Starving the petroleum industry of capital is, as usual, too boneheaded and environmentally counterproductive for words

What the capital-starvation strategy will do is make it more difficult for petroleum producers to produce, if they are located in jurisdictions with open markets. There will be two consequences to this.. First, there will be global shortages of petroleum since consumers keep consuming. The second consequence is that the capital will come from jurisdictions that are not being strangled by orchestrated enviro-campaigns. That is, production will go from Canada’s world-class standards to Russia’s non-existent ones. Or worse…


52 Replies to “Starving the petroleum industry of capital is, as usual, too boneheaded and environmentally counterproductive for words”

  1. The correct response to any jurisdiction that “starves” the petroleum industry of capital should be to shut OFF all petroleum products to those areas. Just to help them along with their virtue signalling. A good place to start would be say, New York City.

    1. They will do it to themselves. Starting with the poor and lower middle class who will not be able to afford the fuel surcharges added to every product and service as the cost of petroleum based fuels rises. No actions by the petroleum industry will be needed.

      However, what these twits don’t understand as they gleefully call for “harming” the Oil Industry … is that … Economics … are unaffected by their eco-virtue signaling fascism. Economics (modern human survival) will punish the hell out of their political power play. Their stupid plan will have the exact OPPOSITE effect. The Oil Companies will get richer, and the people will get poorer and poorer (see: Venezuela).

      It is beyond sophomoric that these FAKE global Warmist, eco-Fascist nincompoops don’t recognize the idiocy of their “plan”. But that is part and parcel of these people. They actually believe their fascist tactics will produce an intended result. Only Freedom and Liberty produces human progress and success. Fascism brings only death and destruction.

  2. Starving the petroleum industry means no more 21st Century toys. Do these morons really want that?

    1. Those morons haven’t thought this through. They may change their minds when the price of FOOD skyrockets.

        1. Just a tad high… If the price of peanut butter soars, my husband and I will be on the street. 🙂

          1. The people who have juice bars have seen a case of celery double. It seems the health nuts are making juice with it as a main ingredient. The benefits are enormous. I love the stuff, but I passed.

        2. Remember a stalk of celery has more nitrites than a hot dog, so you are doing yourself a favor in the eyes of the “ uncured “ hot dog/bacon/pastrami etc. morons by not buying the celery. You literally set yourself up for a ( short ) life of ill health if you consume it.

          Next thing, you’ll be confessing to other nutrition sins, like eating non-organic, or even “ GMO “ foodstuffs.

          1. So long as you aren’t blaming me for taking you on another wayward journey off topic … go ahead and chop celery … or chop broccoli … broccoli-o-lie …

          1. Hee, hee. You’re welcome.
            Hope your iPad screen recovered.

            Off topic:
            PS: Glad you saw my off topic reply the other day. I felt better afterwards. Never spoke about that here. Women would kill me. Thanks back to you Kenj. A prayer for those poor souls! Amen.

  3. “production will go from Canada’s world-class standards to Russia’s non-existent ones. Or worse …”

    Everyone not living in a cave the last 20 years knows that a) so called “environmentalists” don’t care (the movement is stuffed to the rafters with eco-hypocrites with gargantuan carbon footprints), and b) this isn’t about the environment.

    Even when the Democrats (you know, the ones who love the earth so much) held Congress and the White House, US oil output rose at a staggering rate with nary a peep from anyone (except perhaps Obama who bragged about it). Simply put, Canada is, or was, a global energy competitor that needed to be shut down. And if it can’t be shut down, land lock it. And it was easy, too. And cheap. Put a bumbling fop in front of the cameras and get him to read from a script that says “promise them legal weed”. Canadians fell for it, and were rewarded with a carbon tax to prove to the world again what dumb suckers they are.

    “Starving the petroleum industry of capital is, as usual, too boneheaded and environmentally counterproductive”. But *whose* petroleum industry? The US certainly hasn’t been deprived. Saudi Aramco, now the most profitable company in the world ($111B in 2018), isn’t starving for capital. But, financially, starving Canada of capital has been wildly productive. In 2016, Canada imported 759,000 barrels per day!!

