27 Replies to “Social Disease”

  1. Eventually a supervisor finds her in the bathroom, and offers a weak hug.


    That, my friends, will get you fired where I work. So will crying like a little kid while you’re supposed to be working. This whole piece reads like a freakin parody. It should be called “Snowflake Gets a Job.”

  2. We live in strange times. There are a lot of crazy people out there, no doubt about that. Yet it remains demonstrably true that some of the craziest people are the leaders of our countries, the elites that are directing the herds lock-step towards unimaginable disasters that we can see are inevitable if we go much further (not that you or I are willingly going along, but you know what I mean).

    Somehow, we have to call a halt to this. It’s tricky. How do you end the institutional madness of the high functioning and the random madness of the marginalized (which may be equal and opposite reactions to some middle ground reality) without becoming the new elitist totalitarians? Or are we forced to confront a stark choice, them or us?

    I have stared it down and I know, there has been no chance for reconciliation for a long time now. This is a whole generation or two perhaps into this cult of madness, and it does not surprise me that while the elites spiral helplessly out of control with their insane policies, individuals do the same thing at random in a variety of unpredictable ways. The orthodox view is that Breivik and the Quebec mosque shooter are the anomalies, madmen who are at odds with the values of the society. My view is that while our society went nuts at the top levels, these bottom feeders said to themselves, “hey, going nuts is the new normal, why don’t I go nuts too?”

    So we end up chasing our tails because every attempted political response to restore order to the asylum inevitably attracts its share of nutbars from the fringes, and also requires that the general public would trust the unknown outsiders (people like you and me) with any sort of position of authority to replace the known if obviously demented authority figures we now face as our so-called superiors.

    What is truth in this complicated situation? It’s like those Russian dolls, you open them up and find you have to do it again, and again. And then, what’s at the end of that? The question that is never asked contains the answer. For example, with the Trump – Russian collusion question, the question that is never asked is this: “Would it perhaps be a good thing for Trump to collude with Putin?” The assumption is made by both sides that it would be a bad thing, so the debate is about whether he has done it or not, but not whether he should do it. I say this because if Putin is opposed to the globalist agenda and is in favour of aggressive national sovereignty, then why not collude? We face shared enemies. I would collude with anyone who could help us throw off the yoke of the cultural Marxists. They know they are on borrowed time, that’s why they nervously look out the window every time they hear a protest has arisen, as there is what the lawyer might call consciousness of guilt. With the random violence of the unhinged, there is just an absence of proportion and the loss of hope. They think the only way out is to rampage. At the very least, we should all rampage together with a rational objective in mind. Shakespeare had it right, “or by opposing, end them” seems like the only way out of this death spiral.

    And for those challenged by metaphor, I don’t mean end their lives. I mean end their access to power.

    1. Peter, my thoughts as well. You say it much better than I could. When I say I fear for the future of my society, my children, and my grandchildren I do not think and say that idly.

      We are witnessing the collapse of our society. Our leaders are leading the charge and any that stand in the way are vilified. What will rise from the ashes?

      Twelve year old Maolings controlling our governments?

      Glacierman is right, “Times have truly changed. Good has become evil, evil has become good.”

      1. It’s even worse than that.

        It is an environment where workers cope by telling dark jokes about committing suicide, then smoke weed during breaks to numb their emotions.

        We’ve legalized their voluntary incompetence. And soon … they will file for permanent Social Security Disability benefits … so they can sit in their section 8 housing basement and smoke their “medicine” all day.

        And as a society, we sit dumbfounded as to why there is an increasing wealth disparity. Soon, “the rich” will be paying for more than half our society to be professional weaklings. To be worthless drags on society. Paid.

      2. Reminds me of that ’70’s movie…where all of a sudden 18 or was it 16 yr olds get to vote….they a put all those over 35 in LSD Concentration Kamps and keep em stoned…by the end of the film its the 12 yr olds demanding same.

        The madness is social media itself and th ever present overseer that monitors ones every move. I have a smart phone, is a BBerry Motion, and if I even happen to mention say “gee, Honey, we should go get a cinnamon bun and a coffee” the damned AI in the phone will put up an Ad for a freaking Cinnamon Bun – Coffee house..!!

        Its getting to the point where I am seriously thinking of selling it, and going back to my old BlackBerry Z-30…using BB OS10 – No AI on that unit.

        A “Dumb” phone so to speak with only those apps I need. Banking – News – Weather – Email – Text. And No google play on that unit. I’m sure I’ll Survive… I dont need “big brother” as an overseer of my life.

  3. Buried in the article is the little gem that the biggest hazard of the job for these professional snowflakes is they are getting red pilled by having to view the stuff Facebook wants moderated.

  4. ‘•Employees have been found having sex inside stairwells and a room reserved for lactating mothers, in what one employee describes as “trauma bonding.” ‘
    Backhole Trauma Bonding is how we got UnMe.

