19 Replies to “Not In Kansas”

  1. The author, Bidishia, (mono-named like a Brazilian midfielder) laments that just as in the Wizard of OZ, Trump seems to take particular glee in the gruesome deaths of “ugly” women …

    …but the film revels in the violent deaths of “ugly” women, who have houses dumped on them or drown in water that melts them like acid, while the greatest deceiver, the Wizard, simply shrugs and floats away at the end of the film

    Which caused me to wonder about Bidishia’s “looks”. And here you have it … in an IKEA advertisement no less … a face made for the print media.


    Yes, she should steer clear of Kansas and flying houses. I suspect this Margaret Hamilton look-alike gets quite nervous on windy days … and near large bodies of water.

  2. Know what’s surprizing about The Guardian?

    Ignoring its political stance, the quality of analysis is terrible. It’s a global publication whose columnists show all of the originality, thoughtfulness, and professionalism of a grade 4 student. The National Post is about a hundred miles ahead of them in that department.

  3. ” the quality of analysis is terrible”

    Seriously. If one was to subject that great story to that kind of ridiculousness, it’s worth pointing out the Wizard seemed a fraud, but in the end he could see through society’s BS and helped the characters realize they had what they needed all along.
    And he would have gotten Dorothy home if the storm (leftists!!!) hadn’t spoiled the plan.

  4. “….but why am I reading these messages into this film, at this moment? ”

    Perhaps because your mental condition is such that you can’t take the film as the light-hearted fantasy it was actually meant to be.

    You were born too late Bidisha, you’d have had a great time misinterpreting the songs of the Beatles.

    Haven’t seen a schnozz like that since Durante. Ink a dink a doo…………….

    1. Actully the Grauniad comes from Manchester; that’s why they can’t spell proper.

  5. Perhaps she confused this classic with a PRISON SHOW??? I respect David for delving into this nonsense for us.

  6. The Wizard of Oz was released just months into the second world war, as increasing pan-European fascistic nationalism, racism and antisemitism, authoritarianism and social division culminated in six years of genocidal violence and bloodshed, with millions dead and millions having fled.

    Well, lady, it was made in the US and the US didn’t enter the war until December 1940. And what do you know about WWII?

  7. Becasue all libeerals want to end celebrating Christmas and make us all listen to DO THEY KNOW ITS CHRISTMAS and a fake celebration like Kwanzaa
