28 Replies to “White Settlers Not Welcome In Victoria And Other Woke News”

  1. I heard that they also give out ‘free drugs’ by the city council and unfortunately the taxpayers get the higher bills for it…
    Democracy, ya gotta love it.
    Leave your white ass money at the door as slams you in the ass on the way out.

  2. Only solution is to raise the city to the ground, and return it to exactly whatever state it was in when George Vancouver first saw the spot. Can’t take advantage of those evil, racist, colonial ”improvements”, now, can we?

    1. My first thought as well. Nothing made of (or with) steel or plastic allowed within city limits. This also includes power generation and internal combustion motors.

      1. Think you left out quite a bit of stuff.
        Unless I’m mistaken wood frame construction wasn’t present until the colonies where established.
        Or concrete for that matter.
        And I don’t believe Watt, Bessemer, Bell, or Franklin where of native extraction.

        1. wood frame construction = steel saws or axes + splitters to make planks (except in cedar, then it’s a painstaking process to fall and plank), no nails allowed, no iron or steel hammers. Concrete means trucking and quicklime production, also hard to do without electricity.

          Nope, they’re covered. They CAN be done by hand, but at a cost of days to make a single plank and very few non-technological ways to effectively bind them.

  3. So how many generations does it take to be considered indigenous?
    Remember the Six Nations are tribes that moved onto what is now SW Ontario as refugees after the American revolution.
    That makes the means test one generation.

    1. “Remember the Six Nations are tribes that moved onto what is now SW Ontario as refugees after the American revolution…” after the Iroquois Confederacy slaughtered the Hurons and ethnically cleansed southern Ontario.

  4. I was born and raised in Toronto – left there in my early 30’s (1991) as it had become a miserable place to me. Everything I liked about it growing up had been destroyed. I wanted somewhere still a “city” but smaller, and somewhere with a milder more temperate climate. I landed in Victoria and a long time it just felt like the right place for me. If I wanted or needed a dose of big city I could hop on the boat and hit Vancouver or Seattle. Over time though, just as with Toronto….everything started that downward spiral that happens when “free stuff” becomes the norm.

    I left Victoria back in 2009 and have not been back since, and everything I see now makes me very glad to be out of there.

  5. I agree, Victoria needs lots more Indians, immigrants, blacks and refugees. And I mean lots! Throw in homeless junkies too, nothing says ‘welcoming’ like homeless junkies. Give the people what they want.

    1. Silly council has been doing their best to do all the above.

      The Pandora St WAR ZONE, between Cook and Quadra, is as bad as Hastings St in the Downtown Eastside of Van. SIlly council has worked hard to invite and keep bringing in all these derelicts from wherever they float in from.

      Many natives of course, why don’t the bands “welcome their people back and look after them” as they piss, moan, and lecture us about constantly……..oh, native leadership are hypocrites too? They tell us they are SO much holier than thou!

      Hey, the City residents (majority renters) get what they vote for, GOOD AND HARD. I live in the West Shore, where we loathe Victoria Silly Council, these people are nuts, but then, Saanich council is 90% as nuts as Victoria too. We hardly ever go downtown, its avoided like the plague, it is the center of progressia, and, bizarrely, the businesses there are a complete reflection of progressia Nirvana. I have no sympathy for the businesses downtown, they give the current mayor and council tongue baths. That includes the CoC and DVBA heads, sycophantic fools.

      At the least the current mayor, Mr Lisa Helps (bulldyke) is not running, but she is pushing an even worse BullDyke on council to run and replace her. The City is lost, let it rot.

  6. Does ‘White Privilege’ include Victoria’s continued dumping of raw sewage into the sea ? Maybe it’s a ‘traditional’ practise.

    1. Nice argument, but you’re out of date, the Regional District built a system and completed it early this year. It serves most of the municipalities needs

  7. So us descendants of White Settlers can with hold all taxes?
    If we are to have no voice,no representation and be singled out for racist abuse..why would we contribute to such a societies survival?
    Oh wait,we are damn near the only contributors..
    Time for our own country,one we can contribute to in good conscience..

    For how can any ethical citizen contribute to a “Genocidal Nation”?
    If our Pathetic Leaders insist we are such,then we must leave them.
    And of course ,the “cultural appropriation” must end..The Special Folk can now show us all the superiority of their traditional ways,free of the racist oppression of whiteman’s goods and services.

    We are at war.
    This kind of division and madness always ends in the same chaos.
    Letting Fools and Bandits hold power…Always brings us to this.
    The God’s of the Copybook Heading are coming around again..

    Funny how human affair form such predictable cycles..
    Good times seem to promote and encourage mass stupidity.
    Mass stupidity always ends times of luxury and surplus..
    Here we go again.

  8. In Canada, any cultural activity after the traditional “Throwing Rocks at One Another” is cultural appropriation.

  9. Following on from her line of “reasoning” then, don’t lock your doors at night and don’t look both ways before crossing the street. If anything goes wrong you’ll be able to console yourself from your stretcher in the trauma bay that it was all the other person’s fault and you can indulge a sense of “woke” moral superiority while you go through the surgery and the rehab.

  10. The biggest mistake Peter Shurman made was apologizing to a demonic pig like Farrah Kahn. It’s like sharks smelling blood in the water.
    When are people going to learn this?
    Peter Shurman should sue everyone involved. Including that disgusting excuse for a human being Farrah Khan. The whining little b—h started this with some perceived slight.

  11. Until society becomes shaking with rage at such utter nonsense. More damsel mentality, reeking of confirmation bias.
    No matter how disagreeable I think someone’s opinion is, it is not grounds to take away their employment or their dignity.
    This garbage must stop. Yuri Bezmenov’s warnings have gone unheeded and allowed a resurgence of the interventionist state.
    When collectivism loses, it goes into political stasis, waiting to strike, always maintaining its support. The leviathan is confident again.

    Under our noses, totalitarian mentors toldl our children their unprecedented luxury is obtained by oppression, without which Marxism has no oxygen, I wish people realized they wish to destroy our legacy to convert liberty’s institutions in line with their malignant ideology.

  12. Well good on the host for not allowing her to “check” him on his remarks. He didn’t allow her to start rambling on with her agenda. Of course, leftists now are so spiteful and vindictive she just couldn’t let it go at that.

    PS Where did all these young women learn this god-awful vocal fry? Pretentious bubblehead.

  13. Remember when they were all about equality and weren’t explicitly anti-white? When folks talking about white genocide were the crazy ones. Good old times.

    1. Equality didn’t win elections so it was redefined as equity aka uncritical neo hypocritical race theory, for power they lust above all else.

      1. Yes, since equity is not equality, then equity, by definition, is inequality.
        Same goes for justice vs social justice (aka injustice).

  14. Victoria is a haven for poseurs, greens, witches, commies, street urchins, and salaried green hysteria pimps living off US foundations and in the business of killing BC industry. The economy is based on recyling government and pension cheques and the prevailing attitude is that that should be the model for the rest of the province. They extinguished their “cherished” tourist trap economy with Covid Stalinism without hesitation, demonstrating their zeal for such measures. That they were quick to adopt US style identity politics is not surprising given its cultural affinity with everything that is wrong with the US. Victoria is proudly at the forefront of the hollowing out of western civilization and the embracing of post modern nihilism. They will make nutritional Eloi for whatever conquering hordes take over.
