Military Grade Propaganda

This is excellent! Its about much more than the current conflict. If you’ve ever wondered why covid was always talked about like a world war this essay explains the reason and the result. Grab a coffee.

Glenn Greenwald- War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless

Every useful or pleasing claim about the war, no matter how unverified or subsequently debunked, rapidly spreads, while dissenters are vilified as traitors or Kremlin agents.

There is no propaganda as potent or powerful as war propaganda. It seems that one must have lived through it at least once, as an engaged adult, to understand how it functions, how it manipulates and distorts, and how one can resist being consumed by it.

As I examined in the first part of that video discussion, war propaganda stimulates the most powerful aspects of our psyche, our subconscious, our instinctive drives. It causes us, by design, to abandon reason. It provokes a surge in tribalism, jingoism, moral righteousness and emotionalism: all powerful drives embedded through millennia of evolution. The more unity that emerges in support of an overarching moral narrative, the more difficult it becomes for anyone to critically evaluate it. The more closed the propaganda system is — either because any dissent from it is excluded by brute censorship or so effectively demonized through accusations of treason and disloyalty — the more difficult it is for anyone, all of us, even to recognize one is in the middle of it.

80 Replies to “Military Grade Propaganda”

  1. I don’t think you need to live through a war to know propaganda. Two years of covid, the media coverage of the convoy, global warming…. If you haven’t learned yet you never will

  2. In America, we had to deal with the saber rattling every few months when Trump was in office. They tried to get us to go into Syria. North Korea was going to kill us all. Then when we killed the Iranian general it was the start of WWIII.

    After years of hearing how Trump was going to plunge the world into war, the left has enabled Putin, which is exactly what they accused Trump of doing. The projection is astounding.

    Most sane people over the age of 30 are immune to it. Chicken little has told us the sky is falling too many times.

  3. All of you brain dead asswipes calling the Russians “animals” are drunk on the propaganda shat out by the globohomo clown world leadership. You decry the CBC, CTV, etc yet you parrot their every sentiment when it comes to Russia. I’d call you hypocrites, but you’re too damn dumb. Except for Colonialista. He’s just a pissed off Polack who still hasn’t forgiven Nazi Germany and the USSR from kicking Poland out of the antisemitism world finals.

        1. Have a chunk of kielbasa and take a few shots of that undrinkable Polack vodka your sort gorges on.

          1. @Colonialista: Pro-russian trolls are the lowest scum and it’s not worth it to engage. Anyway, whenever they squeal, it’s the best sign we’re right! 🙂

          2. Agreed DanC, but I always marvel at their poor programing quality and propensity to glitch. It is amusing to watch them to inevitably fallback on the same handful of clichés. Utter lack of creativity. Stolichnaya clearly poisoned their coders brains … and typically that happened before they were born.

      1. But invading far away lands is…. Iraq and Afghanistan come to mind as recent examples of Western hypocrisy. Cheer on the US fucking over third world countries that didn’t threaten them, but hey, let’s call Russians “animals” because globohomo propaganda leaks through the diseased brains of Western sheep. Gawd, the rank hypocrisy around here is enough to gag an Anatolian sheep shagger. I always figured the SDA regulars as a howling baboon troop of broccoli-level IQ, but today sets a new record in lowness.

        1. ^^^^ Low IQ trollbot blown a fuse. Shoddy Siberian build quality is showing again. You forgot “War for Oil” cupcake.

          1. “Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists,” decreed President George W. Bush in his speech to the Joint Session of Congress on September 20, 2001. Anyone questioning or disputing any part of the narrative or any of the U.S. policies championed in its name stood automatically accused of treason or being on the side of The Terrorists. David Frum, fresh off his job as a White House speechwriter penning Bush’s war speeches, in which Bush proclaimed the U.S. was facing an “Axis of Evil,” published a 2003 article in National Review about right-wing opponents of the invasion of Iraq, aptly titled: “Unpatriotic Conservatives.” Go look how cheaply and easily people were accused of being on the side of The Terrorists or traitors for the slightest deviation from the dominant narrative. – Glenn Greenwald

            Those easily swayed by propaganda are quick to accuse others of being on the “other side.”

