43 Replies to “Et Tu, Fido?”

  1. I ordered my herd of Squirrels not to associate with the riff-raff to keep them safe from imported diseases.
    Been fattening…Ops sorry, feeding peanuts for six years now…
    A pretty loyal group/gang.

  2. Monkey Pox is a sexually transmitted disease–so, we can extrapolate that someone had anal sex with an ape/monkey then had anal sex with other men with the same proclivity. We’ve established that these guys have committed bestiality…who’s to say it was a one time thing?

    1. I’m not sure how you say it in French, but here in far western Canada we have a saying that seems to be apropos for these two gay men if they have have been having anal sex with multiple partners while it’s common knowledge that that is far and away the most likely way to get monkey-pox:

      “I wouldn’t p*** up your a** if your guts were on fire.”

      But you probably won’t hear it on the CBC.

  3. Two gay men having sex with their dog…

    Hey that is an idea for a new Disney movie !

        1. Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Rex (* But Were Afraid to Ask)

          Homeward Bound III: Lust in Paris

  4. Do we know if the dog identifies as a gay human? Then it would just be a typical fun night for these three dudes

  5. Play Stoopid Games…??
    Win Stoopid Prizes.

    Self induced.
    Zero Fks given.

    And what the hell is a dog – Any dog doing having a sleepover on the bed.? Have had dogs all my life, not one ever slept on our bed. Not their place…nor was my bedroom.

    (Ya don’t ever wanna be rudely awakened by a vile dog fart at 2:45AM).


    1. Kenji, I think the “victims” are self stigmatizing. Sorry, but I just can’t bring myself to care….about the Mpox or the self stigmatizing. Something about doing stupid, vile, things results in getting stupid, vile, prizes!
      The wokerarty can also take a flying leap too.

  6. Coulda used an NSFW warning or something there, Laura.
    Some of us are tuning in during lunch. Yuck.

  7. Apparently they’d give a dog a bone.

    I’m pretty sure if you fck with Lassie or the Littlest Hobo you should be ventilated.

  8. But was it a male dog or a female dog? There may be different levels of queerness at (ahem) play here.

  9. Two guys sitting at a park bench, happen to observe a dog laying down licking his privates. One of them sez, Gee, don’t you wish you could do that? The other guy, after a long pause sez, yeah, but maybe I should pet him first!

    OK, I’m leaving now!

  10. Well yup, that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw that report with the pictures of the poor dog’s sores. Seriously disgusting and I hope that animal is taken away from them.

  11. The so called vaunted Lancet disgraced itself when it published a fake paper on early treatment of COVID.
    Their sources were debunked and the “peer reviewed” study was withdrawn.

  12. It is interesting that people here and everywhere talk about this, much like having a sandwich.
    Sounds rather like depraved perversion.
