45 Replies to ““‘Fight club’ bouts probed at home for the retarded””

  1. I wonder if this will stir up as much emotion as recent dog fighting incidents. Somehow, I doubt it.
    In this case, they should charge everyone, including those who failed to report their suspicions. Abuse and neglect of the elderly and infirm is unforgivable.

  2. My God…this is appalling and indecent beyond words. I hope the animals responsible for those “fights” end up getting a very, very long prison stay.

  3. I guess the staff there broke the first rule of fight club; ‘ don’t talk about fight club ‘

  4. Your tax dollars at work.
    Come on Tim! Tell me again how bureaucracy and oversight and government institutions make everything better.
    The difference between public and private, Tim, is that in the private facility you can sue the owners into penury if they f- you around.
    State-run facility? Not so much.

  5. Actually, you CAN sue provincial or federal governments in Canada, especially in matters such as these. I’m not sure about Texas law.

  6. Tim; I believe you miss the point. There is a party or two on the left in this country that would have used this as proof that only the gov’t can be trusted to run these had this happened at a private facility.
    Any situation that arises at a private daycare is touted in similar fashion.
    Where is Smitherman when you need him?

  7. David, I hate it when an argument amounts to, “the point is we are saying X because they said Y”. It’s a silly way to argue because it posits that the debate is linear and that Y was said first so X is our response. It’s a way of spinning things to make it look as though you are a victim of wrongful information and are merely responding to your oppressed viewpoint. Both sides do this.
    Kate probably has at least one post a day that is framed as “OH OH, BUT I THOUGHT THE RIGHT WAS . This style of argument/post posits that the left are those initiating the debate on the issues and she is therefore offering the response. In reality, these things are circular and their origins are less identifiable in many cases (e.g who started it). In this case there have probably been issues in both private and state run care facilities since confederation. Obviously you can cite residential schools as a blemish on the public sphere, but there are likely documented, and more so many less documented problems with private care facilities in Canadian history as well.
    I’m just again making this point to state that world isn’t as black and white as Kate McMillian and friends would have us all believe.
    In any regard, I thinks its both funny and ironic to watch Kate play victim all the time given her supposed ideology.

  8. Mentally retarded seniors slugging it out in an institution … for recreation???
    Excuse me, but that’s funny, sick, but funny.

  9. Yeah Tim, its “funny and ironic” because you don’t have a leg to stand on here. The worst abuses in history have all been perpetrated by government facilities, employees, officials, etc.
    Ask a Japanese Canadian over 70, they’ll tell you allllll about it.
    The world pretty much is black and white Tim. There’s right, and there’s wrong. The “gray” you Lefties are so fond of is guys doing wrong and trying to cover it up with legal smoke and mirrors.

  10. “Wilson says the videos show mentally disabled adult clients punching, shoving, and striking each other while the employees watched.”
    This is beyond sick, do the folks that conducted these fights figure that the mentally disabled should have been aborted in the first place and therefore are ‘fair game’ for the twisted whims of the more ‘educated and or government certified’ ones?
    Hope the law comes down hard on them.

  11. Idd,
    I am not sure the Left would actually condone aborting mentally defective babies, that would greatly diminish their voting base.

  12. I was hoping I’d be wrong in my first comment, but it appears not.
    The outrage over dogfighting makes this feeble outcry look more pathetic than I expected.

  13. “Cripple fight”
    Do these people need to be fired? Yes
    Should they be charged? Maybe
    Is it funny? Yes
    I’m always baffled at how people over react when there has been a little bit of “rough and tumble”. I’m sure the participants had a good time.

  14. dp,
    The world is full of people with misanthropic tendencies, but we all love our dogs.

  15. I fear that you will be right dp. As much as I love animals, people must certainly rate a little higher. Excepting, of course, Bernardo and the like.

  16. This is terrible. If the “caregivers” were too lazy to abuse the patients themselves what others areas of their care were also deficient. The human resources dept really fell down on the job. The staff in such situations are usually composed of 10% sadists, 10% angels of mercy, 10% union fanatics being troublesome until assigned a soft touch or fired, and 70% timeserving zombies.

  17. Animals never conspire to rob you, steal your mate, cheat you, betray you or take pleasure in your misery.
    Humans do that regularly.
    That is why many of us our more likely defend animals over humans.
    I don’t know why anyone is surprised at reprehensible behavior from the human race. Our history is nothing more than a story one bastard after another with some detail about the harm they have caused.
    Then once a century you might get a Winston Churchill.

  18. Nothing at all “funny” about this. If the facts are as alleged, it’s a hideous betrayal of trust and the exploitation of the weakest in society to satisfy a perverse and primitive blood lust. In addition it subjected the participants to a wholly unacceptable level of risk.
    If, as I suspect, some of the victims suffered from Down’s syndrome, they are at risk for atlanto-axial subluxation i.e. their necks are far more easily broken — fatally, and cardiac anomolies which could subject them to fatal dysrythmias or heart attacks. In addition, their ability to defend themselves in a ring or “throw in the towel” would have been badly compromised.
    I participated in combative sports myself for years, properly trained,supervised and regulated. That was tough, competitive sport. This was just sick.
    However, Kate’s point, I believe, is that there’s some in society who seem to believe that the private sector is populated wholly by unprinicipled, ill-motivated, rapacious, greedy devils, while those doing the same work in the public sector are Christlike, selfless, humanitarian saints. When the transformation occurs in the move from one empolyer to the other is never quite explained. This post is evidence that the dichotomy simply doesn’t exist.