          2. So how did that war in the gulf start? You remember the one where SH invaded Kuwait over oil and the Media was telling us how the evil invaders were ripping babies out of incubators? And then part two and the “weapons of mass destruction”! Ooooo that was a goody!
            Then we get mr. Gaddafi and that little dispute over Europe and how he was going to get paid. Shouldn’t have pissed off big oil. “We came, we saw, he died!” Cackle cackle. By the way, how did that investigation into the warehouse full of murdered Gaddafi supporters turn out, you remember, the ones with their hands bound and the bullet holes in their heads? I never heard how that investigation turned out, did you?
            Then there’s Syria. They sure learned their lessons on denying the powers that be, gas pipeline rights.
            Or did you think it was all just altruistic sentiment?
            And that’s just the biggest. The little undeclared wars don’t even get a mention in the press.

            It’s weird how people pick and choose which human rights violation to get upset about!
            Is it because white people are involved this time and the press say we should care? Is that it?
            Never have I seen people so easily played by the media and here we are again.
            “Of all the enemies of true liberty, war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. In war, the public treasuries are to be unlocked. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. No Nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continual Warfare.”

            –James Madison

          1. And how many russian prostitutes do it for samogon, under the bridge without a rubber? Both answers equally relevant to anyone who is not a Pootinista demagogue.

      2. Trudeau would say otherwise; he invites illegal immigrants to invade Canada all the time. It’s part of the deconstruction plan of Canada.

    1. It is very odd, isn’t it?

      I have heard Russophobic bilge that nobody outside a mosque would tolerate if said in public about Jews. I’ve been convinced for a long time that Russophobia is a poorly disguised anti-Semitism.

    2. @Canadians Are Idiots
      It’s hard to miss the one or two yapping little dogs at every comment that questions the CBC/ Globalist narrative on any SDA thread involving Russia/ Ukraine.
      It’s too bad I’m sure it does deter some reasonable unbiased comments from appearing. Sad for the little dogs, their bigoted conduct on this issue most assuredly voids their credibility on any other issues going forward.
      A little like the normal dude at work getting stupid drunk and making an ass of himself at the Christmas party then wonders why he doesn’t get invited to anything else.

      1. Can you relativist idiots get it through your heads that one does not need to swallow globalist narrative to recognize Siberian Mongol invasion of Ukraine for what it is? Pure evil. That’s all. Just because Pootin does not like Soros does not make Pootin a good guy. Recently Soros came out against Xi. Xi is also a recent friend of Pootin. Will Xi become your next friend?

        1. Russia/Putin was perfectly happy to let Ukraine alone so long as it didn’t allow itself to become weaponized by the NATO/EU/WEF assholes. But he’d rather destroy it than let it get turned against him. That’s what he’s doing. He’s burning a bridge because he sees the enemy army approaching.

          1. @ruralcounsel – That’s a good way to put it condensed, and actually exactly what Putin said in that earlier 1hr video statement he made. I suppose take it for what it is, a professional liar is a professional liar and we have them on all sides of the issue. Making an informed opinion difficult.

          2. We don’t have them on all sides of the issue. Ukrainian men escorting their families to Polish border only to turn back and fight are genuine. Ukrainian diaspora from all over the world trying to get into Ukraine via Poland, Hungary or Romania to fight is genuine. Grandma telling Soldats to put sunflower seeds in their pockets is genuine. Teenage girls in jeans and tracksuits running with AKs are genuine. President with a price on his head and his family’s heads who refuses to abandon his people is genuine. A sapper blowing himself up to take out a bridge and stop Siberian advance is genuine. Ruski korabl: Idi nahuj is genuine.

            I don’t need Schwab or Soros to validate any of it, and no honest person does. Do you?

