18 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Qiáo!”

  1. And Fauci had a conflict of interest, stop the presses!

    I kid, I kid, it’s all chutzpaganda. The more ridiculous the thing they can get you to believe, the more they like it. The idea that a once in a century ‘spillover’ of the virus happened to take place in the same city that had a facility studying bat viruses and a CRISPR machine… It’s like that scene in 1984 where the Party official holds up the fingers and demands that Smith tell him he sees the number of fingers he’s been told to see.

    Fauci was the one telling Trump early on it would die out after a little fizzle and pop like SARS. Wishful thinking by the perp.

    1. That is what it would have done, die out, had the insanity of pcr tests and computer models not created the environment where a flu virus could continue as opposed to running it’s course. This idiocy would have run it’s course by late April, early May had the terminally stupid not been in charge.

  2. Meh. What would the Xiao Bidihn-Heiress Admin. State Dept. discover anyway? The missing pangolin link?

    But yes … it does clearly delineate where Xiao’s sympathies lie.

    1. Me thinks. Hunter along with dad is worried about his next installment check from China.

    1. You know who did stuff like that? Replacing national flags with partisan party flags? Adolph Hitler. It’s Ante-Fa.

  3. They started a new investigation so that they can control the narrative a little better. They’ll have all their “experts” lined up and their little computer models showing how it came from bats and pangolins to show how stupid Pompeo is.

    So China will be just stupid for eating bats and pangolins.
    Not malevolent.

  4. Anyone looking for answers on all things political need to tune in to The View with with Whoopi and the the gang.
    Absolutely everything is Trump’s fault.

  5. So, the NY Post does a story citing CNN as it’s only source? Sorry, but I don’t even trust the words “the” or “is” in any article created that way.

    This has clearly been the Wuhan Flu from day one, the left’s full engagement of it’s propaganda machine to claim otherwise is all the extra evidence I needed to be confident of that.

  6. The WHO will handle the investigation and the Biden government is confident they will get to the bottom of this whole fiasco, as they didn’t before, except to send on the China payroll science goons to regurgitate their science fiction. So it’s all good?

    China knew no later than the first week of November they had a SARS type human to human virus. We already know this.

    What really happened? Did thousands of military athletes incubate in Wuhan in late October before jetting off?

    Why did China lock down Wuhan and elsewhere and allow international travel? Why such negligence? Racism? Bite it.

    But in dystopic bizarro world, evidence that finally proves the case is sluffed off as baked in the cake. What difference does it make? Lots?

    It’s no coincidence China enriched itself while getting away with this international chicanery, while liberals progressing to Marxism charlatans got richer too, along with social media oligarchs and those with cash on hand buying dirt cheap stocks.

    What was happening to the economy pre-covid? Steaming along just fine, the world steadied by the strong Trump hand.

    How’s it working it now? For some, covid welfare; most hurting, their kids in masks. Teachers unions? Asked and answered.

    You have to give chutzpah marks for those blaming Trump for not handling this right, the ones who censored his lab ideas.


    Yet we get these loons ruling us. Unless we’re flawed we don’t need these jokers to fix society. Subtraction before division.

  7. well this is taking the attention away from VOTER FRAUD, to some extent!

    And the Ooz couch critter may just come back and like to more chinese propaganda!

  8. Yep,this was an “accidental” leak from the lab in Wuh-ville. And the planes that crashed into the World Trade Centers ? Accident,they just wanted to have a close up look at those engineering marvels.
    The new inquiry IS the cover up.

  9. Prediction: black market will surge in sales of fake Covid passports……printed in China, of course!
