8 Replies to “The Postmodern Abyss”

    1. Trapped on a planet that you try to escape and evolution devolves you back…
      Just thought I’d add a little pleasure to our mix.

      Too cold for my pretty butterflies…spring is a coming…

  1. My buddy Bill, who crawled out of Commie Czechoslovakia as a teenager, is visiting. We were talking last night about the many AGW, Wuhan flu, and woke stupidities our governments have burdened us with.

    “Jamie, if we were now living next door to the communist country I escaped from, I’d think about crawling back in.”

  2. Oh its going to get a lot worse.

    The overabundance of weak men and crazy women has created a Mr. Lahey-sized Shitstorm that is far from over. In fact, the Turd Clouds are still growing and the Shitmosphere is continuing to darken.

    The weak nutbars are in charge, FFS.
    30 years ago they weren’t even allowed in the room.
    Now they’re chairing the meetings.

  3. “Everyone knows the border will eventually have to become secure . . .”

    Argument From the Consequences he desires.

  4. Mark Steyn’s prediction of a future America (from ‘America Alone’) of something between Mad Max and the Weimar Republic is becoming much more conceivable.