    3. Putin never called me a “deplorable” or “fringe minority” or ‘intolerable”… Never threatened to fire me for not wanting to take his experimental drugs. Putin never threatened to take my kids away for teaching them traditional Christian morals. Feel bad for the people of Ukraine stuck defending a guy like Zelensky and his Democrat party clients, but thanks, I think I’ll pass on getting involved.

    4. Russia has always been an enemy of the west, and still is (Tsar Ivan, Tsar Peter, Tsarinna Catherine II, Lenin, Stalin, Breshnev, .., Putin).

      Nevertheless, regarding Russia and Ukraine, the situation is very simple: Russia is invading a neighboring independent country, with the likely target of conquering it, and this must be condemned. Full stop.

      Ideally we (the west) should have handled the Russia relationship much better, especially after 1991, and for that we (the west) deserve some criticism. But the responsibility for this invasion lies entirely on Russia.

      In short, it is possible to not uncritically believe the government and media propaganda, and still unequivocally condemn Russia for this invasion.

        1. All those in support of russia, take a flight there and fight for them. Sorry but you are by far the the greatest minority in history to be supporting pooptins attack. So again why don’t you piss off and go fight then live in russia.

          1. Minorities are bad huh? What’s your feelings on vaxx passes? I hear there is a sad minority view about that one too.
            Honestly, suggesting that being in a minority of opinion is a bad thing should be a non starter here

  4. Our Entitled Intellectual Superiors need a war.
    Lo and behold we have a war.
    Who you gonna believe?
    Your Super Patriotic Dear Leader.
    Or your lying eyes.?
    Imagine,if we did not have such a handy dandy war..Our criminal thugs might have to justify their criminal abuses and lust for power.

    Some one might have to explain how the Bouncy Castle Rebellion amounted to a National Emergency,worthy of the War Measures Act Equivalent..

    A whole bunch of utterly useless nitwits might be having to explain their declaration of a medical emergency ,where no evidence has emerged in two years of The Dread Covid being more than the seasonal flu..
    And a whole bunch more freeloading bureaucrats might be having to explain their failure ..
    But “We are at war”.
    Such questions are now crimes against the State.

  5. Put the online connected devices down, and pray for the survival of the Western World. Prayer is pretty much all we have at this point.

  6. So they will hold talks, apparently, and maybe this will come to an end. Give Putin enough of an exit ramp, like inclusion of the two eastern enclaves and Crimea (already de facto changes anyway), take NATO membership off the table, and then Putin has enough to save face and spin it as a victory to whoever wants to believe that.

    As bad as this must be, there is a bit of a stalemate developing. NATO leaders must be working overtime trying to figure out the mental status of Putin and his secure hold on power or otherwise. At the same time, it would be foolish and reckless to gamble on too much support for Ukraine. Push the negotiation aspect for now.

    The fact that our own countries are globalist freak shows makes it difficult to take an enthusiastic pro-NATO position, but we can get back to our own struggles once we avoid the worst case scenario outcome here. I don’t believe much of what I am told but clearly there is not some all-out desperate war in Kiev right this moment, perhaps that would come, but it seems more likely that Russia just wants to scare Ukraine into installing a puppet government. It would be the avoidance of that outcome that Ukraine could get as their win in those talks.

    1. This would be the realistic approach at this time. Hopefully most will figure this out before this gets escalated further.

  7. The narrative is becoming more militaristic, authoritarian and reckless because the elites are genuinely terrified that this is it.

    They might be right too.

    Vladimir Putin is done watching his mother be raped, and he is determined to see to it the Empire is never again in a position to threaten Russian sovereignty.

    In the end, that may mean using Russia’s nuclear arsenal to annihilate the parasite classes of the western world.

    What need westerners who work for a living and believe in God do about this?

    Make clear to anybody who wants to know that you refuse to be the last to die for Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau, and make sure that you and your loved ones are a hundred kilometers from any major city when Putin lets the Empire have it.

    The sooner the parasites and their diverse and vibrant drudges and goons are buried under tons of radioactive rubble, the sooner the people who did all the hard work of building the western world can start afresh—build back better, as it were.