    Many billions have been given to the developed world to “fight climate change” when they will do nothing of the sort. The Paris Accord grants permission for the largest emitters on the planet to keep right on going. Hearing people say “If we really care about the environment, instead of cap-and-trade we should think about doing this” and “if we really want to fight climate change, instead of a carbon tax we need to do that” is getting very very tiresome. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the environment; that’s a ruse, plain and simple.

    “activists … must have other motivations beyond CO2 emissions”. Bingo.

    1. It is not about pollution or Green House gas or GLOBULL warming. It is about GREEN COMMUNISM and wealth redistribution and the enrichment of all the parasites between the producers of wealth and the object of the redistribution the 3rd world. The 90 Trillion Dollars that the WESTERN PRODUCING NATIONS have agreed to pay into the UN BUREACRACY will never reach the 3rd world. But it will produce many many BILLIONAIRES who are part of the BUREACRACY. The PARASITE CLASS, Sorry for all the capitals. Canada is run by the UN and the UN NGO’s and you will be milked and you will pay. You have no stomach for revolt. You are a SLAVE MILCH COW SPEWING YOUR LIFEBLOOD to FEED THE LEVIATHAN. You are trapped in the sub Matrix called Canada. Line up at the Milking Machines. But if you want to take the other pill watch Behind the Green Mask on youtube. or read Carrol Quigley’s book the Anglo American Establishment. The Canadian Deep State has been in existence for years. They own you. The thought of voting your way out of the Matrix is a pipe dream.

  4. “Put a bumbling fop in front of the cameras and get him to read from a script that says ‘promise them legal weed’.” Yes, because a stoner nation can be led.

    1. As I said years ago a stoned and stupid populace will be easily led.

  5. Green house gas my ass.

    The real environmental challenge we face is pollution. I can take a sip of water from the south Sask river downstream of toon town and not die. Try even getting wet in rivers in China and India. India…….Trudopes vacay place.

    Google pollution in China, India and Russia.

    Climate change is minor if even a problem. Pollution is a human concern I can respect. And FFS I am not talking about straws.

  6. If the idiots get their wish and CO2 is somehow magically reduced we will all die from the effect of too little CO2 in the atmosphere. We need to up it to about 1000 ppm as opposed to the 400 ppm it is today.

    1. Exactly.

      We are at 400 ppm, plants are stressed at 250 ppm and carbon based life is screwed below 200 ppm. When the dinosaurs roamed we had levels of 1500-1900 ppm CO2. It’s not pollution as Climate Barbie states. It’s a trace gas critical to life as we know it on this planet.

      Ask a greenie “how low should we go”? They’ll kill all life if they get their way.

    2. Precisely.
      End of story.

      I’d argue with the imbeciles, of which the planet is completely overrun with, that if the SUN were to simply one day extinguish itself, their CO2 aught to keep us nice and warm for ….. HOW Long exactly.?

      We are being Massively BONED.

  7. It’s obvious that this is the result of the Russians funding groups full of useful idiots. The Rockefeller grandkids did indeed fall along way from the brain tree.

    1. It has gone way way way beyond Rockefeller money. There are a multitude of billionaires who see this as the next great scheme to increase their fortunes, the public be damned. See, Steyer, Soros, Buffet for a start.

      1. Earlier this year Buffet invested in Canada’s oil sands through Suncor.

        Oil companies with Canadian assets were heavily oversold. Much of the lack in investment comes from the fact that $50 billion in required expenditures over several years isn’t worth it if the oil is stuck in Northern Alberta and can only be shipped by rail.

  8. The United States and Canada are not following this funding problem.

    There is plenty of money in the USA to fund oil & gas development. There always will be because there is so much money to be made. It is almost a self-funding model. The groups that no longer invest have their own investment problem. What industry provides the same (or better) returns than the oil & gas industry?

