54 Replies to “SNC-Libranos”

  1. I think a few media types have mentioned Butts’ strange statement, but Kate is correct no one is pursuing it.

    Also no one is mentioning what info does the public prosecutor have on SNC corruption and/or on other parties criminal activities that she is not telling us? None of us can know. However, I think senior Liberals are very afraid that an SNC trial would lead to devastating revelations for the Liberals.

    1. Beverley McLachlin, was the 17th Chief Justice of Canada, the first woman to hold this position, and the longest serving Chief Justice of Canada in history. In her role as Chief Justice, she also served as a Deputy of the Governor General of Canada.

      Sept 7, 1943, Pincher Creek, Alberta, Canada
      Angus McLachlin (b. 1976)
      Alma mater:
      University of Alberta
      Elizabeth II
      Preceded by:
      Antonio Lamer
      Succeeded by:
      Richard Wagner

      1. She would go to a restaurant that someone very close to me use to work at. She acted “imperious”, there with her sycophants. Not a nice person. She probably invented the word deplorables.

        1. In an infamous interview a few years ago,Mclachlin stated words to the effect that the members of the SCC were so far above the average person they were almost god-like,and their decisions should never be questioned by mere mortals.

          McLachlin is the activist bitch that headed the SCC decision that anyone who set foot on Canadian soil was accorded the same rights as a Canadian citizen. Thus the flood of refugees across our Border can’t be stopped,and thus fake refugees have to be granted Charter rights and kept here on welfare for years,instead of just firing their a$$es back onto a plane and sending ’em the f*** home.

          BM probably did more harm to Canada than even Pierre Trudeau.

  2. Margaret Trudeau has been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder.

    My question: does Justin suffer from it too?


    It’s characterized by periods of depression and abnormally elevated mood. The individual feels abnormally energetic, happy, or irritable. (Sound like Justin?).

    Individuals often make poorly thought out decisions with little regard to the consequences. (Seems to be a good description of Justin?)

    I am not a doctor, but I will defer to the wisdom of crowds. 🙂

    1. OK, here’s the answer.

      He’s stupid, just plain stupid, Zoolander level stupid. Dumber’n a sack of hoe handles.

      He’s happy because he has no idea of the messes he’s in from time to time. He’s unhappy when he’s constipated. That’s it, that’s all, there is no there there.

        1. I would add that being brought up under imperious Pierre , T2 is an arrogant elitist , with as you point out .. no brains.

      1. I agree with Fred

        Justin is what french quebecers call ” un imbecile heureux”

        someone so dumb they are not even aware of the trouble they are in or aware of all the hurt they cause around them

    2. Justine;s Father crazy Peeair was under psychiatric care his whole life, from the time he was 7 years old until the day he died. Peeair out crazies Mags by a large degree. Justine is an imbecile, a clueless Meth-head.

    3. It is likely that bongo suffers mental problems. There is a high degree of inheritance involved with mental issues.

      It is also likely that he has engaged in drug abuse. A combination of the two factors are a nasty cocktail.

      His behaviour is a real indicator of his mental state.

    4. Joe,if ONE parent has bi-polar affective disorder,the chances of the children having it are 17%, greater if both parents have it. I don’t have a link, but looked this up when the news of Margaret’s affliction first came out. Margaret Trudeau has always had my sympathy, she was just an average young woman who was forced into an arranged marriage just like women in other cultures by the machinations of high and mighty Liberals.

      I have heard it on fairly reliable authority that the reason for the marriage was because Pierre’s swinging both ways had to be covered up permanently,and marriage was the best way to do it. Hell,it worked for Rock Hudson. Margaret didn’t deserve this,and no bloody wonder she suffered a mental breakdown,married to an ugly old creep she had no feelings for, who regularly left her to go bed men. Their is a rumor extant that Margaret’s breakdown was due to her catching Pierre in bed with a young member of his security detail.
      This,of course,could just be malicious gossip, but I’ve heard it from a couple of sources in both the security service and the RCMP, now deceased.

      Pierre MIGHT have been the epitome of maleness, but imho, the gossip is correct.

