45 Replies to “What’s Going On at the CBC?”

  1. They are just putting pressure on Blackie for all that money he promised them during the election.

    1. We are at the longest point from the next election so it is the safest time for criticism. I suspect this is a controlled pressure release. Twenty months from now the company line will be a nauseating refrain of, ‘Oh Captain, My Captain.” Or, and I’d lay money at 2 to 5 odds, that when a finger is put to the air of Voter Sentiment in Spring 2023 it will be Mark Carney that’s blown in by fall.

      1. *

        If only there was some sort of solution that was… you know… ‘final’…

        BERLIN—”German Health Minister Jens Spahn has announced his aggressive plan to fight COVID, which will include gathering all the unvaccinated people and putting them in special secured areas where they won’t bother anyone.”

        “Ze key to fighting ze COVID iz very simple,” said Spahn. “Ve must concentrate all ze filthy undesirables into special camps with very tall barbed-wire fences all around, where they will not infect us with their filthy anti-vaxx presence anymore.”

        Unvaccinated Germans will also be required to wear highly-visible markings on their clothing, so everyone will know to stay away from them, or turn them in if they attempt to buy food in a public market.



          1. Yep….how many Babylon Bee stories have come true?

            When I originally saw the Tweet I had to confirm that it was not “Not the Bee”…they share weird true stories. Germany is getting weird again.

    2. “Nice minority gummint you’ve got there, be a shame if anything was to ‘happen’ to it.”

  2. Don’t read the comments. They’re a dumpster fire of smug derptacularness, a bottomless grotto of “govern me harder, Daddy” midwits, with only the occasional sane person posting in-between the derp.

    1. I didn’t read the comments. Nor did I click on the link. I will not knowingly give these bastards the satisfaction.

      And, while it’s a personal choice, neither should anybody else.

  3. Notice that they specify this is an opinion from an outsider. “We’ll let you speak but we get to belittle you first.”

    Yes, I too read the comments. Most are the usual bleating from Lieberal sheep. Those idiots do not have enough brain capacity to put two and two together and come up with four.

  4. Nothing is going on at the CBC. Like all left wing and ultra-liberal sites nowadays, they have an opinion page, which seems to have been around for at least 5 years now. There they publish the occasional contrary viewpoint. Even then, leftist staff at the CBC “fact-check” the opinion piece before it is published. CBC news coverage is still the same propaganda.

    1. That is because to really know where a news outlet stands, read what it publishes as “news” and not the op-Ed’s.

      The Sun chain – even before Post Media purchased it – had right-leaning pundits. But what it published as news was all leftist drivel and propaganda. After the purchase by Post Media, the news reporting was taken up by Dipper and Lieberal party propagandists. Other published pieces by Roto-Reuters, Associated with Terrorists Press and Kanuckistanian Pravda (CP) are op-Ed’s masquerading as news.

  5. Dude hits bulls eyes and probably knows full well its pointless and we’re doomed to live in a world controlled by small-minded motherf@ckers with absolute power.

  6. The “Science” TM is showing some serious cracks lately. The European journal of Epidemiology has a paper up showing that per capita vaccination rates are either not correlated or are slightly positively correlated with lagging seven day case counts. The American Heart Association has a paper up that MRNA vaccines dramatically increase heart inflammation this paper is so frightening that Meta nee Facebook is putting a warning about the science next to it. And then the Germans who are about to forcibly vaccinate people are starting to print articles about pro soccer players dropping like flies due to heart disease. While I don’t expect even this relative deluge of bad news for team “fuck you and take the shot” to break the narrative yet, the writing is definitely appearing on the wall. Well I can hope anyway.

  7. What science, social distancing was a high school project based on a computer model. That’s not science it’s homework, the vaccines don’t work. I see the damage they do everyday watching my husband battle subcutaneous infections on his hands and feet. So sever three fingers have turned black, he’s in the city seeing a specialist hoping he’ll get to keep his fingers. Not one single media outlet has covered the victims of those fake vaccines, not a single story on the huge amount of suffering the jabba jabba has caused human beings. What will they do if kids start dropping dead, walk over their dead bodies because their pockets are flush with big pharma cash? I’m sickened by the collusion between the media, the goberment and big pharma-how many dead and suffering is enough liberal voters?

