
    I suspect that game is coming to an end. The Dem resistance impeachment is turning into a voter resistance uprising.
    I hope, especially with the Senate in oversight punishing seditious Dems, the plug in the swamp may finally be being pulled.

  14. Mistakes?
    No shit Sherlock.
    The AG guy gave them a way out by saying “unintentional”.
    It was 100% intentional, the guy in front of Trey Gowdy said they were going to stop Trump what ever it would take.
    End of story.

  15. This guy could take Ron MacLean’s place. Doesn’t have the guts or honesty to respond with “I”. Shocked and horrified my arse.

    What a *&^%$#g weasel.

  16. When the impeachment fiasco passes in January, 2020, there will be months of news hours to fill with something.
    They may have to reach back to crimes committed, instead of focusing their energies on what another 4 years of tax breaks, job gains, stock market highs, will all look like to the electorate.

    Hope that Hillary is a candidate by then.

    Perhaps the Brennan trial will be in the news? Perhaps Brennan will “sing” …

  17. That piece of shit fisa judges letter was a cover my ass letter. If she didn’t know what the dossier was 2 years ago her IQ is lower than UnMe’s and he doesn’t have one.
    I don’t ever expect to see it but all of these cretins need to face serious charges. From Obungles down.

  18. McCabe is rolling his bus back and forth, back and forth, back and forth over those low level somebodies who did something. In fact, I predict we will find that these somebodies who did something … aren’t even employed by the FBI. They are sure to be “contract employees” … “temporary staff” … borrowed from the State Dept. who were “unfamiliar” with the “rigorous” FBI standards for FISA applications. It will be revealed that the FBI were sooooo overworked and overburdened by ALL the shocking Trump allegations that they had to hire temporary employees to do their dirty work, err file FISA warrants on Trump Associates.

    The Deep State are the smartest people in the room. They can’t be touched, and now they know it. They’ve dispensed with Trump today, and now they will focus their attention on Trump’s voters. I look forward to 11 months of doors broken down, IRS audits, and charges filed. How DARE 63M Americans vote for Trump. Beware the bus parked out front of your house.

  19. Breaking: first fake impeachment article approved by House for non-existent crime for non-existent law.

    Let the games begin; actually the war.

    Crush impeachment in Senate, then investigate, investigate, investigate Dems in House who will be too busy trying to frame Trump again to actually send them legislation.

    Then investigate Obama admin for obvious political bias, and demand explanation for his outgoing executive orders which gave 17 agencies, from 3 to leak, er view raw intelligence.

    They’ve lit another fire under Donald. Dems, so accustomed they are to RINOs turtling on their smears and lies, don’t see it coming and once again underestimating Trump.

    I understand Dems are wearing black today without understanding it’s their funeral.

  20. With all the BS floating around these days, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that blatant and pathetically impossible. Like an amateurish script read by grade Z actors.

  21. That was delicious. The lowest level did it! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

    Umm…Andy. The crooked lawyer was hand-picked for Team Mueller. You can’t make this up, because no one would believe it.

  22. Dems have their Yamamoto moment, uniting the GOP by metaphorically attacking Pearl Harbor, putting a bead on themselves.

    “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

    Nobody listened to him either. How did that go? About the same for this fusion of DeMarxism and kleptocracy dinosaurs.

  23. McCabe’s _apologia_ to Blitzer sounded like something taken directly out of Captain Renault’s dialogue in _Casablanca_, expressing shock that gambling was taking place in Rick’s _Café Américain_.
