Boris Johnson’s Britain

Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government makes your school lunch, and “While there is no evidence that anyone on the party membership list has spied for China…”

An extraordinary leaked database of 1.95 million registered party members reveals how Beijing’s malign influence now stretches into almost every corner of British life, including defence firms, banks and pharmaceutical giants.
Most alarmingly, some of its members – who swear a solemn oath to ‘guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life…and never betray the Party’ – are understood to have secured jobs in British consulates.
Among them is a senior official at the British Consulate in Shanghai. Its headquarters is also home to intelligence officers from the UK security services.
The official describes their role as supporting ministers and officials on visits to East China.

More from Skynews;

“Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members – who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,” she said.
“Along with the personal identifying details of 1.95 million communist party members, mostly from Shanghai, there are also the details of 79,000 communist party branches, many of them inside companies”.
Ms Markson said the leak is a significant security breach likely to embarrass Xi Jinping.
“It is also going to embarrass some global companies who appear to have no plan in place to protect their intellectual property from theft. From economic espionage,” she said.

@BrianTh37895972: Note how many major cities there are in China. Then ponder that the leaked list of 1.9 million CCP members who now live in other countries are just from the **Shanghai area**. The # of CCP members living abroad engaged in influence operations is vast.

41 Replies to “Boris Johnson’s Britain”

    1. At her funeral (after she died tragically in her 50s while on a honeymoon with her 7th husband), her weeping sister was heard sniffling “at least they’re finally together.”

      An eager young reporter, sensing a story, immediately asked “she’s finally together with which of her dead husbands? Who was the love of her life?”.

      “No, silly round eye, I was talking about her knees.”

  1. Well that makes me nostalgic for the 1970s when every other person in public life was a Soviet agent. And look where it got them.

  2. This must be a huge story. Yet this morning on twitter in the “trending”, there is no reference to this story. Instead there is “Daily Fail”, abusing the newspaper. So I would infer that the Chinese communist party has also penetrated twitter.

    1. Americans registered to vote,
      153 million.
      157 million votes were counted?

      Patriotic voting machines.

      1. Unfortunately the number legally eligible to vote in the US is closer to 250 million. While the turnout is very improbable, particularly when looking at low-energy Biden’s “rally” support levels, it’s not a smoking gun to illegality.

    1. Must be at least 40% of the population if you include federal, provincial and municipal workers. In fact anyone who works for tax payer money should be included, no matter what the job, teachers, cops, firefighters, etc, all of them are essentially employed by government.

  3. Well, I guess we’re now entering the era of the Third Red Scare. It’s hardly a surprise — the defining characteristic of the sort of right-wing conservatism practised by SDA and others is “always afraid of something” — though it is a little disappointing.

    I mean, Communist sleeper agents infiltrating our society, reaching the upper echelons of power, subverting our very way of life from within — it’s all so very predictable and frankly a bit unimaginative, honestly, even if most of you did come of age in the 1950s. At least QAnon came up with a global cannibalistic pedophilia ring, which—say what else you will—is at least original.

    1. “‘In that station [the official] will be sat one floor away from the MI6 team and could have identified intelligence officers. In theory, anybody walking past where the official works and up the staircase could be identified as an intelligence officer and that information passed back to the Communist Party.’”

      Yes, “in theory”, or perhaps, “according to the screenplay” would be more apt.

      Seriously, does anyone really think that Chinese state security isn’t already well aware of the existence and identities of the “team of MI6 officers operating under diplomatic cover” out of the British consulate in Shanghai”? Or that MI6 isn’t quite aware than MSS is aware? Or that MSS is aware that their MI6 colleagues are aware that they’re aware…?

      1. Liberal?
        I doth repeat myself.

        Have you ever used a gun?

    2. The Chinese really are tight-fisted, clannish, and possessed of all the empathy of a snake and a belief, without evidence, that they are a sacred race with a mandate from God to rule the world.

      And the same globalists who never tire of persecuting Israel line up to lick the fat yellow arse of the Red Emperor, because he is their last hope to help them blot out the Name of the God of Israel.

