41 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. If there is one thing we should take away from the last four years, it is to never, ever, count Donald Trump out.
    Not because the Democrats say so.
    Not because the media says so.
    Not because the pundits say so.
    Not because they can find some so-called “Republicans” who say so.
    President Trump has two things that none of these others have.
    One – he’s Donald Trump.
    Two – the American people are behind him – not just his supporters, but every American who believes that elections must be fair.
    And it will be this last one that puts Donald Trump back in the White House for another four years.

    1. If there’s another thing we’ve learned it’s this:

      Whatever the media states about TRUMP, the opposite is TRUE.

      My sig other turned on to watch PVR movie yesterday, and the tube was on Fox with Benedict Wallace, with a panel of 4, including that hack Brazile. The other 2 mediots were clearly part of the Benedict crew now permeating FAUX.

      They are the downfall, hope they enjoy their snickers for now, those young personalities will be the first to go when the cuts happen.

      1. Yep. And the cuts are coming for sure. CNN beat Fox on election night ? SMH … the true conservatives … the Trump conservatives (like me) have completely abandoned Fox … EXCEPT for Tucker, Maria, Lou and Stuart.

  2. “it’s no wonder Biden failed to achieve a landslide victory”
    Oh please, enough of this BS. Would this have been said in 2016 about Trump when he won with fewer actual popular votes than Clinton?
    BTW, Trump is a blithering idiot. There, I said it again. But you hopeless trumpet twits are blind to that.

    1. This is the problem with the anti-Trumpers. All they can do is sling insults. What did Trump actually DO that you find so objectionable? Calling him a “blithering idiot” is not very convincing when 73 million others apparently think he is a pretty good President.

      1. @Lindal:
        Sorry but the list is too long and time consuming. Any right thinking person who listens to Trump for more than a few minutes will come to the same conclusion, that he is obviously a blithering idiot and anybody who thinks he was good for the country, well they also are blithering idiots. However I will acknowledge that I fear the Dems are too left wing and I am suspicious of the Biden/Harris combination. Plus the news that Bernie Sanders will be playing a key role in the Dem’s government is very unsettling.

        1. I have listened to Trumps State of the Union addresses, and to a number of his election speeches. He’s great. The list of things he DID wrong is not too long. One or two examples would do. I believe your problem is that you simply accept the media portrayal of Trump, and it is far from accurate. It is in fact, deliberately deceptive.

    2. Typical drivel from some Lower MAOlander….(or whatever Disease infested swamp you crawled out of… Heres my reply sonny.

      “….That Blitherhing Idiot in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.

      That Blitherhing Idiot in the White House is the first president that has not engaged the US in a foreign war since Eisenhower.

      That Blitherhing Idiot in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever….EVER capisce.?

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House neutralized the North Koreans, stopped them from developing a further nuclear capability, sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House turned the US relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of business back to the US, and revived the economy. Hello.??

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House has accomplished the appointing of three Supreme Court Justices and close to 300 Federal Judges.

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House your taxes, increased the standard deduction on ones IRS return from $12,500 for Married Filing Joint to $24,400 and caused the stock market to move to record levels over 100 times, positively impacting the retirements of tens of millions of citizens.

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House fast-tracked the development of a COVID Vaccine – it will be available within weeks – we still don’t have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House rebuilt the US military which the Obama administration had crippled and had fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.

      That Blithering Idiot in the White House uncovered widespread pedophilia in the government and in Hollywood, and is exposing world wide sex trafficking of minors and bringing children home to their families.

      That Blitherhing Idiot in the White House works for free and has lost well over 2 billion dollars of his own money in serving – and done all of this and much more in the face of relentless undermining and opposition from people who are threatened because they know they are going to be exposed as the criminals that they are if he is re-elected.

      I got it, you don’t like him. Many of you spoilt ignorant leftist trash utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. But he continues to serve you and ALL FREE peoples. What are you doing huh ..?? other than supporting Domestic terrorists like BLM-AntiFa.??

      And please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office? NOT ONE Goddamned thing but take bribes and run his VP office like the Mafia.

      Take a hike Canuck guy – you, like every other Liberal sycophant, got nothin….

