O’Toole the …

GUNTER: Erin O’Toole playing the fool, If he doesn’t believe in his platform, why believe in him?

Want to know why Stephen Harper won three elections (even though two were just won minorities) and Erin O’Toole likely will not win this one? It’s because, when the liberal establishment — political and media — squawked about some right-of-centre Conservative policy, Harper stood his ground. He ignored the liberal carping and whinging and paid voters the respect of explaining why his ideas would work.

47 Replies to “O’Toole the …”

  1. Yup. They’re hissin’ and scratchin’ in the Conservative ranks something fierce. Half wants a jellyfish as the Party’s mascot, the other half wants a neutered ram.

  2. O’Foole playing the fool of jumping hoops for the media.
    No doubt he’ll cry on cue and bend knee wherever the media drags his collar to.
    The media is always right until is not!
    Friggin’ Assholes.

  3. NO’Toole makes Turdeau look good. Why do I get the feeling that Canada under NO’Toole would be a rudderless ship battered to and fro by the socialist press. The asshole must have some opinion that he believes in. He is more pathetic than Scheer.

    The Peoples Party is around 8 or 9 percent. If the pricks wouldn’t have booted out their best leader and then gone commie they would have a strong majority. Way to go assholes.

      1. It’s also not a reason to vote for him. The panic behind the “don’t split the vote” movement is palpable. You only have yourself to blame. You cannot kick your supporters in the teeth, steal their wallet and still expect them to vote for you. I voted PPC and sleep well at night, no more holding my npose to vote AGAINST something, I have voted FOR something. We will win, it may take a couple more elections, we shall see.

        My merssage to supporters of the CPC “If you are conservative, do not split the vote, vote PPC with your companions”.

    1. A couple of slanted articles planted in a corrupt media and small c conservatives turn on small c conservatives.
      O’Toole on scary looking weapons – puts hold on confiscation and allows use during review which finds 1977 ban on automatic firearms stays, Trudeau’s cosmetic ban useless. Increased activity on gangs, smugglers. Crime goes down.
      Trudeau on assault style weapons – confiscation goes ahead in a multibillion program, next five year plan handguns. Crime goes up.
      O’Toole on carbon tax – hold on increases, program reviewed and liberal grifters taken off gravy train, producers get exemption.
      Trudeau on carbon tax – taxes go up, money channeled to Butts and friends and foreign bank accounts.
      O’Toole on vaccination passports – for international travel.
      Trudeau on vaccination passports – billion dollar program (liberals gotta get their cut) leading to government issued identification cards and internal passports.
      Hell yes I prefer a less than perfect O’Toole to a deliberately revolutionary Trudeau and for every percentage point the PPC moves up the conservative loses seats and the libs gain them. For zero possible PPC seats I don’t find that an acceptable trade off.

  4. But, but, but! Wait a minute now! How does it go … oh yes:

    “He’s a former RCAF member and an RMC grad!”

  5. “A diminished Lib minority.”

    Yeah, that’s about where I am on the “Who’s gonna win?” spectrum. Hopefully, The Hair That Walks Like A Man™ will have such a poor tactical minority that he’ll be forced to do a Pizza-Party with the EnDees and the Bloc, just so everyone can see what a giant arse he is. Plus if Central and Eastern Canada still wanna throw their votes at him, they should get the results, good and hard.

    Meanwhile, bring on talk of political separation. It would be doubly-sweet if The Hair That Walks Like A Man™ went down in the history books as the mendacious, mediocre midwit who finally destroyed Confederation.

    Enjoy the decline, everyone.

    1. “ It would be doubly-sweet if The Hair That Walks Like A Man™ went down in the history books as the mendacious, mediocre midwit who finally destroyed Confederation.”

      That’s what I’ve been thinking since 2015.

    2. Wouldn’t be the first time the three anti-Canada parties formed a coalition – remember the non-confidence vote against Harper? That was THE very moment I understood how scummy leftist politicians really are.

  6. OToole is a repeat of Joe Clark.
    Does exactly what the liberal pundits tell him to do.

    How’d that work out again?

    Harper not moving his position wasn’t what got him elected as much as it was watching the rage emanating from our media betters when he refused to listen to them.

  7. I posted THIS on my Fakebook page the last time the Conservatives lost in 2019. They didn’t listen (the public endorsement of O’Stool by Multoney was particularly telling, so I will post again:

    To my Conservative Party of Canada friends: while I try to maintain a policy about keeping partisan politics off of FB, I have seen more than a few keening, mournful posts from you about the recent “blown” election so I thought I might jot down a few random thoughts in an effort to comfort the afflicted and/or give hope to the hopeful. Here they are:

    1. YOU LOST BECAUSE YOU DESERVED TO LOSE – Sorry, but there you have it. My proof for this assertion: you lost. The Conservatives simply could not articulate a compelling vision of the country that people could get behind. And don’t criticize the electorate as stupid and uninformed. Even to the extent this is true, would you be saying the same if you had won?