  3. Well of course.
    Kleptocracy looks just like this.
    When treason reigns,none dare call it treason.
    Ditto,the joke of our Just Us System, we all sense it is corrupt,yet proof is impossible to hold on to,when every member of that institution is in on the scam.
    Never mind the selective prosecutions,the careful running out the clock for the chosen ones,the refusal to even examine the actions of their own.
    Just enjoy the crushing costs of an institution designed to bankrupt any who challenge their natural born leaders.

    Of course the “Supremes” are in on the scam,it can’t operate without them.

  4. When Butts boy testified about his Dinner with Jody, he said she was meeting someone after him.. did not say who it was
    Kim %%%% or the “Mad Hatter” Beverly M……..I consider Beverly the crazy “Mad Hatter” who gave the Indians the Ancient Feudal “Allodial” obsolete right of Title… absent all regulations, or Government control… Insane… It was not until ~1890 that that type of title was considered Null & Void (ILLEGAL) Class Systems of the British & French used it to enrich their favorites…….In the USA only the Old Spanish Land Grants (Allodial) are still recognized…. You can buy and sell Allodial land Title, in 50 years all the Indians could be sold out & that land is free of Taxation & regulation for all time

    In Canada the “Mad Hatter” (Beverly) reinvented Allodial Title for Indian Land Claims

    Canadians don’t seem to understand that that SCOC ruling will be the end of Canada… Jody was pushing Indian Issues beyond the pale, her Rule of Law was the tribal BS lies & grievance… She deserved to be fired, but Turdo is dumb as a rusty hammer for allowing her to destroy Canadian Rule of Law….

    1. Allodial Title existed in Canada and exists in some places to this day. Although very rare. I have seen them in museum’s. Most of the original pioneer’s in Canada had this type of deed. The governments that came later got rid of them and instituted In Fee Simple deeds that allowed the Government to become a co owner in your property, meaning they could tax your property, and when you did not pay your taxes they could throw you off and resale the property. In other words you never owned the property you paid for, you do not own your property in Canada today. You only RENT it from the government. It is a Feudal form of Title brought into England with the Normans. Allodial Title is the old Anglo Saxon Title. The Magna Carta is the original example of an Indian Treaty and is still in force in Canada today. Any Province with it’s own Constitution can go back to this system if it so desires because the Provinces own the land by Right of Eminent Domain. The SCOC decision you are referring to far exceeded it’s grasp. The original Treaty’s restrained the Indians to certain limits, under Federal Jurisdiction. This was never challenged by weak Provincial Governments. The Federal Government had to legal right to expand on this allocation but got away with it because of very weak Premier’s who had very bad advice.

  5. Butts lied about the Campbell-Mulroney episode, as detailed at the end of the Blackrod piece, so he might very well have lied to Wilson-Raybould’s COS about the retired judge’s response being known (i.e. “It wouldn’t say that.”) However whether he lied or not, it’s still very bad. On one hand if he knew what the retired Supreme Court judge would say, then the fix was in. If he just simply lied about it to the COS, then that is also underhanded and manipulative, hardly the transparent feminist trope that the Liberals have been riding for three years.

    I can’t be rid of the Trudeau’s Liberals soon enough. I work in the oil patch and it is BAD out here: massive layoffs, massive loss of investment and confidence, a provincial NDP government propping up services and the public sector voting block through massively increasing debt spending, and a relatively vocal subset of innumerate ludites everywhere who seemingly enjoy the pain that we are feeling. After the 2015 election I was willing to give Trudeau a year or two to find his way, to prove himself, but the Liberals began failing the west very quickly (except BC, of course, which under Horgan is the Western bookend to the East’s commitment to vilify & isolate the intervening flatlands).

    I am not a separatist, but damn if I don’t see the potential in it. We would then be isolating BC from the ROC and could use internationally recognized precedents to get our oil to tidewater; if BC were to object, we could very simply shut down the highways and railways that are its lifeline to the ROC. Meh, it’s just a pipe dream, but Trudeau and his brand of sanctimonious self-aggrandizing illiberalism have already turned life and our future into a bit of a nightmare.

    1. The only way around the Crooked SCOC and the whole Ottawa Cabal is by using the UDI. It ends all treaty’s with Indians, it ends all Canadian Court interference and it ends all Ottawa Jurisdiction. It ends all Laws forced on the people of the Province by Ottawa. It means the people of the Province get to create their own Constitution with the rules they choose. Indians inside the Province would get 1 vote same as any other citizen. It is the People of the Province exercising their Right of Eminent Domain over their land. It is attainable by a 50% plus 1 vote This is why governments and their propagandists always talk against any form of UDI. Look at the complete mess created in the current Brexit fiasco. A bigger mess than a UDI. All the forces and scammers have had 3 years to subvert the will of the legal vote by UK citizens who voted in the majority to get out of the EU. It has shaken the oldest Parliament in the world to its very core with all the intrigues and back room deals. Trust the People go UDI.

