25 Replies to “Everyone Vote!”

    1. California Motor Voter
      The California Motor Voter program is making registering to vote at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) more convenient. Eligible applicants completing a driver license, identification (ID) card or change of address transaction online, by mail or in person at the DMV will be automatically registered to vote by the California Secretary of State, unless they choose to opt out of automatic voter registration. For more information, visit California Motor Voter

      Yes … illegal aliens are allowed to obtain driver’s licenses in CA. Yes … illegals can (and do) VOTE … automatically … as facilitated by the DMV and the Sec. of State.

      And, no … there will NEVER be a Republican Gov. or majority Republican Legislature EVER again … Bienvenidos Voters!!

  1. I liked the story from Edmonton where a guy made his own licence plates and drivers license for several years…..

  2. I am not surprised! I worked both the provincial and municipal elections. When I asked about voter ID, I was told NOT to check for it and that we were not allowed to ask for this. In the municipal election, one of my co-workers (who actually worked for the city) wanted to know when she could vote. I told her she was supposed to have voted ahead of time as we had to man the table from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. She said “nobody told me to vote”. She is a civil engineer who designs REgina’s roads. Heaven help us! was my immediate thought.

    1. I worked in both the last federal and provincial elections and proof of identity and proof of address WAS required.

  3. Many naturalized Canadians take their acquired right to vote seriously. To cast a ballot was seen as one of the benefits of being a citizen.

    During the last federal election, I went to my polling station and I showed my pocket citizenship card to the staff, reminding them that I could at least prove that I’m eligible to vote in this country and that I was proud to do so. The response, generally, was “huh?” They didn’t seem to grasp that not everyone who lives in this country has the right to vote.

    Civis romanus sum, indeed.

  4. Blind worms gnawing at the foundation of civilization.
    Totally gobsmacking crazy and yet so predictable.
    Why is it,that those paid to perform the tasks essential to civic order,now feel that is not their job to ensure the integrity of these systems?
    This incompetence and studied willful ignorance is the norm for our modern “civil servants”.
    Fire them all.

  5. And the CRA is actively involved in allowing non-citizens to be added to the voters’ list. There is a question about Elections Canada. Supposedly a non-citizen would answer part A correctly so his/her name would not be given to Elections Canada. However, at least one major tax program doesn’t even show this question to the tax preparer, and defaults to “Yes, a Canadian citizen) and “Yes, give my name etc to Elections Canada”. If the tax preparer isn’t conscientious about asking this of EVERY person for whom taxes are being done, a fair few non-citizens will land on the voters’ list with no one the wiser.

  6. Elections Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary of the liberal party. Harper put in the fair elections act to ensure only legitimate citizens were allowed to vote. As soon as the drama queen was elected who rescinded that order. When his dad was in power non Canadians voted regularly. The drama queen changed the rules to ensure all the illegals he is letting in will vote liberal.

    1. The drama queen changed the rules to ensure all the illegals he is letting in will vote liberal.

      Supported by people like Craig Oliver who, on election night, joyously proclaimed the Lieberals as the “natural governing party” of Canada.

  7. “The drama queen changed the rules to ensure all the illegals he is letting in will vote liberal.” – Which was P.E.T.s intent when he promoted multiculturalism, although he wanted each group in little enclaves directed by a Tammany Hall style ward boss.

  8. Everyone vote! Why not? After all, we are now a post-national state with a UN Soros led government.

  9. During the last federal election, I noticed that an electricity bill is adequate identification but a Canadian Pilot Licence is not! We really do have a screwed up system.

  10. Figure out a way to get a bunch of pro-Trump US citizens to vote in our next federal election, and I’ll wager Elections Liberal finds out a way to check citizenship real fast.

  11. Yep even non citizens, that is exactly how liberals like it. And for the same reason they keep replacing the electorate through mass importation of new voters.

  12. So Stats Canada has the power to grab my banking info whenever they feel like it, without informing me, but Elections Canada can’t verify if a voter is a citizen?

  13. Why do think Trudeau is promoting and enabling an open border for his irregulars. They are a significant Liberal voting block for the 2019 election.

  14. Falls largely under the heading of “Good job, Captain Obvious.” Yes, ID is checked (mostly) to prove you’re at the right voting station, and they cross your name off the list. But they make NO citizenship check. None. My wife–not a citizen–actually asked a poll worker in the last civic election how they tell if someone voting is a citizen or not. He flatly said, “We can’t.”

    If you have a driver’s licence, you can fill out a voter declaration form. There’s no citizenship requirement to get a DL or provincial ID: you just have to be a legal resident.

    I might encourage her to vote, but she doesn’t agree with me on all the issues. 🙂 It took enough time to convince her that the PM is a vacuous tw..i..t, but that was mostly just from observation.

  15. this is excellent. now my doggies Truman and Chloe can vote too !! mebbe a couple credit cards in their name is in the offing, and bank accts to shut pm groper up.

    life is grand when LIEberals are in charge !!!

  16. When I worked elections, a certain Canadian left wing party, would vouch for busloads of voters with no ID, and if requested, HELP THEM BEHIND THE VOTING CURTAIN.

  17. The US system is Dysfunctional by design….. The Florida “MASSAUGING” of ballots @ Democrat ONLY strong-holds was the same con game as GORE tried in 2000… You mine for Gold & Democrat Votes in those places that will yield the best results.…Cheating

    GOV Scott had years to put a stop to the Democrat targeted re-counts… It is simple to require ALL of Florida to follow an absolute Standard and counts/ recounts MUST include “both” Democrat & Republican Strong Holds…Stupid Republicans are Brain dead road kills

    Illegal Alien Voting or attempt MUST be Prosecuted and all deported.. All of those suspect Ballots (Physical) must be keep for investigators.. The records & DATA are destroyed for an unlawful unethical reason.