    2. GET A PAIR – You have no guts, balls or backbone. Stop obfuscating, backpedalling and apologizing and have the courage of your convictions. People respect that. If you’re a socially-conservative Christian, or a libertarian free-for-all type, or think anthropogenic global warming is a bunch of hooey, don’t be afraid to say so. Be who you are without apology and people will respect you (and might even vote for you even if they disagree with some of your positions). And if you’re attacked by some outrage mob on Twitter remember this: virtually all bullies when challenged with even the least bit of token resistance will fold.

    3. IT’S THE NARRATIVE, STUPID – Stop wasting all your time defending yourself against opponents’ accusations and go craft your own damned narrative. Promulgate a counter-mythology. Your opponents have been successfully doing so for ages so stop your whining and do the same. Public opinion can be as malleable as hot butter and you might be very surprised that if you presented a simple, compelling message with conviction, people might actually buy into it.

    4. CONVENTIONAL WISDOM IS FOR IDIOTS – You are way too deferential to established authority and opinion. The types who produce those hand-wringing/pearl-clutching editorials in say, the Globe and Mail are never going to dig you so why debase yourselves by even trying? Find a way to get your message to the country over the heads of the mainstream media (it’s dying, so how hard can this be?). You are also way too in the thrall of political consultants, ‘wise men’, pollsters, pundits, elder statesmen, party hacks, assorted mouth-breathers and other nervous-nellies peddling shopworn conventional wisdom. These people know virtually nothing.

    5. NO TRADITION TO UPHOLD = COMPLETE FREEDOM OF ACTION – The only real tradition of Canadian conservatism is being out of power (Jack Pickersgill once famously said of you, “the Conservatives are like the mumps, you get them once in your life”). This fact should be liberating to you. Use it. Anyone who maintains that this or that policy goes against the supposed glorious legacy of the Conservative Party of Canada is completely full of shit.

    6. THERE IS NO SADDER FAILURE THAN A FAILURE OF THE IMAGINATION – Your political failures/lost opportunities in this regard – and an extension of my points #4 and #5 above – seem quite glaring to me. For example, you could bring certain elements of left-wing populism into your tent – the hard-left This Magazine published a piece last year entitled “Canada has an oligopoly problem—and we need to fix it” (about how government coddling/subsidizing of so-called “national champions” had resulted in our paying way more for such things as air travel, telecommunications and financial services) – which could have been easily written by the “right-wing” Fraser Institute. In a similar vein, you could diffuse/co-opt considerable Quebec nationalist sentiment by giving ALL of the provinces more autonomy in certain areas, which would certainly play very well in the West too. And as for any element of the Canadian socio-political fabric being an immutable “sacred trust” (to quote one of the great Canadian political blarney-spewers), if your opponents are as freethinking as they claim, they should be happy to explore all options. If not, publicly call them on it.

    Anyway, these are just my thoughts. Feel free to pass ‘em around and to add your own.

      1. It’s a pity they lack my vision and strategic intelligence (he says modestly) but, as someone remarked in these comment pages yesterday, “Party politics in central and eastern Canada have never really been about political ideology or philosophy. They’re just clubs for power-craving parasites, and have always been two wings of one bird of prey.” For these people, politics is merely ‘a vehicle for acquiring distinction without merit’ (as I think P J O’Rourke once said).

    1. Out-farkin’-standing! Seriously consider sending it directly to them. They’ve already blown their chances of a win this time for exactly the reasons you describe, but maybe next time, presupposing there is one – lessons learned from Biden – they’ll take your advice.

    2. Quality musings, and eminently steal-able.

      Consider them stolen (and, as you mentioned, I’ll kick in a few of my own, um, amplifications . . . ).


    3. Eric

      Now if some of the brain dead “never Maxers” could just comprehend what you posted, The Turd Stoolers would be toast!

  8. Maverick friends…Maverick.

    It will take two generations but this 5500km x 500km strip of a “country” is done.

  9. For all the CINO’s out there saying “Don’t waste your vote, we have to get rid of Trudeau.”
    Our problems are much greater than just one person. There are thousands of his clones, including the CPC leader, wanting to run this country. If you’re wanting to get rid of Trudeau, make your vote count; vote Maverick or PPC. Whatever way you vote, Trudeau won’t be getting a majority … his days are numbered.

    1. Trudeau won’t be getting a majority … his days are numbered.

      “Hewwo, Dominion? I need sevewal boxcawth full of pwe-pwinted, pwe-fiwwed bawwots….”