      When are you going to get it into your thick skull that the Chinese Communists are the Elders of Zion your wet-brained Little Russian grandfather and limp-wristed, lisping Roman priest raved about at every opportunity to anybody who would listen?

    3. Gee Joe, sorry these hackneyed theories aren’t entertaining for you. Once the “long march” of communists into the free world is complete, there won’t need to be a Fourth Red Scare. Just a new boss, and honesty won’t have anything to do with it.

  4. What is the real threat is that our Prime Minister Trudeau, threw our Military under the bus by allowing foreign authorities from China to participate and made our Military totally useless and defenseless as now they have all our tactical secrets in a winter warfare. This means they can anticipate accurately our responses to an invasion which makes our soldiers sitting ducks to enemy fire.
    Thanks Trudeau, you traitor!

    1. The CAF isn’t stopping anybody.
      But the Chicoms would appreciate Queerdeau’s gun grab more than anything.
      2 million Canadian gun owners = a lot of dead PLA stacked up like cordwood.

      1. Canadians would be speaking Dutch or Portuguese or Russian if it weren’t for the Americans.
        I suspect the Portland Police could take over Canada without firing a shot. Nor would they need to.
        There may be 2 million guns, but I would suggest that the vast, vast majority are your typical current day Canadian….soft, soy and sad suckers.
        Hell, a Podunk police force, fronted by a well-signed and aggressive “Canadians are racist” campaign would have Canadians on their knees quicker than a Trudeau at a burn, loot, murder convention.

        Canadians today remind me so much of Gordie Howe, Rocket Richard, Eddie Shore, etc.
        They were great once, now they are dead, they just don’t know it.

    2. It wasn’t just Sock Buoy. He’s just a pretty face for the vendues that came before him. All the way back to Pearson.

      1. Yes the Feather Bed File, the Commies and Chretien with the Triads. It has been exposed over and over. Canadians love Commies.

    3. Jojo, I’m not convinced that the military would put up much resistance if the whole Chicom army decided to invade Canada. Maybe they should erect a four foot high barbed wire fence around our coastline, that’ll keep em busy.
      (Our military, not the Chicoms)

      Don’t misunderstand, I have a deep respect for those that enlist as well as our vets, but the upper officer hierarchy headed by our liberal politicians, have poleaxed any military ability to defend Canada’s territories.

  5. Watched a video this week showing the surveillance system in China.
    Everyone is in the facial recognition system and millions of cameras everywhere.
    And a social credit score system that makes Liberals like Junior hornier than a blackboard.
    A European journalist tested the system in a major city.
    He was located in 7 minutes.
    Coming soon to a submissive, defeated Canada near you.
    If you have children or grandchildren grieve for their future!
    Then apologize to all those who sacrificed before, for the freedom all you COWARDS give away without a fight.

    1. Not to mention all the commercials showing a BLACK male and a White Female as a couple
      Like that was a Normal thing.

  6. The Chinese will never need to attack the west directly with a military, they have infiltrated anywhere they need to be.

    From every “Chinatown” to BF flyover town, they have assets in every University, Business, government agency, and noodle house coast to coast………We can thank Open Borders and weak Liberal enablers that hate Western Democracy.

    1. Oh please.

      The “weak” Liberal enablers are kicking Conservative ass all over the place every second of every day without any kind of resistance.
      Conservatives are so pathetic they can’t even be named an opposition.
      Cowards, losers and a disgrace to their poor progeny .
      There really can’t be anything more useless and impotent than a Canadian Conservative.
      Bet you can’t name anything.
      No shame.
      No pride.
      No guts.
      Now that’s a Canadian.

    1. I never read any le Carre but I liked some of the movie and TV adaptations of his books, such as The Spy Who Came In From The Cold (with Richard Burton and Claire Bloom), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (the mini-series with Sir Alec Guinness and Ian Bannon), and Smiley’s People (the follow-up to TTSS with Guinness reprising his earlier role and a pre-Picard Patrick Stewart as the Soviet spymaster).
