18 Replies to “Why would a prominent pharmaceutical CEO get a fake vaccine passport?”

  1. No “elite” has been vaccinated.
    Trudeau uses a positive test to disappear when there are tough questions to answer.
    He’s a fraud, a charlatan, a child molester and a racist. Everything he claims not to be.
    And incompetent.
    And a criminal.
    Whatever anyone on the left accuses you off they are guilty of.
    Challenge them.

  2. This is going to go away.
    For the “official Vaccines were miserable failures,as a consequence no one has been vaccinated.
    The green card,they use is worthless,except as a signal of compliance.
    So these fakers only crime is “Lying to the government”,when the government is blatantly lying to them.
    “Safe and effective”.”No longterm side effects”..

  3. This “scandal”, as they said, is 3 (or 4) weeks old. Was a topic on some substack articles as well. When this came out, it was reported that this was being run by a former soccer player and a pharmacist, and they charged variable rates. At the time I first read about it, Mr. CEO appears to have paid €200,000 (but I never confirmed this). My comment elsewhere was: “if you have to pay €200,000 for a green pass, you are NOT in the club.” (As if Shiny Pony and Ouchy Fauci and grandpa Joe would have to pay to get saline…). The “elite” this guy is part of is just a group of wealthy folks that needed the green pass and new better than get jabbed. By the way, these are not Covid “vaccines”. They are injectable biological products.

  4. The CEOs I’ve known would get a fake vaccine passport because they could. They’d very likely be fully vaccinated but get a fake anyway, because they could. And any diplomat will tell you that you should always get any and every passport you can get. It’s just policy.

      1. Darwinian at play.
        Selection of the fittest, taking one for the team as the saying goes.

  5. He probably didn’t want to waste a vaccine that could go to some more deserving little person. And here’s people attacking him instead of celebrating him for the selfless man that he really is. What a shabby world.

    1. We see what you did there…it’s a shame that SDA doesn’t have a [sarcasm font] for us to use.

      1. I figure SDA readers are smart enough to get my drift. As the saying goes, a three digit IQ is required to recognize satire.

        1. A three digit IQ seems not enough to protect one from the myriad of bullshit being tossed at us everyday by our government and it’s lap dog, the media.

          Either there is only a small number of people with three digit IQs or fear is forcing, otherwise smart people into doing stupid things like getting the fake vaccines and wearing a mask.

          What a world we are presently living in.

  6. If ,as is suspected,our fearless leaders and shameless promoters of the “Government Goo” turn out to have not had the treatment they have mandated for all, the the perfect retribution for their abuses would be multiple shots of the original “vaccine”.
    One for every person they have harmed..
    I would call such a reward…Justice.