  6. Maybe no one is asking about this because it might show possible SOC collusion in the sordid affair.

  7. The McLachlin Group
    How Canada’s first female Chief Justice has taken the heat off the Supreme Court

    And when that day comes, they will inherit a nation characterized by three values embodied in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, she says:

    “respect for rights, respect for difference, and a commitment to the resolution of differences by peaceful compromise.”

    She lays out the role of the Supreme Court in Canada in upholding these values with the same clarity she strives for in her legal decisions.

    The legislature passes the laws. The court steps in when asked by Canadians to determine if the law is consistent with the Charter. “And sometimes—some people think too often, but other people are very happy for this—sometimes the court says, ‘Yes, the law, to a certain extent, is inconsistent with the Charter.’ And when that happens, the law falls.”

    Usually, legislators will then recraft the law in ways that achieve their goals while respecting Charter rights, she explains.

    “The legislature, let me say—as I have often said before—bears the primary responsibility for adopting new laws and changing old laws to meet the needs of society… and there can be no doubt that our Parliament and the legislature are the best forums in which to resolve the complex social issues that face our society.”

    The back-and-forth between the court and Parliament, she tells them, has been referred to as the metaphor of Charter “dialogue.”

    The term became popular during the ’90s, a time when the Reform Party had its sights set on the judicial activism it believed was emanating from the unelected Supreme Court bench.

    It was framed in an analysis, by academic Peter Hogg and one of his students, Allison Bushell, of the court’s powers in interpreting the Charter.

    Since the last word nearly always rests with elected representatives, the authors concluded, the court’s powers don’t amount to a veto over politicians. A decade after they first explored the metaphor, the pair noted that the Supreme Court had used it to justify both an active and a deferential approach to Parliament.

    As she enters her tenth year as chief justice, McLachlin has carved out a reputation for employing dialogue in a measured way—a style that has helped silence complaints about judicial activism and attendant calls for court reform. She stresses the necessity of balanced institutional roles in her remarks tonight.

    “What separates the ‘have’ nations from the ‘have-not’ nations,” she tells her audience in closing, “is very often not resources, not the climate, not even history, but their governmental institutions.”

    There is warm applause.


  8. ” if BC were to object, we could very simply shut down the highways and railways that are its lifeline to the ROC. ”

    I live in B.C. and have advocated this for some time now.Unfortunatly Nutley has no balls.

    1. Double deal….cut off commie Seattle Wash. It gets Alberta TM oil, then shipped to Vancouver via barge. Jet fuel mostly. There is NO pipe lined petro products coming into Seattle from the US side, except from Alaska via tanker, or overseas if cheap enough.

      Trump might get exercised though, as the US military is a big customer in the area. Frankly, I’m not too exercised with a resulting US invasion that reaches right up to the Alaska border in that case. Screw Vancouver, because that border will get shut sooner than you might think with the money laundering and drugs from China.

  9. Several issues at play here. Firstly, am I the only guy who finds it somewhat offensive that retired Supreme Court Justices are pimping themselves out as legal consultants? There’s something dead wrong with that picture, especially in light of the fact that they’re doing so in the swamp of politics. It casts a long shadow of doubt over their supposed impartiality as sitting judges of the high court.
    In that vein, it’s worth noting that McLachlin is on the record as having viewed constitutional issues through a political lens. She stated that she often asked herself if a particular bit of legislation was (I paraphrase) “right for the country, and right for the time” when deciding if she was going to rule on the constitutionality. That sounds like a first year law student “fail” to me.
    Maggie Trudeau’s mental issues are quite possibly in play here. While bi-polarism is generally more often passed from mother to daughter, it also passes to sons. Justin is on the record as having enjoyed more than a few sessions with the electric lettuce. Marijuana and bi-polarism are a very bad mix. A person with only a soft bi-polarism that’s easily manageable is not doing themselves any favors by taking bong hits.
    But, Justin is both significantly un-bright, and imbued with hubris on a Brobdingnagian scale.