      I’m afraid that he’s going to steal this election and we’ll be stuck with that sumvabitch for at least another 4 years. If it’s ever challenged in court, our bought-and-paid-for SCOC will rule that it’s not illegal if he can get away with it.

      1. I don’t believe voting machines are used in Canadian federal elections. He’ll have to steal it the old fashioned way. Lies, loot and larceny.

        1. I don’t believe voting machines are used in Canadian federal elections.

          Why should that be a problem for Prinz Dummkopf?

  10. “I can’t tell yet whether O’Toole’s dithering has driven enough conservative voters to the People’s Party that Maxime Bernier will steal sufficient Tory support to win the election for the Liberals”

    Max is also stealing votes that might have gone to the Maverick Party. When the election was called the Mavs were polling at 10% or more in several Western ridings, but not anymore. The PPC have eclipsed them everywhere.

    As for the hapless Tories, their slide in the polls coincided perfectly with the Sept. 10 – 13 early voting period. The CPC fell by more than 2 points in the 4 days when a record 5 million + people voted, with the Bloc and the PPC benefitting more than the Liberals.

    The news just keeps getting worse for O’Toole’s fools 🙂

    1. Which puts out the argument.
      Presuming at this point that OToole gets a wins, will the liberals and the rest complain that the PPC didn’t take enough votes from the conservatives?

    2. Max is also stealing votes from the disenfranchised and demoralized; people who never even voted before are supporting.

  11. What infuriates me to no end, is the “unnecessary election that is costing us $600 million” talking point.

    It is utter stupidity. It’s basically saying Trudeau should remain PM. That is the exact opposite of what O’Toole should be saying in an election campaign. O’Toole should instead be saying how lucky Canada is to have an opportunity to replace Trudeau, and that $600 million is a bargain considering how bad Trudeau has been handling Canada’s finances.

    I simply cannot understand how stupid this never-ending repetition of that talking point is. It is the absolute worst thing to be saying in the last week of an election campaign, it is basically endorsing the opponent.

    In a campaign to replace an incumbent, you don’t argue that the election should not be happening, which is another way of saying the incumbent should not be replaced.

    Instead you argue how wonderful it is that Canada was given the chance to elect you. And then you say why everything will be better than before.

      1. Worse than ‘one’ more missed opportunity. It will be a persistent problem going forward. There will come a time when a Con minority or a Con Party in Opposition will want an election and the Lieberals won’t want one. Maybe they reform the Lieb/NDP/Bloq alliance against a Con minority and use this to shame them into not calling an election.
        Or (horrors) 5 years down the road. “Oh no, can’t call one yet…just like you said, elections during crisis are wrong…maybe a little later…once the danger has passed…”

      1. Yeah, I never liked those ads either. Shoulda said, “The little trust-fund snot’ll never be ready”.

  12. The Spawn bankrupted the dominion to buy a majority government that he won’t get. Seeing him live with his disaster while the economy tanks, the Liberal establishment will replace him. I prefer that outcome to the taste of O’Toole’s shitty milkshake which would have allowed the media to blame the nasty right wingers for all problems while PM O’Toole dances like a monkey to their organ grinder to keep a tenuous minority government in power. The irony of this election is that Max will lose to a CPC candidate but Max’s supporters will ensure the CPC loses. A faux conservative party denied success by a fledgling actual conservative party – just like Alberta when Red Rachel snuck in. They say you have to hit bottom before you can move forward. The Canadian Eloi deserve no less.

    1. I concur to a point.

      If the liberals come out with status quo they blew a load of political capital for naught.
      Top it off they are still stuck having to deal with the mess they made in a minority with the opposition controlled committees asking awkward questions.

      Sometimes death by a thousand cuts is far more effective than a quick kill.
      It embeds the meme of constantly failing and removes plausible deniability of circumstance that an immediate huge loss brings.

  13. Yesterday I received a letter from Pierre Poilevre imploring me to vote CPC. I must be on a list of lapsed Conservatives as I have said many times to phone calls asking for money, that I am no longer a member because the party is now Liberal lite. Too bad for them as I voted PPC in the advance poll, this letter was a week too late.

    1. Stephen, The last time they called me, I said, pointedly, “when your party acts and behaves like a real conservative party should, I might then consider acting and behaving like a true conservative party supporter. Until then, you will NOT get any support or any money from me whatsoever”. That was in the Spring, they have never called again. I too have voted for PPC.

      Unfortunately, I live in a 100% NDP idiocy riding, so for me, it’s a protest vote, and my one finger salute to the Turd.

  14. O’Stoole shit on his supporters while French kissing his enemies’ asses. And he can’t figure out why he is alone with a dirty face and a shitty taste on his tongue..
