17 Replies to “A Comprehensive Dissection of the Shiny Pony”

    1. So then … if Obama had a son, he’d look like Trayvon Trudeau?

      Low hanging fruit. Low hanging … like the salami Justin shoved into his panties.

  1. The Grits. We’re back. C’mon it was years ago, beside, look what “resurfaced,” meaningless gay marriage comments by Scheer.

    Apparently moral superiors everywhere, having never met an individualist, are having a political embolism over it.

    There can be no peace in ON with Andrew Scheer, who eschews gay pride parades, so no nothing remotely like a policy debate and deference to the upcoming CPC march on Manitoba West and Grit firewall at her border with Ontario.

    I’m sure this latest news must be a telling with those finger waggers – besides being an RC, Scheer is a TARGET SHOOTER.

    And he actually spoke with Faith Goldy about it, you know the one Justin is quite sure he never had drinks with.

    Do Ontarians actually realize the secessionist time bomb they’re presently arming? Are they brainwashed besides oblivious?

    If they hand power back over to the Laurentian mafia, to drain the west plus sanctimony, gay pride lovers can count on a headache.

    BTW, I have never gone to a gay pride parade; parts of them are quite vulgar imho. Oops out loud voice; can I still vote?


  2. I don’t think the Turd is racists. He must though live up the standards to which he has held others – he must resign. His behaviour would be hypocritical and highly shameful otherwise. He must go ….

  3. I don’t believe Trudeau is a racist except maybe anti white. (typical of white rich liberals) but I do think he has more than a few screws loose. The constant need to be in costume the silly crusades the half baked excuses. I do suspect he is a sexual libertine (again common in white rich liberals) but I don’t know if he enjoys kiddies or kiddie porn. The only thing I am confident in is that he and his wife are not sexually exclusive. They are sophisticated you know.

  4. Another ‘really long’ and IMHO important posting; Hope You will agree SDA Founder And Crew.
    Imagine going into the— Real — great white north. Please all of the politicized – politico – political ___ Race Hustlers; – ‘white’ – in scientific terms to this Person born in 1940 is the ‘absence of colour’.

    Unfortunately the Racsist Theme promoted by well known ___American __ __Race Hustlers* & Democrat Party politicos* has now moved into the Canadian Federal Election scheduled for October 21, 2019.

    The incredibly Vacuous Prime Minister of Canada and the similarly Person without Ethical principles Senior political AdvisorGerald Butts are in the middle of explaining away the attention*<* getting 'Stunts for Personal Recognition" Justin Trudeau called black or brown or yellow? or red skin tones; but interestingly never attached to the __ Struggle to be Tanned __ Celebrity Types who constantly decry anyone they can to gain Publicity.

    Celebrity types are [ & Listen 4 it ] film actors & music stars with a pinkish skin tone — with or without freckles of melanin **<** Wikipedia Clip-out

    (**<**In humans, melanin is the primary determinant of skin color. It is also found in hair, the pigmented tissue underlying the iris of the eye, and the stria vascularis of the inner ear. In the brain, tissues with melanin include the medulla and pigment-bearing neurons within areas of the brainstem, such as the locus coeruleus and the substantia nigra. It also occurs in the zona reticularis of the adrenal gland.[4]
    The melanin in the skin is produced by melanocytes, which are found in the basal layer of the epidermis. Although, in general, human beings possess a similar concentration of melanocytes in their skin, the melanocytes in some individuals and ethnic groups produce variable amounts of melanin.}

    Anyways__ back to the —Canadian Federal Government Election— the BFF Trudeau & Butts __ Canadians are not sure if -Butts is still resigned -OR -employed by a New York City promotion group __ ***<*** located somewhere near the U.S.A. TIME magazine __ is still finding ways for Self -Interest things __ Way above a Normal Politico Parasite Pay Scale ___ & Canadians now understand Butts is still Trudeau"s (Brain trust?) and Campaign Manager.

    Regardless: the American Democrat Party Race Hustling effort to hide much more than a Century Long Bias against American Citizens "with a drop of African Ancestry blood line" are still trying to 'hustle' away The Bias & Brutality of the Democrat Party's history — including misuse of the 1960's Civil Rights Act by the documented racism of Democrat President L.B.J. exploiting the assissination of J.F.K. ___ is now very much – in play – in Canada's Federal Election.

    WHY? You might say; because the duality of a recognized personage and a slippery unprincipled BFF created the biggest Mistake the Liberal Party of Canada brokerage poiltics has ever experienced. These Two actually revealed the long standing __ Collusion & Corruption between Canada's federal government Top Level Bureaucracy___ The Privy Council ___ to the semi-Sovereign Ordinary Average Canadian Citizen.