  10. Decades of building a Tower of Babel for the self-agrandizement of Liberal utopianism and government sinecure, both personal and corporate.

    It is now feeling the tremors of tectonic plates shifting down below under the colossal weight of political turpitude.

    Are there Supremes living in a minaret branching off from the Tower, too ?

    Maybe, they thought having a quid pro quo with the largest international engineering firm in the history of Canada, would make their tower quake proof?

    Switching metaphors:
    Will Gordon Lightfoot pen another sea shanty classic? “The wreck of the Justin Trudeau dinghy”

  11. Beverly MacLauchlan was exactly the type of “Judge” Peeair was hoping for when old Peeair turned Canada upside down and imposed his deranged undemocratic “charter”. MacLaghlan being a Liberal Party stooge is without surprise, disgraceful, but not in the least bit surprising. MacLaughlan puts the activist in the term, “activist Court” she is a prime example of the moral and ethical rot of the first Post National State. She never had any problems dictating social and economic policy from the bench and was very concerned with her own personal legacy as a sitting Judge. She had the unbelievable power of over ruling a sitting PM’s choice for the Supreme Court and saw herself as an opponent of PM Harper. MacLauchlan was and remains a political actor and is further proof that Peeairs Court is a political body that has nothing to do with the rule of law. Butts believed that Maclaghlan could convince JWR to break the law and obstruct justice because laws and rules are meaningless to Liberals. The Media won’t go after old Liberal Party actors like Bev, thats simply not done, better to remain silent and pretend the Supreme Court isn’t a political attachment of the Liberal Party and just as corrupt.

  12. as I’v posted before….Iacobucci….is the one to worry about. He would be close to MacLauchlan, and probably set that whole act in motion.

    And those who ask, yes McTurd is bi-polar, he has all the signs of being so. That is what his BS in India was all about. He was manic, and acting it

  13. I think a news report, one or two weeks ago, stated that Beverly MacLachin denied ever being approached by any PMO representative (hood?, thug?). Not that one can believe much from our cartel media. And not that one should hold this uber-left judge in high esteem. “Q” on this thread does a good job describing how miserably bad her court was, in various rulings. Many in the left-wing media cartel bemoan the utter lack of law enforcement in white-collar crime. Given the demand placed on law-enforcement procedures, is it any wonder?

    1. The article I say McLaughlin said she had not provided advice or comments to JWR. I can’t find the article, so I don’t remember the exact words McLaughlin used, but I remember thinking these words are very precise and she doesn’t mention talking to anyone else.

      1. At the outset of this sordid affair I raised this flag. JWR had retained a former SCC judge as her lawyer/advisor. SNC had slippery Frank Iacobucci in their bull pen and the PMO was dropping McLaughlin’s name.

        I wrote a national journalist pointing these facts out and suggested this seemed unusual and might require some investigating?Nada.

        One of two things is happening here and it is probably both.

        1. The affair is so dangerous to the libranos that they have to pull out all stops to protect themselves. No run of the mill lawyer is good enough when the matter at hand is this serious. You go to SCC former judges who ‘understand’ these matters.

        2. The SCC has been completely politicized. Evidence has come out during this whole sordid affair that that is the case.

        1. abtrapper, as usual, you are 100% CORRECT!

          Judges are window dressing for what Peter Newman used to call the “Canadian Establishment”. As the old saying goes, a judge is a lawyer who once knew a politician. The higher up the judicial ladder one goes, the closer the political connection.

          Part of the selection process of a judge used to be an assessment of “judicial character”. “Character” in this context means the ability to project an air of independence, impartiality, and discretion.

          The air of independence might have been pretence, but it was a facade that was integral to public confidence in the administration of “justice”. In a judicial system, everything is a matter of public perception.

          Years ago, Beverly overstepped herself in an election campaign back when Martin was PM, by not so subtly attacking Harper The Horrible in a public speech. Few people back then were asking the question: “why are sitting justices giving public speeches on anything of topical interest, let alone party political?”

          Of course the establishment media used Beverly’s injudicious attack as grist for their own partisan mills. They were unconcerned by the question of judicial impartiality. This was short-sighted of the Establishment, but to be expected when the “best and brightest” among us become lazy, too sure of their own superiority, and detached from the real workaday world. They should have understood that public confidence in the “system” must at all times be assured. The instinct of self-preservation, if nothing else, should have been actuating them to preserve the facade. After all, there are more of us than there are of them.