    In Canada we have the opposite problem. Our oil is land-locked and the USA is our only major client. If we had an east or west pipeline the investment money would flow back into Alberta and Saskatchewan. The money is there. The opportunity is not. So the money goes elsewhere.

    If the Americans weren’t producing so much oil, Western Canada would be booming. With so much American oil, Canada needs other buyers. This won’t happen without a pipeline to either coast.

    1. And if that remains Static – Ab/Sask/Mb and hopefully NWT/Yukon would join us in a New Sovereign Country. The WE decide where our Oil goes and How.


    2. You have it Steve, the US have long had a plan, of leave it in the ground until we need it, it makes more sense to develop and use say Saudi Oil which can be had at production costs of less than 10 dollars a barrel.
      Alberta oil at one point was being produced at 8 bucks a barrel which was a big threat, even with the exchange rate. So the Bottle necking of pipelines was the priority.
      The oil business globally is Trillions per year. When the Americans find the return on investment in the tight oil plays is not there they will return to Canadian oil.
      It took years to fine tune and develop Alberta oil and it was not Canadian money that did that it was US money. Eastern Canada would not invest a dime. Alberta had to turn to the US for investment.
      But by the time the pendulum swings the brains and money and infrastructure will all be evaporated, just a skeleton will remain.
      Kenney has a good idea in the Energy Corridors, they will be needed when Alberta becomes its own Nation. With Energy Corridors, all environmental reviews and Indian Bands are paid off for the strip of land coast to coast for pipelines and power transmission etc. Then when you need to add a pipeline the approval has already been done, no fuss no muss.
      But that is a long term goal and they have dithered for years trying to buy off crooked Indians, and as fast as they buy off one group of Indians the Indians transform and another group emerges to be bought off.
      It is too late, now. Canada is going to be dismantled and that is what is before our eyes now. The total public debt including the operating deficit is 5=6 Trillion dollars, including all sub national debt, because under the BNA Ottawa has to assume the debts of all governments when it collapses, although they repudiated Alberta in the 1930’s and left Alberta to starve out.
      All this debt is being born by 15-18 million taxpayers for a population the size of California.
      It just can no longer work. As Alberta goes down the ROC is going to find out that the cupboards are bare. Ottawa will go broke and start squeezing the ROC. Alberta paid in 1 Trillion from a population of less than 4M people since 1961, Ottawa better find a new milk cow and eastern Canada better find a new Tit. Canada is gone, it will show up very fast as the coyotes move in on the carcass. When Kenney shuts the valves on Alberta Oil and gas, and the ROC has to start paying world price for oil and gas they are going to shit, because not only did Alberta sent 1 Trillion in tax monies but the ROC received Alberta Oil at bargain basement prices. Ontario gets 400,000 barrels a day from Alberta at discount prices to world oil price, so does Quebec BC and the ROC. Get ready to get hit hard. 3-4-5 bucks liter. The wheels just came off.

  9. And if that remains Static – Ab/Sask/Mb and hopefully NWT/Yukon would join us in a New Sovereign Country. Then WE decide where our Oil goes and How.


  10. The sabotaging of the Canadian energy industry is a national security issue more than any other that faces the nation. It is a deliberate effort to undermine Canada as a global energy player. Canada under Harper had a clear path to production heights of 5 – 6 million boe/day. Can anyone wonder why OPEC, Russia and the USA saw that as a geopolitical threat? A oil rich Canada brings another voice to the international stage which might not agree with or even challenge existing powers. A obvious threat to the USA and Russia is a wealthy Canada who could assert actual sovereignty in the Artic and craft a more independent foreign policy. The failing national industrial policy that diverted 100’s of billions of $’s to Ontario and Quebec over decades will never reach a global scale. Bombardier is a apt example of a massive misallocation of national effort.

    If Canada was a serious nation this threat would be an election issue of the first magnitude. Unfortunately, and not unexpectedly, it will not be an election issue. Any money coming into Canada to influence election results will be chocked off to environmental conservation players. To an extent this is true but IMHO (unproven) is more sinister foreign governments spending to influence Canadian election results. Forces outside of Canada openly brag about their spending defeating 27 CPC candidates in the 2015 election. Where is the ‘Mueller’ report on that one?

