47 Replies to “That’s Not An Insurrection”

    1. Her breathless insistence that punters taking selfies is a violent insurrection is hilarious.

      If she’s right about the police that’s the most important thing. A civil war is when armed units of the government are shooting at each other. This looks like it’s edging closer to Romania 1989.

      1. It’s hard to imagine that a corruptocrat like Lula would be popularly voted for, but he does have union, media and left support. The same playbook we are all used to now. I heard it reported in our, AKA international, press that he left the economy pooming after three terms of the socialist government, two terms of him and one of his puppet Dilma. Of course, that is the opposite of true. He certainly dished out wads of cash to unmarried mothers, a la Trudeau, but the economy was shot. Remember he is a Petista, Partido dos Trabalhadores, or the The Workers Party.

        The only reason he was not convicted of corruption is that his trial date was set to after the election.

    2. Hard to actually know what is going on as the media are in the bag for the deep state, a la Ameican media. Of course the right is terrorist, it’s January 8th after all. I’ll spend a little time this week reading blogs to try to find out what is happening.

    3. Everybody who is against tyranny, fraud, and destruction of freedom is now a “terrorist”. Yes folks that is where we are. If you are not piss*d off you are part of the problem.

  1. The Americans could learn something from the Brazilians.
    On what to do when a federal election is stolen.

    1. Please, don’t be stupid.
      It’s the same type of fedsurrection that took place on Jan 6th 2021 in Washington, DC. People have no guns, the police is not killed, the buildings are not burning.
      The battle was lost when they decided to steal the election. What happens now, is the consolidation of power phase.
      It’s a classic already:
      Election is stolen before (manipulation through media), during (ballot stuffing, mail-in ballots) and after (vote counting) the Election Day. After that, there’s the false flag who allows them to get rid/silence the opposition, the rebel media, the dissidents and to obtain/confirm the loyalty of power groups (police, army, security apparatus, prosecutors, judges, etc).

      1. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. When are you going to realize that when all other avenues have been used, to no avail. That brutal insurrection will be the only option left?
        The fact that the elections were stolen in both cases shows us that these governments no long fear the people, and that’s dangerous. If the US is to survive, a serious amputation must take place. But the American people have become too weak and cowardly. They’re going to keep stealing elections over and over again, as we head into some kind of Orwellian Nightmare, until something is done about it. Instead everyone whines about it, and nothing more. So don’t be stupid.

  2. I feel for the Brazilian people being attacked by the CIA and the Globalist Biden Regime… glad to see the people fight back.
    The J6ers tried the same thing and they’ve been locked up illegally for years now.

    The same criminals locking up and torturing the J6ers for protesting an illegal and stolen election are the same criminals interfering in the Brazilian election… what will the gangsters of the CIA do to the people of Brazil next?

    I wonder what China, Elections Cnada and the CIA have planned for Turdholes next “victory” at the polls.

    Keep fighting Brazilians or become a corrupt shithole like, Canada.

  3. What could be more democratic than mob violence? Just because your mob isn’t as big or ruthless as their mob doesn’t invalidate its mobness.

    1. Our police forces take knees and selfies with BLM and ANTIFA terrorists … so what’s the big deal

    2. In case you are fundamentally ignorant as to what lead to this moment Notta, Lula based on his corruption conviction was barred from running in the election.

      So the Corrupt Supreme Court expunged Lulas record which allowed him to run again. Despite overwhelming public support for bolsanaro, the voting machines awarded the victory to Lula.

      There has been a couple of months of protest of millions of Brazilians in the streets which the international media has ignored and suppressed

      Sadly Bolsonaro seems to have chickened out and left the country, so it’s left to the citizens to try to avoid having their country taken over by communists

  4. And now it gets interesting……is there a “Pinochet” waiting in the wings? Time will tell. Sure hope so. Pinochet saved Chile from another Marxist years ago.

  5. I don’t see any arson. I do not see any looting.

    I did see police helicopters dropping tear gas on the crowd.

  6. Given Biden’s own highly questionable electoral victory, I don’t think he should be taking sides.

  7. How did they do it without truck horns and bouncy castles? Those Brazilian “terrorists” are so resourceful.

  8. I don’t think anyone is seeing the “big picture” here.
    This is what the authoritarians wanted. A reaction that they could use to tarnish freedom movements all over the world as “right-wing terrorism.”
    You will now see governments all over the world use this incident to target any “insurrection” committed, or even spoken towards governments… harshly. This is the reason why I consistently speak out against violence of any means. The brave truckers last February stood their ground, got beaten, shot at, even trampled on by horses, but did not react with any violence… not even to defend themselves. They just took the pummeling and the brutality on the chin.
    This is the only way you’re going to defeat the tyranny — through peaceful means. What happened tonight in Brazil will be the final nail in our coffin.

    I expect that I’m going to be arrested soon. That’s not hyperbole. Nice knowin’ you, fellas!