  5. What this young woman is viewing is pure evil. She should never have to view it.

    The elites feed on the most depraved and sick actions of the lower classes. There is a lot of money to be made and that is the game. These platforms allow the evil to be spread world wide in the click of a button, without fear of prosecution and consequences.

    i see and hear the “snowflake” comments and they make me sick. Nobody, anywhere should have to every view a video like that. It is NOT entertainment, it is not healthy, it is not right.

    Take a look in the mirror. When did we give ourselves permission to say that the robbing of a clear and clean conscience, the polluting of our society with images like these is a right and a privilege ?

    Virtue is a real thing. It is a thing to be celebrated.

    Times have truly changed.
    Good has become evil, evil has become good.

    But not in my world! I will not stand nor look the other way.

    (Rant off)

    1. And an excellent rant it was.

      There are some things that simply should NOT be seen … I have NEVER looked at the Death porn available online or other depraved sex acts. These things forever poison the mind. Yes, I am 100% in favor of Freedom and Liberty to do so … but nobody should. Just because something CAN be done, doesn’t mean it SHOULD be done. If your own mind and character cannot tell the difference … you are a broken human.

  6. Sorry Kate, I have to disagree with you on this one. My cousin’s husband was an RCMP officer who committed suicide after working in the child pornography unit. He wasn’t a snowflake, he was a good family man. If these employees weren’t traumatized after seeing this depravity, then I would question their sanity. I do understand the frustration on the right however, regarding undue censorship.

    1. If social media minders have time to yank accounts like Tommy Robinson and Don Shipley, I don’t care what else they’re forced to watch.

  7. Why would a company make their employees view stuff of a criminal nature?
    Why aren’t the acts of murder or child porn clips automatically turned over to law enforcement to investigate?

      1. Because our current culture CELEBRATES anything and everything that overturns our supposed “repressive” Christian culture. Anything not permitted, or frowned-upon by traditional Judeo-Christian culture is gleefully shoved down the gullet of a lazy spiritual and intellectual generation

  8. So the gist of the article is Censoring Hate Speech Causes More Hate Speech.

    “Li, who worked as a moderator for about a year, was one of several employees who said the workplace was rife with pitch-black humor. Employees would compete to send each other the most racist or offensive memes, he said, in an effort to lighten the mood. As an ethnic minority, Li was a frequent target of his coworkers, and he embraced what he saw as good-natured racist jokes at his expense, he says.”

    It also shows the absolute futility of censorship in the first place.

    “and frequent disagreements among moderators about whether the rules should apply in individual cases.”

    “Accuracy is only judged by agreement. If me and the auditor both allow the obvious sale of heroin, Cognizant was ‘correct,’ because we both agreed,” he says. “This number is fake.”

    “While official policy changes typically arrive every other Wednesday, incremental guidance about developing issues is distributed on a near-daily basis.”

    All circling back to who decides what is permitted speach. “Hate Speech” like “Climate Change” is a non-sensical subjective term that Progressives use to justify censorship and shut down debate. Amazing really how many even conservative type people think that hate speech should be prohibited while not realizing their version of hate, like their version of love, is as individualistic as their fingerprints.

  9. Here’s a simple solution to the problems: stop trying to moderate the content. Stuff that’s actually illegal, the police can deal with, if it’s reported to them and/or they’re of a mind to do so. FB is a platform, not a content provider, so they should stop trying to act like they have any editorial control on what a billion-ish users upload. It’s trying to empty the ocean with a gallon jug. YMMV.

  10. yo, mr zuck, whats the plan when stabby postings hit 50,000 per minute?
    ’cause THAT is where we’re headed. or perhaps ‘be’headed.

  11. also, I am utterly convinced that given the will to do it, supercomputers could be set up to browse the gawdforsaken interNOT at the speed of light, subroutines could ferret out the ultimate online origin, everything documented etc etc.
    this would vastly reduce the need for human eye involvement.
    clobber and clobber and clobber it again.
    alas, bribes to the elites have immense leverage and thus this aint gonna happen except to ‘ferret out’ critics of
    the status quo a la Big Brother.

  12. And for those challenged by metaphor, I don’t mean end their lives. I mean end their access to power.


    The Bolshies will never give you peace until they are dead.

  13. Peter, nicely done and well said.
    I find it rather odd that the old “eastern block” of soviet states are now becoming the champions of free speech, and western values.

    How ironic that those old communist states may become the saviours of the western democracy’s way of life.

    We live in interesting times

    1. because they LIVED the ‘utopia’.
      speaking of web violence, anybody got the ceausescu execution vid?

  14. I very much DO support the time-honoured traditions of proscription and assassination. these things work, and it is how civilisation has had to rid itself of the subversive, dangerous and evil bottom-feeders who would consign us all to gas chambers.

    Pinochet knew this well, God rest his soul… And to quote Bernie Sanders “you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.”. The time is rapidly approaching when it will be them or us….