    Call it the Great Reset the world actually needs, as opposed to the one the globalists thought they wanted.

    Remember: the elites hate us and want us dead. Better them than us.

    That’s how Putin sees it, anyway.

    1. “Vladimir Putin is done watching his mother be raped,”

      He should be careful, without rape he probably would not exist. Rape, abortion and drinking itself to death are favorite Siberian Mongol activities.

      1. So you keep saying.

        I genuinely wonder why you think and talk about Russians this way. Even most globalists don’t (yet) dehumanize Russians like this. (They’re still hoping they can get them to turn on their own leader.)

        I hate globalists and Muslims and homosexuals and anti-Semites because what they do is hateful. That is healthy.

        You seem to hate Russians, or anybody who has adopted Russian culture, just because they’re Russians. That isn’t normal.

        What did a Soviet (Russian or otherwise) ever do to you personally?

        Humour me. It might be useful for SDA readers to know.

        1. 1. I don’t feel like repeating myself.
          2. Explaining obvious to insane is a waste of time.
          3. I am all out of crayons.

          1. Let us examine Colonia’s bona fides:
            1. Russia, Russia, Russia! Check.
            2. Voted for party that promised vax mandates. Check.
            3. Voted for a party that supports identity politics. Check.
            4. Voted for a party that promised gun confiscation. Check.
            5. Supports removing mobility rights from minorities. Check.
            6. Has been jabbed. Check.
            7. Accuses those he disagrees with of supporting NAZIs, or otherwise dehumanizes them. Check.

            Diagnosis: Flaming libtard.

          2. ITT Tootheles demagogue trying to take the moral high ground, so cringy, so pathetic, so russian.

        2. Oh hell I am feeling charitable.

          I want enemies of Western Civilization (aka Civilization) both foreign and domestic defeated. Siberian Mongols are among the most evil among the foreign ones. Western idiots who romanticize Siberian Mongols are among the most delusional domestic ones.

          If any of the longer words give you trouble try sounding them out.

          1. Can’t agree with you there, Western civilization’s greatest enemies are the ones currently running western civilization. Putin and Xi don’t need to worry about us, we are busy destroying ourselves.

          2. Foreign and domestic, both are equally vile and dangerous. No point to be choosing between AIDS and cancer or embracing one above the other.

    2. “Vladimir Putin is done watching his mother be raped”

      What a ridiculous statement. Who is raping Russia? Is someone stealing their oil? Are people not doing business with Russia? Is Russia not participating in international sports events (except when doing too much drugs)?

      Better question: Who raped the women of Poland and Germany in 1945?

  8. NDP/Liberal marxists in Canada want to restore President Zelensky’s freedom to arrest his political opponents and shut down TV stations he doesn’t like. It’s the type of freedom they would like to give to little potato so he could punish their ideological opponents.

    Screw all these people.

    The Ukrainians got sucked in by the Biden family of grifters and now the people of Ukraine will pay the price. It’s very sad, it could have been avoided obviously. But at this point they’re going to live under one dictatorship or another, does it make any difference to us?

    1. Biden, Romney, Pelosi, Hillary. Ukraine is a dem slush fund. Romney is a nominal R, Bain Capital WEF guy.

  9. I watched the Putin video. He seemed quite sane.
    I passed it to someone who has seen hundreds of people over the years they did exams. They saw no mental issues. Yet, “media experts” say mental issues are obvious.

    1. “I watched the Putin video. He seemed quite sane.”

      Absolutely. He is very sane. Evil, cold calculating, 100% sociopathic, recently rather frustrated by the lack of progress, but far from mad or insane.

      1. Prof. Mearsheimer (UofChicago) says Putin is smart, capable, and very strategic.

        He just views international relations differently than the Washington DC State Department. He’s a 19th century man, doing realpolitik. Something we will all be getting more acquainted with as the world has more than one peer super-power again.