          Now the public learns that former justices of the SC, already collecting six figure tax-payer pensions, are also paid shills for corrupt crony corporations. What is the street price to hire a SC hustler to jack the judicial/political system for a corrupt client? We will never know. If one hasn’t already set up a charitable foundation, consulting fees can always be deposited in a tax-free account in the Caymans. Remember how some politically prominent Canadian names popped up in the “paradise files”? Former Liberal PMs…?

          It’s noteworthy how Canadians get a narrow glimpse of how they’re actually governed on the rare occasion when the Liberal Party descends into internecine conflict. It’s hard to say what factors precipitated the current nastiness. Nevertheless, it’s always shocking for Canadians to learn that their political reality is something quite different from the happy myths propagated in a Eugene Forsey* essay.

          *Friend of PET’s and appointed to the Senate by same; author of “How Canadians Govern Themselves”

  14. The gist of Black Rod’s post is that there is evidence that there is a conspiracy to circumvent a criminal prosecution.
    I tend to agree.
    Many references where made in both testaments that alluded to a preferred outcome by the PM. My understanding of the DPA legislation is that while the decision can be made by the AG right up to the last minute, the caveat is that decision comes free of influence outside of the prosecution. While the act does not restrict the AG from seeking further information on a case it neither requires them to do so nor does it compel them to. This allowance is also restricted to the AG and does not allow anyone outside the prosecution to petition the AG such as was done starting with the PM and continuing up to the day of the phone conversation with Werneck.
    What has likely prevented any curiosity from formulating over this is that JWR contends “no laws where broken”.
    My thought is that had she done so, the whole house of cards would have fallen engulfing not just the key players, but possibly the entire liberal cabinet and some caucus members that where in on the “solution”.
    Like others have pointed out, no matter how noble JWR and Philpott appear over this, the fact remains that they where very comfortable inside the liberal keep advancing the agenda (climate scam, more big screen tv’s, and punishing the oil patch). Its when the devil finally came to claim his due that they baulked and suddenly found religion.
    The reality is that this is the risk of our system that lacks a check on the powers of the executive, the administrative and the judicial components of our government. The only one that seemed to kick in on this case was that law that Gerald Butts said he didn’t like, the one that PMSH put in place after another liberal scandal.
    That might be a good question to ask Butts as to why he doesn’t like a law that keeps the PMO at arms length from the DPP.
    Anyways, should one of the parties decide to run on a platform of quashing the DPA law I will entertain that as a starting point for support.

  15. A prime example of the “Appeal to Authority Fallacy”, justices of the higher courts should never practice law after retirement. They can get by on their pensions ($270k in the case of Beverly), rather than trading on their titles.

  16. Of course Beverley McLachlin is crooked. She tried to bully PM Stephen Harper so bullying Wilson-Raybauld is small potatoes.

  17. Yup, another good question to add to the long “Questions that were not Asked” list.

    This SNC affair has showcased the utter uselessness of the MSM: its unbelievable lack of curiosity, and the alacrity with which it latches on to every red herring the Liberals pitch out.

    1. A lot of the parliamentary press corp secretly harbour ambitions of working in the PMO or Senate. Many end up in the Senate. Pamela Waloon, the Puffster, Joyce Fairburn, Edmonton Journal hack Paula Simmon… the list is extensive.

      These aren’t people who ask inconvenient questions. You lose your inside information and your toast in Ottawa. The libranos play the press for the fools they are. They give them tidbits of information and in return get a fawning article.

      We have no independent press in Canada. Before you tell me about the Rebel, I am a premium subscriber but it is a rare occasion I read them.

      Back in the day when I wasted my time as a poli sci student (before the printing press ha) I learned to read newspapers. I read them like a madman. I would go to the Christian Science Reading Room and read the Christian Science Monitor. They (CSM) had a reasonable take on world events – more even handed than news organizations that had skin in the game. Many poli sci professors would read the Monitor.

      Today it’s the net which gives us access to news instantly from around the world. There are many sources and you need many to sort through the bull shit.

  18. “Reasonable and probable grounds.”