    1. I don’t know who will track this, but the people need to start collecting their own data and personal testimonies so that when the bovine excrement hits the fan, there is a public repository (not VAERS, nor Yellow Card) that can be used for data. We know that Big Pharma will bury anything that it can get is hands on.

      1. Try googling pzher and side effects, all you get is propaganda. Google Moderna and JJ and you get the facts. They really think we’re stupid.

        1. They really think we’re stupid.

          And the people who insist on buying into that propaganda are stupid.

        2. “They really think we’re stupid.”

          Save a few small communities like this one, I’ve seen little to dispel that notion.

    1. How?
      The piece cites “governments”.
      There is a provincial election this year in Ontario.
      The numbers game is in full effect reporting cases on a rolling average.
      Right now the only place safe for liberal fart catchers is Ottawa, liberals don’t even have official party status in the legislature.
      So the drive is on to frame the narrative to give the liberals an advantage in Ontario.
      Hence, CBC can find a source to help build the narrative.
      The light at the end of the tunnel hopefully is that the Zi variant is not as virulent as first claimed and the excuses for never ending restrictions are self destructing.

    1. Roadie:

      These days, it’s more like this –

      “The beatings will continue.”
      “Until morale improves?”
      ” . . . no.”

  8. This succinct break from the narrative gives me hope but I too read the comments…We still have a very long way to go.

  9. This is simply a response to the endless criticism of their one sided biased approach. When Nuremberg 2.0 happens they can point to this and say “See, we did so criticize the government. We are not complicit.”

    1. Nuremberg 2.0 was announced Yesterday..w/Reiner Fuellmich leading the Charge: Fraud case about RT PCR…the supposed PROOF Of Covidiot “infection”.

      I’d pay to have a front row seat at that..

  10. It doesn’t matter what the author says. The sheeple will eat their sh*t sandwich and demand another. Canada.

    1. Precisely.

      All it would take is for Canadians simply to walk out of their homes without masks and carry on as they might.

      But they won’t.

      They want to be ruled.

  11. It was a good opinion piece and one that hit the CBC fan-base like a baseball bat on the nose. The comments were hilarious. I just don’t know why the CBC published it.

  12. Here is why they are ramping up the power grabs and fear mongering, the Omicron variant. The symptoms, according to South African doctors who have seen many cases are, mild muscle weakness, maybe some muscle soreness, sometimes, and only sometimes, a mild cough, and…that’s it. Oh, for a few days.

    There is, however, one horrifying symptom, you are now immune to all variants of the disease. And this is natural immunity, superior to any vaccine, and provides immunity to all present and future variants.

    And that means no more lockdowns, passports, masks, restrictions, anything. And we can’t have that, now can we? The pandemic has ended itself, so we need to panic.

    So they are now going to dial the fearmongering up to eleven, go for permanent restrictions, push the vaccine as hard as they can, more gulags, everything.

    Oh, and they will try, this variant (after not trying on any other variant) to make a vaccine to stop just Omicron. After all, we don’t want people getting immunity, now do we? So, they may come up with a leaky vaccine, what will the variant that mutates to get around it look like? We have a harmless version right now, do we want to change that? Because we will.

    You might look up “Case Nightmare Kitty”, it will probably look like that.

  13. “Justin, this is the kind of reporting that we routinely silence. To keep you in power. $600 million just isn’t enough to do the job properly.”

  14. A letter to the editor in today’s Winnipeg Free Press called for a total ban on “unnecessary” air travel….until the entire world can be vaxxed! Can you say weapons of mass destruction? And this is not just the opinion of a tiny fringe.

    1. And when that’s over, it’ll be to “save the planet”. Of course, they will still be able to fly around.

  15. Printed at the end of the editorial…

    “Do you have a strong opinion that could add insight, illuminate an issue in the news, or change how people think about an issue? We want to hear from you.”


    If that were true, the commenters above who “… have a strong opinion that could add insight, illuminate an issue in the news, or change how people think about an issue.” wouldn’t need to complain that they were being banned, deleted or censored by the CBC.
