15 Replies to “Today in YouTube Censorship”

  1. Fuck You Tube!
    (I’m still trying to figure out where the comma ought to go)
    This is why I download stuff like this to my hard drive.

  2. L – Google censorship makes themselves both less and less relevant and less trusted by
    the intercontinental army of content creators and their audience.

    Coming closer is the moment in time when suddenly, they’ll be hoist by their own petard.

    1. I’m looking forward to the charges against YouTube for representing themselves as medical authorities (saying “these doctors are wrong because we know better than they do”) and potentially causing thousands of deaths (by hiding details of treatments that could have saved lives).

      I wish.

      1. You need to nail the jackasses at the top…
        And that ain’t gonna happen.
        You’d need to boot everyone out currently in jail to accommodate the masses of crooks.
        So far our law enforcement is totally complacent to allowing this to happen.

      2. It would only take a few doctors getting together for a lawsuit to change things. The prove us wrong approach should be used.

    2. Larry, I think most of them have had their Petard, surgically removed, just in case.

  3. I have read more positive feedback from medical professionals about HCQ and ivermectin than the not-vaccines.

  4. I am guessing that the majority of medical doctors are woke as shit. Just like ‘climate scientists’, they are probably more than happy to see ‘dissent’ within their ranks squelched rather than be made public.

    Scientists who don’t believe in open, honest debate are like journalists who don’t believe in spreading the truth. They are frauds, their socialist end goals justifying almost any sleazy means necessary.

  5. The huge censorship issue relates to the Arizona election audit which is nearing completion. The press has been telling the public that the audit process is an amateurish fraud and that the election was pristine.

    In reality, a number of states (including OK, UT, WA, GA, MI, PA) have sent delegations to observe the process in anticipation of doing audits at home. All observers have verified that the audits are professionally managed, thorough and transparent.

    In addition to verifying the results through a manual count they are doing a forensic audit on the ballots themselves. An audit in New Hampshire determined that voting machines are not reliable for folded mail in ballots.

    This could become exciting. They are reviewing 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County. Trump “lost” Arizona by less than 11,000 votes.

    Any discussion of potential problems with the last election gets one banned from social media. If issues emerge, the nation will be surprised.

    1. One of the most important steps in this complete audit, after going through all the ballots, is “canvassing.” I can hardly wait for the final report.

  6. It’s a fantastic podcast and it should be mandatory listening. And btw, I’m fairly agnostic on the vaccines (although I’ve received my first AZ dose – I’m aware of the risks). They talk a lot about the un-science-y things that are being pushed on the populations such as vaccinating folks with pre-existing CoVid antibodies, the young, etc., amongst many other very important issues.

  7. Illegal software has been found in the Dominion voting machines in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Cyber Ninjas discovered a Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio implant on the system.

    “This piece of software is not approved by the Election Assistance Commission (‘EAC’) and allows a user to actually circumvent security protocol and make ‘direct edit entries within the database’ which ‘could potentially be utilized to change vote values.’”

    “Perhaps most importantly, this software is a ‘separate install.’ In other words, it should not be on the system. It is, by its very definition, a
    hacking tool.”

    Interesting court filing here:

