55 Replies to “Budget Barbie”

  1. Those used to be called … somewhat crudely … “Fkcu-me shoes”. Worn by hot babes at the clubs, who wanted to put their goodies on display.

    Hers are called Fkcu-YOU shoes

      1. To each their own I suppose. It really depends on a specimen, Salma Hayek for example is two years older than Red Dwarf and … where were we? … ugh I need a cold shower

  2. Shoes designed, we are assured, by a Canadian woman “entrepreneur.”

    Of course, the only jobs created were in China. The “entrepreneur” just cashed the cheques.

    What else? Yes. The women of Little Russia (“Ukraine”) are renowned for two things, their beauty and the speed at which it fades. Pity Chrystia skipped the first one.

    1. Can confirm Hottie ——-> Babushka Seen it in the Ukie half of my family over the past sixty years.
      “Budget” Barbie getting new shoes. Of course. Our own “Obersturmbannführer” Bonnie Henry here in BC sports her favourite Flu-Vog shoes to be cool and trendy. I would prefer if they both sported ball-gags so I would not have to hear them anymore, but the visuals of that do upset the tummy somewhat. Would be better if they just want back to the kitchen and started making sandwiches.
      TBH Always thought the shoes thing with finance ministers was completely stupid.

  3. Can you imagine being so arrogant on the throne that you pass right over ‘let ‘ em eat cake’, and move along to $400 heels (to insert up our collective back passages as little-shoes gleefully announces a $400B deficit).

  4. F ederal Government
    A nointed
    T wit
    C omports herself
    U nnecessarily,
    N eedlessly, and callously, rubs her own well being into the faces of
    T he poor broke masses

    Shameful and embarrassing. Just as she is.

  5. Only in Canada does a finance minister need new shoes to tell the citizens “Bohica!”

    1. Wrong – and one of the very few times I’ve disagreed with you – San Fran Nan says she wished she’d been present during the riot in the Capitol, she was quite prepared to defend herself with her 4-inch heels…

      And admittedly, how’s that for a coincidence?

      1. I’ve never considered high-heeled shoes being on par with combat boots.

        1. – And I gotta’ admit, even putting combat boots on ArbeitMachtFreiland and San Fran Nan couldn’t make ’em look any worse…

  6. Daddy was/is a Commie – Grandpa KGB so shes following in the family tradition. Another one of petit potat’s feminist braindead Ministers.
    Every finance minister in Canada when they present a new budget – wears new shoes but she is so far from being any financial genius – all she knows about it is to buy new shoes!

  7. If Conservatives had any balls they would have used this spectacular “let them eat cake” moment in the election campaign, not holding my breath they will.

    1. And if the last CON leader had held their feet to the fire – a fire of the LIE-berals’ own making – he’d be PM now. And as the current CON leader sings all the same tunes Little Potato does (unsure which of them sings the falsetto in their touching duet), I ain’t holding my breath.

      We coulda’ had Max. And if we’d had Pierre Poilievre on the candidates’ list, there’d be hope for us. No hope with the Tool.

      1. No w could not have had Max. Max quit and went to run interference for Trudeau and lose his own seat. Had it not been for his temper tantrum the Conservative Party would have been his for the taking after Dairy Queen got kicked out.

  8. I don’t know which one is more offensive, the affirmative action deputy PM / Finance Minister who proudly assumes responsibility for the needlessly most fiscal bankruptcy in the nation’s history or the Opposition leader vying for the Kim Campbell / Joe Clark award for least conservative values and most actively liberal media fellator.

  9. We should thank our lucky stars we have a journalist for Finance Minister. Thank you for selflessly helping Canadians, Chrystia!

  10. Canadians are still getting what they voted for. Unfortunately so are those of us who didn’t vote for it.

  11. That woman needs a stylist — desperately. I am sure she could afford it. Chrysta — get help.

    1. Linda L, Ain’t no stylist can do anything with that. Not unless they actually want to tank their career.

      1. And those who don’t try to do anything with that….. tank their career.

  12. What kind of peopIe vote for this bobbIe headed moron?

    Has anyone noticed, that the onIy peopIe who praise this virtue-signaIIing Harpie are the CBC, and other IiberaIs?

    That shouId teII you something. But at Ieast she is consistent with IiberaI moraIity.

    And eIection is in the offing….and the one thing everyone knows; there is NO AMOUNT of OUR MONEY a IiberaI won’t spend to stay in power. What a viIe bunch of corrupt sIeazebags. They are Canada’s version of the Democratic party.

  13. How come that condescending tilt of the head. which matches her t-shirt, has triggered the vomit reflex in me? Christya’s tone-deafness to the gravitas of the what is happening outside the bubble of the halls of Parliament Hill is stunning.

    I know that I should love all of God’s creation, but evil is to be shunned. I would definitely increase my social distancing for fear of a lightning strike from on High if I were ever to encounter her in the vicinity. LOL, but her coming to the west makes me relax as her shadow will not darken this soil any time soon. (No that is not an eclipse, either)

  14. What’s with the so called “Conservative” fool.
    While one can agree with the sentiment, he is in no position to dicktate (sic) how should a corporation divide the profits. That would be up to the socialists/fascists and so called “Liberals”.
    Could this be another case of virtue signaling by this character?
    As it appears now, that’s all the guy is capable of doing.

  15. There comes a time in one’s life when one must realise that certain garments, ect cannot be (or ever could be) worn.

    An emotionally mature person accepts this and finds another way to dress to impress.

    Chrystia Freeland does not have that capability.

  16. Considering the times, she could have had a successful “virtue signal” if she’d gone to Wal Mart and bought running shoes for $19.95. Instead she looks like she just does not get it. By the way, do taxpayers cover this?

  17. This is such a giant waste of time. Lots of kids with no shoes, shoes falling apart, non fitting shoes who are unable to go try on new shoes thanks to unneeded lockdowns and parents who have lost their jobs as the businesses close down unable to operate under covid restrictions. So little Miss Fancy Shoes how about you “help” by stopping the insanity and letting people get back to work. Stop spending my tax dollars on your stinky feet.

  18. She’s looking more like a Baba every day. Shorter and dumpier. As my late Ukrainian father was wont to say, “She’s got an ass like a cook stove”. (but it’s funier when it’s said in Ukrainian!) He might also refer to the breadth of her “sedaka” as 3 to 4 axe handle lengths.

  19. One more thing….why does her cadence (cringe) always present like some washed-up valley girl addressing a misbeahaving toddler?

  20. A person only a mother could love. What a puke. The whole gang of Lib retreads are simply evil.