    As I said ‘if Canada was a serious nation’, I don’t consider it so. Canadian governments of all stripes and the Canadian people have not shown any effort to suggest otherwise. Canadians are more interested in social engineering and getting free stuff and services than defending the sovereignty of their nation.

    1. Saudi Arabia needs another large oil find to sustain their ongoing trek towards world domination of the Muslim Religion of peace of Islam.

      Canada will do them just fine…

      How many Mosques in Alberta and Saskatchewan are making their stake.

      1. Seven Mosques in Alberta and Saskatchewan

        Forty one in all of Canada as per Wikipedia

  11. The one commodity Canada and Alberta does not have is time. It is too Fffffing late. As Alberta goes down, so will the great welfare vote buying apparatus of Ottawa. Ha Ha Ha. Canada The Great Unwiped Ass.

  12. Let me tell you, how it will be.

    Theres 5 for you, 19 for me.

    It should be the only song you ever hear at any political gathering. EVER.

    1. That was … ONE … for you, 19 for me.

      Should five per cent appear too small?
      Be thankful I don’t take it all

      No shit.

  13. Berkshire Hathaway owns BSNF railway which ships a lot of oil. Buffet makes money on Suncor and BSNF.

  14. Overheard down at the clubhouse.

    World: “We need someone to cut Canada’s economic throat.”

    Canada: “We’ll do it!”

  15. A sign of the times in Canada and more to come. And, it is by design by our federal government and some provincial governments to destroy the energy resource industry in Canada. Trudeau is killing Canada.

    Trident Exploration declares bankruptcy.

    Private Calgary-based Trident abruptly stopped operations on Tuesday, posting a statement that said it had terminated 33 employees and 61 contractors and, with abandonment and reclamation obligations of about $329 million, didn’t expect any financial recovery for shareholders or unsecured creditors.

    It blamed its demise on low natural gas prices and high lease and property tax bills, along with capacity constraints on TransCanada Corp.’s NGTL gas pipeline system.

    TransCanada Removes ‘Canada’ From Name, Now ‘TC Energy’

    1. Interesting that you mention Trident.

      The potential environmental consequences of handing another 4700 wells back to the regulator and on to the orphan well association troubles me.

      I just can’t imagine any body being able to effectively handle the current load of wells to shut-in and remediate let alone thousands more. The liability is huge and I suspect unmanageable.

      The environmental cheque is in the mail.

  16. The politics of envy, resentment, and hatred, AKA socialism, has been marinating in Canada for generations with the Western Canadian Oil and Gas sectors being a major focus of that national pathology. The magic elixir for the left in recent years has been the marriage of the old left and the green hysteria industry. Despite it being Canada’s most natural and essential competitive advantage, the institutional left is fully invested in employing the mass hysteria of CAGW to single out Canada in a completely flaccid and futile effort in controlling climate and in the process commit future generations of Canadians to poverty and a degraded environment as the two go hand in hand.

    Whether or not the major actors are the US foundations backed by the deep state or strictly green theocracy in action, the Canadian political class currently in power federally and book-ended provincially is piously engaged in a war on prosperity, proud of their role in sacrificing Canada alone on the alter of green theology.

  17. Too many words.
    If we elect Gang Green to power.(And we did).
    You have to expect gangrene to spread.(Corrupt to the core)
    Liberalism is a progressive disease.
    In the same way rust destroys.

  18. “I’m sure all the activists aren’t stupid though, so they must have other motivations beyond CO2 emissions. Let your imagination run free; it probably won’t be far off.”

    Revenge. The extermination of the white race, including everybody who ever insisted on their controlling their impulses to rape and murder anybody who triggered them.

    Mass murder is not a side effect of globalism. Freeing a few privileged sadists to kill innocent people for the sheer dirty thrill of it is the whole point of globalism.

    What do I win?
