34 Replies to “I Don’t Want To Rain On Their Parade”

  1. I’m also disgusted by the hockey inclusivity Scotiabank commercials that appear repeatedly on the NHL broadcasts.

    I agree that anyone should play, regardless of race, background or anything, and BS comments about turbans and whatnot don’t belong.

    But then they mix in the “who wants to watch women’s hockey” stuff as if it’s on par with men playing at the NHL level. Apples and oranges right there. I’m all for inclusivity in the sport. But how dare they try to tell me that the women’s pro game is anywhere near as entertaining as the men’s, and that I’m somehow the problem if I don’t watch an inferior product. It’s not me, honey, it’s YOU.

    Complete BS and they lose their whole message right there.

    1. *
      i’m with dave chappelle…

      “Like, think about it. Okay, say… say LeBron James, uh, changed his gender. You know what I mean?”

      Okay. Can he stay in the NBA, or, because he’s a woman, does he have to go to the WNBA
      where he will score 840 points a game?

      “What does it actually mean to be equal? You know what I mean? Like, if women are actually equal
      to men, then there would be no WNBA, would there? You would just be good enough to play in the
      NBA with us.”


      1. What are these things you refer to as … ‘women’ … and the WNBA ? Ohhhh …. did you actually mean the BPNBA ?

      2. A lot of the female population are best suited to be in the kitchen, not on the sports field trying to be men.

    2. In Japan they solved the problem. There’s a new anime this season. It’s the story of a bunch of highschool girls from the embroidery club who discover ice hockey and join the local professional team’s pee wee division. It’s a “slice-of-life-cute-girls-doing-cute-things” merged with sports and idol anime. It’s actually pretty fun and interesting. There isn’t any woke garbage “strong empowered women vs toxic masculinity evil patriarchy crap at all. Just fun and games. “FEED THE PUCK WITH THE POWER OF THE HEART!”

  2. WNBA…is what exactly..?
    Womens National Basketball Association..?? That’s actually a thing.??
    OK, so …..& thats got what to do with Tokyo again..?

    Meh, I don’t really give a rats meow over ANY PRO sport – Done with their sniveling, kneeling, self righteous Pro BLM WOKE BS. Not a Penny goes their way from this household….

    I’d rather listen to GOLF on the Freaking RADIO..!!

    1. Steak, Agreed about the sport thing, However, the golf on the radio thing Hmmm, that might be an untapped goldmine. Blindfold tennis might also be a good idea. (for comedy) You’ve opened up a whole host of ideas bud!

    1. There must be at least 17 people watching on the sidewalks.

      WBNA – Lesbians poorly playing a game invented by a Canadian when he was in the People’s Democratic Republic of Massachusetts which is Injun for smelly crab eating people or something.

      1. It’s just a bastardization of its real name, “Massive-Two-Shits,” which was the first thing the chief’s son saw when he was born.

        See, I can do history too!

      2. Hey, seventeen people coming to watch the parade is nothing to sneeze at. That had to be at least double the average attendance at their games.

  3. Since we’re on the subject of women’s sports teams–I sincerely hope that the gold medal the Canadian “Women’s” Soccer team gets rescinded because they had a man on the team. Furthermore, that team should be disqualified from calling itself a women’s team because of that mentally delusional man.

    1. Quinn was biologically born as a female. She just declared that she thought being a guy might be cool. Didn’t take hormones or anything. There was no cheating or advantage in the case of our women’s soccer team. They should keep the medal.

  4. Women and men are different. Why is this news?

    I boycotted the National Felon League after the kaepernick/BLM/take-a-knee garbage. Good riddance.

    I’d sooner watch women play, anyway. The Lingerie Football League is great!


  5. That’s too bad (seriously). Those women were sold a fantasy. Have to wonder who is paying for all of it? The question is, as with so many things, who will recognize reality and how long will it take? Of course, there’s always the counter argument of faith.

    1. Same as hockey – they guilted the NBA into flowing a ton of dough into the WNBA, same as the NHL got guilted into supporting the ever failing women’s pro hockey league.

  6. Talk about your delusions of grandeur getting slam-dunked by the hard facts of reality.

    Last night on the pre-game hockey show Elliot Friedman took a question from a kid asking him why women’s hockey wasn’t as popular as men’s. He certainly knew the question was coming and still proceeded to blow smoke because the real answer is chicks don’t want to watch it either.

    1. C O
      I’ma buy futures in manikins, just in case some idiot govenmentalist reads your post:-)))

    2. Soon they will be herding the unvaccinated into WBNA stadiums as their mandatory “big event” outings.

      A punishment worse than a quarantine gulag.

  7. You can’t say all their fans didn’t come out. Because it looks like they did.

  8. The only turn-out I have ever seen that was more pathetic than this……was during a Joe biden rally.

  9. The problem is, despite the kneeling and insulting racism lectures and Ron MacWeasels and Wuhan flu bullshit, the stands are full.