      1. Well said. You missed one. By opening up the fracking of oil he made the USA a net exporter of oil and gas and the Middle East realised they no longer had the political edge. He moved the Embassy to Jerusalem which no other Head of State IN THE WORLD had the balls to do. An in your face act that got the Arab oil oligarchs attention. They realised they no longer held the power, decided to play nice and recognise Israel. Too much to expect a Nobel for that accomplishment. Obama got one for good attendance before he even showed up.

        1. Oh and, Canuckguy? Did you not promise us that if global warming had not killed us all by now, you would never post here again? I can look-up your quote if you wish – I’m helpful that way.


      2. Brilliant Steakman! As the leftists like to say … “facts are stubborn things”. The FACT remains … Donald J. Trump is the BEST President in my lifetime, for all the reasons you stated and more. I believe History (that isn’t written by leftist hacks) will treat PDJT in glowing terms … and his detractors as FOOLS.

      3. Excellent post. It is astonishing and demoralizing that the media never comments on Trumps accomplishments. Their anti-Trump agenda is totally obvious.

      4. I agree with the others. Very well said, Steakman. Note that Knucklehead from NB doesn’t try to respond.

        Hi view, as noted above is Any right thinking person who listens to Trump for more than a few minutes will come to the same conclusion, that he is obviously a blithering idiot and anybody who thinks he was good for the country, well they also are blithering idiots. He can’t respond to a list like yours because you show what a fool he is.

    3. “BTW, Trump is a blithering idiot”
      Did you
      Graduate from Wharton?
      Take a $30 mil inheritance to a billion, to sub zero then 3 billion in the NY market that would eat you alive in seconds?
      You got your own 757?
      Hottie wives?
      Best seller books( 2)
      Hit TV show?
      Sikorski helicopter?
      Defeat GOP, inc, Bush Family, all the media, Hillary and her $1 billion, the FBI, The CIA, and win the Presidency first try at political office ?
      No. Because you know you’re a loser.

      1. Re making a fortune in the New York real estate market – lefties always try to blunt that by saying Trump went bankrupt. He actually went into chapter 11, reorganized and came out on top. Some banks even gave him more money.

        By comparison sake – and CanuckGuy being a good liberal easterner will remember the adoration and lionization of them – the Reichmann clan via Olympia and York were also participating in NY real estate at the same time as Trump. Largest holders of NY Real Estate. Canadian media loved them.

        But despite being really clever Canadian Liberals, they were not as nimble or smart as Trump. They bankrupted in what what then the largest corporate bankrupty in history – 20 billion (back when a billion was alot of money) – and took alot of people down with them.

      1. Now Michael, don’t be a dumbazz follower.
        PO’ed is well known for generalized gibberish, and well, is mostly unarmed and best left to his babbling.

        Every village has a maroon and Canuckguy NB is an NB poster boy for most. Period.

        Stupid obviously doesn’t stop at the BC border, but particularly if you are using your real name, you may not want to slither around with PO’ed.
        Too many Notley noogies have left him Liberal cabinet material stupid.

        1. Well then, let me hasten to assure you that:

          1) I don’t give a rat’s left ball what anyone on the Net thinks about me.
          2) I like being honest about who I am, even (or especially) on the Net, and nobody who’d want to hurt me would be able to find me anyway.
          3) I’m not a “follower” of PO’d, or of anyone else, which is exactly why I’m a conservative.
          4) I haven’t found his writing to be gibberish.
          5) If anyone here says terrible things about our trolls, I’m on their side. I enjoy it myself, because I know what kind of people they are and they deserve it, even if being sociopaths it has no effect on them. Wot’s it to ya anyway? I’ll be me, he’ll be him, and you’ll be you, and it’s all good. 🙂

    4. The more you show up and pretend bravery behind a woman’s apron, the more one suspects that you are terrified at the prospect that not only will all of this fraud be discovered but it won’t result the in presidency of a child-sniffing senile old has-been desperate to save his son from treason charges.

      How am I doing so far?

    5. BTW, how do you define blithering idiot?

      Someone who fell for, or worse still, chose to believe the Russia Trump collusion hoax?

      That would be a sterling example of blithering idiocy.

      Would that be you? If you did, then your motive are what’s questionable in addition to your intellect and personal ethics.

      If you did you have nothing to add to the debate here being a blithering idiot who couldn’t see obvious abuse of power.

      There is no blithering idiot so much a blitheringly blind as the blithering idiot who will not see they’re the blithering idiot.