    Most of the emergent allegations that have been made in this case, across the media spectrum, seem at least plausible to me, and many seem reasonable.


    – I read a detailed story recently that claims that Chrystia Freeland spoke freely with Stephen Bronfman and his uncle Charles, in February, about replacing Trudeau as Liberal leader. Does that sound like something Ms. Freeland would be dumb enough to do? It’s certainly in the plausibility category for me. Did it happen, or probably happen? Who knows?

    – “It wouldn’t say that.” The Black Rod story seems reasonable to me, given the corroborating information provided by W-R. Independent of W-R’s reporting, does that sound like something Mr. Butts would say? I’d have to say yes, as he’s been known to thrown out cryptic comments in the process of walking away from a discussion, to wit:

    “He fiddled with his smartphone as Trudeau, 30 m away, laced into NDP Leader Tom Mulcair, only looking up when he heard a question from a television journalist asking whether the Liberal party was lurching left to compete with the NDP.

    “That’s the dumbest f–king question in Canadian politics,” Butts said to no one in particular, then turned his attention back to his phone. Minutes later, shortly after Trudeau performed the “Trudeau jaunts back onto the bus” segment of the stop, Butts slid in behind the boss. He then took to his Twitter account to talk up Trudeau’s economic plan, attack a national newspaper chain for critiquing it, and wonder out loud whether any of Trudeau’s rivals had any principles to speak of.”

    — Maclean’s, Martin Patriquin, September 25, 2015


    Did Black Rod’s version of events actually occur, or probably occur? Who knows? Butts has tempted fate, however, by trying to obfuscate in a public forum on the meaning of his words, as reported by W-R. It would not surprise me in the least if a clear audio-tape exists of the conversation among Ms. Prince, Ms. Telford and Mr. Butts.

    And then there are the times that I’ve been reading along, and then all of sudden, a name I recognize appears in the material, and I stop and say, “What the hell is that doing in this context?” Is there a connection, or probably a connection? Who knows?

    What’s clear is that speculation abhors a vacuum, the latter of which has been provided almost hermetically by Mr. Trudeau’s persistent denials, evasions, committee shut-downs, misdirections (criticizing Doug Ford on safe-injection sites is the latest), caucus expulsions, Stalinistic pep rallies with the Liberal caucus, etc. Trudeau certainly looks guilty. In this regard, he has received no help from the new Attorney-General, David Lametti, who is studiously non-committal on a DPA for SNC-Lavalin.

    The Trudeauists probably looked at the way the Sponsorship Scandal was handled by Mr. Martin, who appointed the Gomery Commission to try and distance himself from the allegations, and said, “No, that won’t work with this, either — particularly with this. Stonewall and leak against our accusers is the way to ago.” So, the strategy is to prevent “reasonable” from becoming “probable”. Delay, maybe. Prevent won’t work.

    1. “Stonewall and leak against our accusers is the way to ago.” So, the strategy is to prevent “reasonable” from becoming “probable”. Delay, maybe. Prevent won’t work.”

      That strategy may come unglued if the Mark Norman trial ties SNC-Lavalin and Mark Norman obstruction together and points to the PMO.

      1. You’re right, although I see the Norman trial ending with some kind of ‘settlement”… no way Turdhole, Buttface, Weirdick and Telford are going to testify so look for a closure of some kind, even if one has to be made up.

  19. Given all this, now SNC is off to court to have the DPA decision reviewed (reversed).

    Hmmmmm, what are the chances of strings being pulled for the courts to see it Bevs way? What an easy out for the Libs, “Well , the court said blah blah blah, SNC is being treated fairly”.

    Justice, third world style!

  20. Problem is that in the Fucked Up World of Canada, there is no mechanism to hold any of these people to account. PM J.A.MacDonald when he got caught in the railroad scandal and after he wiggled his way clear, he abolished the Grand Jury system in Canada.
    So what you have now is the Elite, think Chretien and millions stolen in Adscam, get to select their own inquisitor. Gomery. Royal Commissions’ sounds good but laugh my ass off. Can you be get a Special Enquiry and pick your own Judge, can you get a Royal Commission and pick your own panel. Ha Ha Ha. The fact remains Canada is without the Rule of LAW. One for the Elite and one for the Little People.
    Want to fix Canada? Well you can not. The rot and payoff’s and the crooks out number you. Everyone in every region has skin in the Corruption from the Indian Chiefs to the damn dog catcher. Everybody is on the payola. The RCMP what a joke. The Provincial AG’s, ha ha ha. The Premier’s who fought against including Property Rights for the citizen’s. On and On and On. Only one solution that is right and that will restore control and justice to the people. Get the Hell out. And start again. And this time let the citizens in a Constituent Assembly decide Province by Province what they will consent too, to remain part of the Globalist Cabal that runs Canada now. Get the hell out.