    1. I think your soaked panties are too tight under your skirt. Go home and clean yourself up. You’re an embarrassment.

      When men, like the Brazilians, finally push back against tyranny, protecting their women and children, freedom has the opportunity to flourish. The soy-boys like you don’t understand how to treat bullies. Punch them in the mouth, again and again and again until the bully is unable to feed itself. Starvation of the bullies brings them to heel and mind their manners.

      1. Looking forward to seeing you in jail. We can get together in general assembly during a lunch hour for a nice little chat.
        Then you’ll see a real soy boy in action. I can go to confession afterwards. You, otoh, you may not have any recourse.

        I can guarantee you that you’ll end up in prison before I do.

        Speaking of bullies, I know how to handle them just fine. You’ll find out soon enough just how well.

        1. Your legacy will be licking the boots of your overlords until they are finished with you. Then a whip or a gunshot or starvation are in your future. Enjoy your freedom, serf.

          I on the other hand am fighting for my children and grandchildren and generations to follow for their freedom.

          1. You think you’re the only one fighting for freedom? I’ve been fighting ever since February 2022, and I’ve been FAR MORE EFFECTIVE than you can ever hope to be, bullying people on a keyboard.

            I’m actually out there, but you and NME are cement-heads who doesn’t realize what has actually happened in Brazil.
            We’ve actually seen the 21st century equivalent of the The Reichstag Fire. In case you don’t know what that is, here’s a little history lesson:
            You’d better stop worrying about my legacy, and worry about your own.
            So keep fighting for your children and grand children. What have you accomplished? I have already posted what I have accomplished!
            Absolute idiocy! We shouldn’t be fighting each other. We have a common enemy, but you prefer to squabble over a disagreement in strategy.
            This is exactly what the enemy wants, and you’re giving it to them with both hands! Here! Take it! It’s all yours.
            I can’t believe I’m talking to such a moron! I should have known better.

          2. Let’s examine the events post-insurrection in Brazil, shall we?

            – The squad calling for the extradition of Bolsanaro, even though he was out of the country during the insurrection.
            – CNN blaming Trump — Calling “election denialism” an American export.
            – Hundreds of busses loaded with 1300 insurgents, hauling the arrested DIRECTLY to prison WITHOUT A TRIAL!
            – Lula branding the insurgents as FASCISTS (that’s ominous, if you know your history)
            – Biden condemning the attacks on democracy in Brazil as fascist in nature.
            – The Brazilian government quickly had retaken control of all buildings and assets, meanwhile thousands of insurrectionists are going to jail for a very very long time — IF THEY’RE LUCKY!!!

            …and that’s only 1 DAY after the insurgency. Repercussions from this event will be WORLD-WIDE! Do you cement-heads (GlacierMan and NME666 in particular) still think this was a good idea?

            By golly, even Bolsanaro himself tacitly condemned the violence. He knows what I know… that nothing good will come from all this. The globalists were looking for their Reichstag Fire.
            J6 failed, but now, they finally found it.

            Thanks a lot, cement-heads.

    2. fc
      “This is the reason why I consistently speak out against violence of any means”
      No you speak out against freedom bc you are an IDIOT, violence is all they understand, or did you sleep though 2020?
      then again , you mewled about being katholik, the cult of pedophiles and witch burning, now FO!

      1. As for you… You don’t see me, you don’t know me. What you’re looking at is your own reflection.

    1. – Peaceful demonstrations, in the form of the law, are part of democracy. However, depredations and invasions of public buildings as occurred today, as well as those practiced by the left in 2013 and 2017, escape the rule.

      – Throughout my mandate, I have always been within the four lines of the Constitution, respecting and defending the laws, democracy, transparency and our sacred freedom.

      – In addition, I repudiate the accusations, without evidence, attributed to me by the current head of the executive of Brazil.

  9. Bidinh calls election theft … “Democracy”. Both his theft … and that Commie in Brazil.

    Marxists: up is down … red is blue

  10. Average people.. A lot of old people.. With no plan except they are pissed off.. Remember coups come from above and revolutions come from below.. They can actually happen at the same time like Jan 6th.. Trumps economic revolution was put down by a globalist coup..

  11. BBC News has this thing on #1, apparently they are ‘far right’. But I know that BBC are bastards + the guy who won against Bolsonaro is a Communist + Xiden always sides with Evil. So Yeah, those poor guys are martyrs and they will be paraded through mock trials for the next 3-4 years.

  12. I’m not sure what’s happening half a world away in a different language but the losing side is not happy with how the election was run.. More mail in voting and more voting machines?.. Sore losers or dirty winners its the governments responsibility to run clean transparent elections.. Otherwise people wont bother anymore..

  13. The military is protecting the rioters from the police?.. So much for sending in the military to sort things out.. I smell a civil war and the people who sent in the military foolishly started it..

  14. So they army is on the side of the insurrection? If true can another Junta be far off?

    Here I thought the CIA were all off on a DIE retreat this quarter.