    Books are being written about the scurrilous Effort of the BFF duo's perfidy– some of them will be Standard Liberal Party Fluff from the Captured Central Canada Media & publishing – Bought -Off by Canadian Tax-Payer Funding — BUT one Book has been written by a — never to be bought — Jounalist & Publisher which documents __ "Sopranos" ___ the decades long corruption of the Liberal Party of Canada. ___ It is at the Top or Second from Top of Amazon.ca Readers Purchasing List. ***< *** also available for email download for $ 7:50 Cdn $ plus TAX somewhere around Six Bucks U$ dropped into your email file.

    Find out the truth about the American Race Hustling BFF move into Canada's 2019 Federal Government as a last ditch attempt to bring Europes "old world money " & the "One-World Bureaucracy" into North America. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT for all North American Country(s) ___America ___ Canada __ Mexico : become informed it is YOUR Kids who will suffer such a consequence happening.

  5. I think that the worst element in Canadian politics is not Trudeau, the entitled, dull, arrogant, hypocritical, spoiled Spawn of Satan and puppet of Gaia-Obergruppenführer Butts, but a corrupted media that keeps all rational thought well removed from their zealously guarded mission of furthering leftist authoritarian statism while attacking, slandering, or censoring all opposition. Their being shamed into any coverage of the “black-face” Spawn after the international media saturation coverage and then only a begrudging pretense is proof of the above. Their actions and mission have managed to degrade and dumb-down the political process to where the best case is a fatally compromised, seat warming, slower rate of suicide, alternative to accelerated state-induced and enforced cultural and economic decline.

    Stephan knows what ails the deranged dominion much better than most Canadians.

  6. The huge point of this or other material from JT’s past being held over his head to blackmail a national leader can’t be ignored. Looking at how utterly weird and wacky the Liberals have handled the business of running the country one definitely wonders if our PM really has been someone else’s sock puppet for the last 4 years. One more thing to investigate if Scheer’s able to pull off the victory.

    1. Agreed. Tying up pipelines in endless red tape and litigation is clearly in no Canadian’s best interest. The money not realized could have funded all schools, hospitals, and lifted up all first nations people.

      So who is the government of Canada serving? It’s not Canadians. Wake up sheeple!

    2. I am surprised by your question. He most definitely is a puppet of the globalists. All of the Liberal signature policies come directly from the UN, which hopes to get everyone under their sustainable development agenda by 2030. Trudeau and Butts are their boys on the ground. Canada is the first post national state. We no longer have a Department of Foreign Affairs, focused on Canadian interests internationally. We have a Department of Global Affairs that looks after global interests first- Canadian concerns second. The UN Migration Pact which a number of countries refused to sign is a good example of how things now work. Trudeau may even be too stupid to know he is being used.

  7. It is strange how a number of people here and in the media, qualify all their statements about this with the patronizing phrase…..I don’t think he is racist. I lived through this right here is Saskatoon, having been called a n……. and spat on when I played hockey. I was darker then than now, although the reality is I am 25% black.

    I’m not going to preach to any of you. My father had a great take on it when I was young, He would say to consider the source. This means the people saying and doing these racist things were not smart enough to say anything else.

    Back to Trudeau….wearing blackface is by definition racist….so Trudeau is a racist……no excuses about youthful indiscretions or I should have known better. He must own this…he hasn’t, and we all let him off the hook, time and time again. Grope someone…no problem…blackface…repeatedly……..and hands all over the woman in the photo….no problem……

    To paraphrase Christie Blachford and Gad Saad……this isn’t acceptable under any circumstances…..but he will be re-elected.

    No that is sad (Saad)

    1. There is no question that Turdo will be in demand as a Blackface performer for Klan Parties… It is Mocking behavior for the enjoyment of the cheering racist’s in the Audience.. Those that enjoy & encouraged Turdo are the hard core Racists.. Who was in attendance when Turdo did his favorite performance’s.. all socialists of like mind.

      1. Thanks Slap shot….well said.

        We need only to look at his defenders…..very similar to the women and men who defended Bill Clinton after all his never ending sexual assaults……But look at all the good work he is doing…..

        Raymond M shared this from gellen in a previous post
        Worth a listen….



  8. This video should be required viewing before being allowed to vote . This would separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak .

  9. Only after the politicians have demonstrated their abiolity to control the weather wil lI even entertain their claims to be able to control the climate.
