33 Replies to “Someone Is Going To Report Her To The Mounties”

  1. The “pandemic”over the last several years has been very valuable in flushing out the immoral, the fascist, and the non-thinkers. I know some things for sure that I only used to suspect. I won’t forget who did what, and who held the fascist views.


    1. Sadly, the pandemic has also given me new insight into which of my friends/colleagues/neighbours deserve nothing more than the ol’ side-eye from now on. I grieve for what was, but I guess it just means that I have to move on.

      1. Same. We were desinvited to a neighborhood party on Halloween. Since then, polite but cold interactions. My daughter’s “best friend” (the type of friendship forged on neighbours backyards, playing on the streets and sharing good giggles) “tolerates” us, but I’m told she is viscerally afraid of unjabbed folks. Interesting times.

  2. Sadly, the Kanadian MSM will only fawn over Dear Leader. If he were to be caught buggering children with hundreds of eye witnesses, the MSM would run cover for him.

    1. Maybe, but surely at least some in his party have becone thoroughly disgusted with this guy. He does not represent Canadian values, and he seems completely without empathy or morals. I think he is a sociopath.

        1. Mike, what you said about him, but also he is a textbook globalist puppet.
          Although I have come to loathe identity political shit, it is gratifying to see a Jewish woman saying this truth about that narcissistic sociopathic piece of globalist trash excuse of a leader….namely, Justine Blackie The Quisling China Davos Candidate piece of putrid Puppet boy Trudeau. Junior.
          Pray for correction and poetic justice. You know what I mean.

  3. No doubt some Mounties may become available after delivering Haitian luggage to the Radisson this evening, they are busy as everyone knows.

    Unless you mean the “Special Mounties” that he sicked on Ezra over his unflattering Trudeau book.

    PS: dirty little coincidence, Blackface allegedly has a special love of Muslim terrorists, and not so much for Jews.

    1. I wish he’d try applying some of that special love to one, the little jihadist might rid us of this meddlesome PM.

  4. The great thing about religion, is you can never jump the shark. Anybody saying you’ve gone too far is simply another unbeliever that must be crushed.

  5. When Trudeau is talking about those racist unvaccinated bastards, is he including the racist unvaccinated illegal alien bastards that the RCMP are helping enter Canada illegally at Roxham Road?

  6. He’s not doing anything other than deflecting and othering. To ask if he is including something is to give him too much credit, that involves thinking.

  7. Of course it would be a jewish woman hurling insults at Canada’s first openly gay black prime minister.

  8. The money line:

    “Here is Justin Trudeau, a sanctimonious, self-serving, self-righteous, inept, unethical, immoral and corrupt man, who can now add evil to the list,” writes Bederman.

  9. In defense of the idiot, racists and extremists are words he’s got no concept of.
    Him being racist in black face, his extremist minister eliminating gas cars in two years.

    You see, he can’t tell, someone told him to say that and he knowing nothing else of human existence, goes along with the bullshit.

  10. Dread Covid Theatre is that once in a lifetime show,when the enemies of civilization strut forth to take a bow,blatter on for hours and proudly proclaim their totalitarian ways.
    I hope we are are all making lists.
    Remember, every one of the elected Statists swore oaths to abide by the laws and norms of our society..
    And the Appointed Twits are also oath-sworn to even more specific duties..
    What did we see?
    Presented with a computer projected pandemic,they panicked.
    when faced with the task of persuading the citizens to chose certain paths,they went straight to mandate.
    Dictatorial Powers,because they cannot persuade anyone..
    Hard to be convincing when you cannot even get your own lies straight.
    And with a record of decades of deceit,lies and corruption,”Trust us” is not viable..

    Every politician and Bureaucrat,including Mayors,councillors and Dog Catchers,who chose the “Mandate Way” had better have their resignation from all offices ready..
    They failed.
    They know they failed.
    But rather than step aside and let smarter,saner and sensible people come to the fore..?
    They have hung on and descended into ever deeper pathology.

    Now they want an out.
    Dread Covid Theatre has imploded..
    “Jabs No Work?We give you more jabs..Jabs are required..jabs do not work,you need more jab..N95 Mask,Privates safe Space and to contract Omnicrom ..then you will be considered,by us your benevolent government,to be vaccinated..until the 5th jab is ready..

    Total incoherence,incompetence all smothered in arrogance and an astounding assumption that no one will remember their past statements,which their intermediate statements gave the lie too and their present utterances brutally mock..