        1. I’ve seen this video linked many times. The professor misses the key point. He believes that Pootin considers Ukraine turning towards West a genuine threat to russia. Which obviously it is not. It may be a threat to russian imperial ambitions, Sure I give him that. But in no way it is a threat to russia. Pootin duped people like the professor into thinking that he genuinely thinks and acts in what he perceives the interest of russia’s safety.

          That’s the biggest lie.

          There is nothing genuine about Pootin’s moves. Russia was never threatened. Pootin knows it and everyone at Kremlin knows it. It is a cynical naked power grab for the sake of boosting domestic popularity. Same goes with Crimea, Georgia, Transnistria, etc.

          It is getting out of hand. Sure. He miscalculated. Obviously. But unless people understand the true cynical, self serving, motive they’ll keep on missing the point. And there is nothing insane about it. Just a miscalculation by a highly intelligent, self serving sociopath.

          1. Russia is an officially Christian nation, has banned gay marriage, has refused to allow LGBTQtrans nonsense aimed at kids. NATO just finished stating that LGBTQ+ rights IS what distinguishes NATO from Russia.

            If you are a traditional Russian, NATO is a very clear threat to you. They have seen what the NATO agenda produces in France and Germany by way of LGBTQ agenda and mass migration.

            So “obviously NATO is not a threat” isn’t necessarily all that obvious to Russians.

          2. Right, so now Pootin had to invade Ukraine because NATO is pro gay. Facepalm. Wow, it truly is a wonder why none treats Siberian Mongol propaganda seriously.

      1. Really? You wonna go into who’s posting under multiple names? You? Angel/ray/Achmed/default/etc etc etc?

  10. I have about as much love for Russia as I have for my own government.. I don’t trust either one of them..

    1. I understand that sentiment, but you have to understand that there are differences in degree. Putin beats Biden & Trudeau by a mile when it comes to corruption and evilness.

  11. Biden appears to be employed by the Russians and the Chinese.

    Rev up oil and gas so that we can crater the market and leverage it against Russia. Nope, we will instead push for the gradual implementation of renewables. It will take years, during which, Russia will be taking in oil and gas money. And the lithium for batteries will be supplied by China and Russian controlled Ukraine.

    Joe Biden is either a total idiot or a corrupt traitor.

  12. Getting involved in ethic hostilities on the other side of the world is not in our best interests. Its. Not. Our. Problem.

  13. I am beginning to think that the ideologically aligned Obama/Chinese admins played Putin.

    Now he will be replaced with a more loyal schwabite.

    One with far less nationalistic tendencies.

    Globalists hate patriotic nationalists.

  14. Fransico:

    I like what your doing (I haven’t always, but I’m okay with it, now).

    The problem with Putin is very simple, and you need to recognize it, and internalize this information: nobody wants to see his face, anymore. Ever. Period.

    If you need help with that, my wife has a hospital for that.

  15. Good on yer Kate, letting these discussions go unmoderated. Freedom of speech is great, even the inanities. It’s edifying, getting a feel for how some folks think, or don’t.

  16. So actually read the article and then see the nightmare being played out in the comments here! Pretty funny how accurate the article portrays the response of some folk to opinions that counter the official narrative. “Russian trolls” indeed!

  17. If attempting to look at this with a cynical and rational eye (like Greenwald) makes one a “Russian troll” then I hereby declare anyone reflexively taking the side of Ukraine a “CIA troll” “Deep State Lover” “WEF Davos Toady” because after all, they were the ones who installed Zelensky.

    1. Even assuming this is the case, i.e. that some external party “installed” Zelensky, this does not in any way excuse Russia’s invasion. RIght?

  18. Colonoscopy of the CabbageWaffen is still mad the Poles had to dismantle Sobibor before the Russkies showed up.

      1. Pretty sure Kate could confirm your psychosis by ip addresses.
        Or, there’s just a whole bunch of people who don’t believe any establishment neocon warmongers anymore than than any other lets go to war for nothing nobs.

        1. Nah, Kate will not bother with that. Why should she? Besides your stench is unmistakable anyway.