  21. I remember the number of times McLaughlin went head to head with Stephen Harper. That confirms for me her close relations with the Liberal Party and their interests. The Blackrod story is very believable. McLaughlin may deny contact, but Butts’ comment communicates “she could be depended upon.” Nice “legacy” for her, and well deserved. Louise Arbour was another one who was in bed with the Liberals– now the globalists. We have her to thank for the migration pact which the Liberals deliberately hid from Canadians until the last minute. Press does not pursue questions regarding the political activism of judges because it would undermine a sacred cow of judicial impartiality — helps preserve our notion of living in a fair and equitable country — whether true or not.

  22. SNC sold its interest in 407 roll highway for $3.25 billion.


    They will use the money or pay back the loan from Caisse.

    Could they be getting ready to move out of the country? Turdeau’s PMO is orchestrating this with SNC to protect Turdeau “See it was about jobs!” is what the Briberals will say.

    Wonder if Wernick will get a job with SNC in London?

    SNC CEO Bruce has already sold his home. Wonder if he’s bought in London? Perhaps the $3 billion will be used to subsidize SNC executive houses in London?

  23. And that, is why “negotiating” a separation “agreement” with Canada, would be pointless.

    That is why supreme court “challenges” to Trudeau’s carbon tax are pointless.

    Declaration of


    That is why there is no time to waste. How long do you want to remain part of a failed state?

    1. Remaining would be a tolerable option if all Senators were elected, and each province got the same number. Pipe dream, maybe, but it would put the cabal of eastern MPs who run Canada in the politically impossible position of breaking up Canada if they did not acquiesce.

      1. And what about the corrupted disgusting Black Robed Priests how would you reform that mess of snakes? I would make them all elected and make the Jury system Paramount and untouchable and bring back the Grand Jury system in each Province and make it so Politicians, Lawyers, Judges and Cops all would have to face the people for all their criminality. Including Supreme Court Judges and Prime Ministers Premiers and highest Officials strip all immunities for them all. And reward legitimate whistle blowers.

      2. I’m not surprised that the Three Percent birthed America from the Brits. All the squishes like you moved north of 49.

        We were selling an elected senate and judiciary when Reform was born. Short memory? See it today? Think you’ll ever see it w/o a shooting war in this country?

        The powers that be who operate this country from the center will never allow any other group to take anything away from their power….ever. Same goes for an UDI out west. These are marxists now, with expensive suits and tastes. Bodies piled 10 feet high don’t bother them, when it isn’t them. What do you think will happen when it’s time to “depopulate the planet”, in order to save it in their minds? How about a Final Solution, sport. You still want to negotiate with these people?

        You’re already considered “a cost” in this country. Regular people are obsolete, machines are in.

        1. Canada was set up by the Traitor McDonald for the Brits as the anti American bulwark against Freedom and Liberty in the rest of it’s North American Colonies. And since 1867 was administered like a penal colony under Admiralty Law by a Governor with the BNA Act. Then along came Trudeau and added his Marxist Philosophy on top of the BNA like a Cherry. And said to the sheep here is your damn Constitution now clap and cheer.
          Always remember the speech Trudeau gave about Canada being like a ship that had left home port, but the course had been adjusted a few degrees by the Capt. and it quite likely would not return to were it started out. Po’d in Alberta the alternative is to continue to Serve at the Oars of the Slave Ship Canada, shackled and gagged with your own socks, drinking from the bilge and fed slop from the Elites table. Row you bastard’s row.

    2. Kevin I have been at this 30 years, as long as they have beer and their favourite teams and a bit of food they really don’t give a shit about anything else. I mean they will riot over a hockey game and never say a word about criminal taxation or abuse of their families. “I AM CANADIAN” The Brainwashing is strong.

      1. Ken, all of it is on the street in Stratford ON.

        To the point I have to avoid conversations, actually.