      1. @Shamrock:
        You need to calm down. You are being much too idiotic.
        (PS: That goes for the rest of you blithering idiots as well)

          1. @NME666
            I am old, I get a company pension.
            Unless the CPP and the OAS count, I don’t get welfare checks.
            BTW, what does ‘NME’ stand for? Numb Moronic Excretion?

        1. Is that the best you can do, tell someone to calm down. I’m quite calm, you are flinching, triggered pajama boy.
          I don’t take advice from blithering idiots who are demonstrable liars, which zero to add to any debate.
          Those of inferior intellect think others should “calm down” and accept their idiotic rants.
          Not going to happen, you blithering idiot. Actually in your case blithering idiot is a compliment.
          That goes for the rest of TDS blithering idiots, but I repeat myself.
          Try to understand this, we are the strong and you are the weak.
          Convincing the weak minded to take common cause with blithering idiots changes nothing.
          You are weak, so calm down yourself. Unlike you, we the strong can take care of ourselves without statist pablum.

  3. Even more glad I dumped my Sun subscription. It keeps running Reuters BS propaganda about “President Biden” and sore loser Republicans.

  4. Agreed Johnny, and there was nothing fair about this election. It’s been a set up from the start.
    There is a lot of corruption going to be exposed.
    Dominions counting machines is just one!
    Someone should check to see if it wasn’t used in our last election.

    Nothing slimier than a liebral.

  5. The ONLY metric I needed to prove the footprint of massive Vote FRAUD … MASSIVE FRAUD!!!? Voter turnout for BIDEN far exceeded the 2008 run of the “First Black President” in American History. I voted in 2008 … and NEVER in my lifetime (and 38 years of voting at the SAME polling place) did I see as many voters as for Obama’s first run. There is simply NO WAY Biden got MORE voters … 10% MORE voters turning out … than Obama did in 2008!

    Mail-in VOTE FRAUD. Period.

    1. It is more than ballot fraud, it was a concerted criminally organised coup attempt using the voting machines.
      Behind all this are the usual actors, the ex UN operatives such as Malloch Brown who is Soros`s second in command, the ghost of Maurice Strong, Feinstein, Pelosi and on and on. I believe the CIA and FBI were well aware of the possibility but because they had previously used Malloch Brown and Dominion, and others in both foreign and domestic operations they could not speak up without the Soros operatives blowing the whistle on their past behaviour. With all the money poured into the CIA and FBI is it likely they missed this just like they did with 9/11 and the Boston Bombers. If Trump is not re elected all that has gone before will disappear down the memory hole and then the Never Trump people will rue the day. Today is December 1983.

  6. Of course the demons cheated.
    When you are willing to allow and encourage Burn Loot Murder as a political tool,the moral objection to a little blatant vote manipulation is long gone.
    The cheat goes to form,of which the Progressive Slime have a long history.
    If Trump fails to crush this rip-off there will not be another honest election.
    Why would there be if blatant cheating works?
    Which sows the seeds of violent revolt.
    For our Progressive Comrades are too clever by half,they have shut down free speech,they are silencing dissent and now they have closed the ballot box.
    What does that leave?

    Now being one of those people who just wanted to be left alone,I am losing all tolerance and patience for these do-gooders and busybodies who contribute nothing to my society,but seem to be the source of a lot of idiocy and evil.
    By their actions you shall know them.
    So these “experts”, who know better than I how I shall live my life and even more so how I shall be rewarded for my labours, these people have a commonality for they have no skill nor accomplishments.

    Useless parasites,one and all.
    So now the Professional Parasites believe they have achieved power forever,through stealing a national election,they boast and swell..
    This is not going to end well.

    Damn fools still do not understand,we have seen this movie before,hell my father played his role fighting the last bunch of Power Mad Statists,what those closing all soft paths of social discourse in their lust for power fail to understand…Trump is(was?) all that stands between us and them.

    Driving Trump from office using a corrupted election process,will mean all bets are off.
    The patriots will draw their own conclusions.

    1. I, too, am a quiet Patriot who likes to be left alone to exercise my God-given Freedoms. Yes … when an honest vote is no longer a feature of America …there WILL be a civil WAR declared on the perpetrators of the FRAUD and CHEAT.

  7. And when it is all over, it is all over. If a civil war is avoided I don’t know whether that will be a good or a bad thing. I for one will die before bending the knee to assholes.