  19. ‘Humans do that regularly.”
    I’m always fascinated by people who claim to prefer animals over people. Invariably they’re emotionally stunted people who find it difficult to relate to other human beings, and enjoy the unconditional adulation that pets provide.
    Or, maybe, it’s just a reflection on their own friends and family.

  20. We almost all now carry what any spy organization 40 years ago would have paid billions for – a minature camera and audio recorder. These devices – now embedded in almost every cell phone – will go along way towards eliminating a lot of these kinds of group crime and even one on one crime.

  21. Next time you hear about a pitbull tearing a 3 year old’s face off, see how long it takes for someone to blame the kid. You’d be surprised how fast some people will turn on their own kind.
    I guess there are just too many of us. The value of human life diminishes a little bit every time we hear something like this, and find a way to make light of it. I do it more than your average person, just not in this particular case.
    I don’t understand why people get so upset over dog fighting. Many of those dogs have been bred for nothing but fighting for hundreds of years. They serve no other purpose in society. If watching a dog fight can occupy these people for a little while, that’s just more time their wives won’t be getting a beating. It’s actually a public service.

  22. Picture yourself in this scenario, lets say, after a traumatic brain injury or sever illness and it’s you in one of these institutions or your brother, son, nephew etc., still find it funny?
    (and yes I’m assuming they didn’t “use” female patients.)

  23. “Animals never conspire to rob you, steal your mate, cheat you, betray you or take pleasure in your misery.”
    Animals steal food and mate’s all the time.They will even kill over it. I had a mutt named Sam that little bugger would betray me at the drop of a hat if you had a milkbone. lol
    Back on topic I bet the lefties are more offended over the word RETARD

  24. Invariably they’re emotionally stunted people who find it difficult to relate to other human beings, and enjoy the unconditional adulation that pets provide.
    I may be emotionally stunted, but then who isn’t? Everyone seem normal until you get to know them.
    I admit to finding it difficult to relate to most human beings because most of them are idiots. However, I don’t revel in the adulation of a pet, rather I enjoy their company and it makes me feel good to care for them.
    I have cared of a human a couple of times and they never stop whining. I have also helped human beings in the past and learned that they always remember me … the next time they need help.

  25. Don’t you just want to shout with joy over the clear loving tolerance shown by Government employee’s There working just to make money, not because they believe or feel called to help. Most of these facilities are none accountable except in a very wide sense with money or deportment depending on who runs the places. I know that for a fact .
    When you think this also applies to Doctors, Old age Homes, Pharmacies. All are as much as now government workers in Canada. Americans should be frightened into the next century by this irrational model. The only true care your going to get from this motley crew is how big their pay checks or vacation time is.
    People are cheap in most minds tainted by elitist propaganda about eugenics they changed to call population control. Kindness is the last thing on most minds. One must feel real compassion & patience not be in it for benefits. That there are so many left in social service after the sifting towards “progressivism” & its nihilism. That of course creates the self centered selfishness that disregards the dignity of humanity in total.
    Care turns to cruelty by the disaffected.

  26. I thought that the article was going to be about Jack Layton’s house, but it was about some other home for the retarded.

  27. Posted by: Agent Smith at March 10, 2009 4:10 PM
    Highly inappropriate comment, fella.
    *laughing through clenched teeth*

  28. The liberals are rumoured to use ‘child-care’ as their carrot next election.Be wary.

  29. There are excellent private for profit institutions in Canada and the U.S. As there are many excellent private non profit government funded institutions. However Progressives always tend to opine about how Private for profit operators are the abusers and how they will always make the cuts at the expense of the client as opposed to the company. That in fact is not true but the Left will always push it that way.

  30. Actually if I hadn’t locked on the Corpus Christi location immediately….Jack Layton’s house would seem reasonable…..
    This is why lefties get knows in their togas when they hear the “N” word or the word “RETARD”.
    The White House rightfully is offended by both….

  31. The knowledge of the inherent value of human life has diminished. It has nothing to do with ‘how many’ of us there are (especially in the West). We lack self-knowledge, and with only ‘pleasure’ as a meausuring stick, anything that we can’t relate to our own pleasure or reward has no value.
    Abuse in public institutions is harder to root out, and its practically impossible to put a corrupt public institution out of business.(Can think of a few that seem to be invincible…maybe like vampires….suck your blood and never die…)
    A private institution that suffered the same staff behaviour would be shut down by its paying customers. Of course abuse occurs, but there is more opportunity for redress when you can withdraw your patronage.

  32. Unfortunately, Iwestin, many private institutions are also allowed to abuse residents, without consequences. The “paying customers” are usually not in the institution. Most times, it’s a forgotten family member who has to endure inhumane treatment. Many of the employees are nothing more than run of the mill bullies, and bullies are always good at choosing their victims. They find patients who rarely have visitors, or have poor communication skills, to carry out their acts of sadism.
    I don’t know if things have changed much since my grammy died in one of those hell holes, but as long as I have conscious thought, and a functioning trigger finger, I won’t be going to an institution.

  33. “Hope the law comes down hard on them.”
    Not a hope in hell is my guess, sadly.
    Maybe like daycares in Manitoba they should just put injury forms on line so the violence will all be ok.

  34. I see a new CSI episode. Was there not an episode on some detective show done on “fight clubs” in a seniors home a while ago?
    I am sickened, but not surprised.
    I have worked in private homes with the mentally challenged and for the most part they are treated exceptionally well and have a quality of living to be envied when it comes to social life, food & nutrition, entertainment and housing. The majority of these homes are nicer than my own. The activities residents participate in on a daily basis are of high quality and varied. Meals are excellent and well planned – tailored to the needs of the resident. Workers in this field have seen some terrific theater productions, concerts and sporting events while accompanying residents during outings.