    We know,they know we know and they are looking for the escape narrative ,before their final act of insanity releases the mob..
    Not the orchestrated Burn Loot Murder Mob,but the other mob,the one BLM created and the Dread Covid Corruption enraged…Those nasty old conservatives,who are very slow to anger..
    but once they are,they burn..
    It has that righteous vibe..
    For the Parasitic Overload is completely out of control and long overdue for a famine.

    So The actions of our State Loving Nitwits,these last two years,are a gift.
    In the name of Law,order,Justice and Natural Rights of the Individual Citizen,the crusade is forming.

    Comes a season for everything.
    The “Greater Bigger Good Government” era has ended.
    Or they have run out of O.P.M

  11. Canada is ruled by a French-Canadian homosexual and a fetal-alcohol imbecile whelped by the daughter of Nazis from Lesser Russia.

    Of course they’re goddamn Jew-haters.

    Wuhan flu itself is the handiwork of the same people who dreamed up National Socialism, and never faced any meaningful consequences for mass murder.

    Nuremberg was a farce, a PR stunt designed to make it look like the Krauts were being “brought to justice.” Nobody cared about the Holocaust. The western Allies were mostly sorry they hadn’t thought of it first. Stalin was already plotting his own.

    Who was sent to the gallows? Those of Hitler’s lieutenants too stupid to escape in the confusion. Josef Mengele started over in Brazil, much as Michael Chomiak did in Canada, and died unrepentant.

  12. So let’s consider the meaning of the word “Evil”. If a healthcare worker in, say Alberta, died very recently and suddenly from a vax jab they vigorously opposed but knuckled under and took so they could feed themselves would those who pushed that healthcare vax mandate be called Evil? Just asking for a friend of a friend.

    1. As a reply to your question, here is a copy of the comment I made in the Battleground Melbourne topic, for what it is worth.

      “The video well illustrates what awaits in the back halls of our own Parliament and yet most Canadians are too ignorant to understand. When a government elected by a consenting population enacts laws and rules that were never announced on their election platform they are not acting with consent and should therefore be forced to resign. Problem is that there is no one that can force them to resign. That is the reason the Democrats in America and the Liberals in Canada are so hell bent on gun control. Once you have removed the ability of the populace from enforcing a resignation for bad governance you have installed tyranny. The farce that has been passed off as government in Canada, for the last seventy or eighty years, is a prime example. The farce governing America today is the absolute nadir of self governing in a free and democratic country. Canada reached that point seven years ago. Americans will eventually reach this conclusion but there will be no coming back, just as there is no coming back from what has transpired in Australia. When a government removes the individual right to self-defence then the people are no longer free to elect and appoint representatives to govern them by consent. They are merely chattel to be used at tyranny’s whim. Welcome to the New World Order that we have been warning about these many years.”

      1. Self-defense is a mere fraction of what the public won’t do.

        We certainly can’t count on a popular uprising.

        There are simply no legal or political checks and balances to stop Trudeau et al from doing what they’re doing.

        Calling him names might sound like a nice pressure valve but unless it translates to his removal/prosecution/burial under an avalanche, we’re stuck.

  13. +++Antenor. Have watched it unfold all my life. Tried to be part of political change with the conservatives, zero success, the ball just kept rolling downhill and hard left. We are where we are because Canadians, for that matter, the average person everywhere, are intellectually inferior. They do not or cannot think.

    1. +++VOWG. They do not think, they only emote. They do not think things, they only feel things. This is the self fulfilling prophecy of big government. When mommy government is there to take your money and make your choices for you, you end up with a nation if infants, they may be smart, they may be dumb, but first and foremost they are children. Children need their parents, they know this.

  14. Hate to generalize…but if she’s Jewish, there’s a very high chance she voted Liberal. So, FOADIAF–it’s people like you who put the rest of us in this hell we’re enduring now.

  15. UNETHICAL, IMMORAL, and EVIL sums up Trudeau to a T ! He and his Liberals have ruined Canada!

  16. A couple of weeks ago I watched a documentary series about Nicholas and Alexandra.

    One of the narators, commenting about the Czarina – the de facto ruler – said that by the time WWI rolled round, the Romanov dynasty and Imperial Russia were doomed – because she was possessed of that most deadly combination: an iron will coupled with monumental stupidity.

    1. I would like to make a proposal regarding our so called Leaders. In the USA it is customary to play “All Hail to the Chief” when the President appears. I propose a similar custom be adopted except that when Trudeau appears the signature tune “Frolic” is played (from Curb your Enthusiasm) similarly when leaders of the so called Opposition appear the tune Wackety Sax (Benny Hill signature tune) will be played. It will help to keep their prognostications in perspective. Maybe a poll.
