Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

Where every culture is equal, except your own;

Indigenous advocates from around the world are calling on a UN committee to make appropriating Indigenous cultures illegal — and to do it quickly.
Delegates from 189 countries, including Canada, are in Geneva this week as part of a specialized international committee within the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a United Nations agency.
Since it began in 2001, the committee has been working on creating and finishing three pieces of international law that would expand intellectual-property regulations to protect things like Indigenous designs, dances, words and traditional medicines.

h/t A Deplorable Sewer Rat

55 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Does this mean they can’t use big screen TVs anymore because they didn’t invent them? Or that cultures that don’t traditionally feature hygiene will be prevented from adopting it?
    Oh, oh, or how about using electricity?

  2. So if cultural appropriation is bad then does that mean no more electricity, or science based medicine, for some people based on their race? Or is it only cultural appropriation when whitey does it?

  3. Native North Americans were a stone age culture. They did not develop metal working, or even the wheel, much less optics. How many natives are willing to give up their glasses, vehicles, guns, antibiotics, plastics?
    Yeah, thought so.

  4. Cultural appropriation. Buffy St.Marie, singing songs that sound rather European. Indian Chiefs going to meetings or ceremonies dressed in full head dress and suit and tie. Indian musical acts. Please Mr. Indian, do not appropriate my white culture.

  5. If they want their culture to survive they better live it in all respects. Don’t expect that to happen. They’ve become accustomed to the conveniences of modern life even in the most remote places where they can not find work and rely on constant handouts from the taxes of the working people who keep Canada rolling along. They don’t wear hand made buckskin and feathers and live off the land, that would mean no time for TV and all the other goodies that have to be transported to their remote reserves at great expense.
    Still waiting for a government to say on our behalf and for the good of all concerned, enough already and do something about it. Money tossed into perpetual black holes is not well spent.

  6. this is another attempt to extort money from the advanced civilizations, much like the paris accord and kyoto accord. who defines what is appropriated and by whom from whom?

  7. This nonsense would be stopped pretty effin quick if people had the brains and principles to boycott their casinos, cigarette shacks, gas pumps, and bingo halls.

  8. I don’t know, it’s not a completely flawed concept….
    Just maybe the threat of prosecution would help deter big-city metro-sexuals from further adopting the gay culture or even help prevent some aimless Edmonton teens from acting like little dipshit black hipsta’s from Detroit.
    Maybe we could even charge the Liberanos for appropriating the Chicago mob culture

  9. You can fix stupid. This is just another example.
    They have no idea at all of what they preach, except that it is to be used to make theft moral.
    Bring it on I say. Bring more stupidity. Swamp us in stupidity. Make some damn much noise about stupid things that no-one can see or hear anything.
    You can’t fix stupid, but you can certainly hit a wall fast enough that we squash the shit out if it.
    Faster please….

  10. Again, what a sick society we are becoming. But I repeat myself. This is just more cultural Marxist crap.

  11. I demand that the UN … IMMEDIATELY STOP … appropriating my cultures “greenbacks”. Stop appropriating our DOLLARS. Those are MY dead presidents … NOT yours. Give them ALL back … NOW! And about all those modern conveniences … mine too. It’s back to squatting in the bush with the whole lot of you.

  12. Indian culture didn’t have booze. I am eagerly willing to give up eagle feathers if they give up booze. What the hell, I’ll give up eagles feathers and booze if they give up booze. I didn’t think so.

  13. What of indigenous tribes appropriating culture of other tribes?
    The full eagle feather head dress was worn by certain great plains tribes, but I don’t believe it was common to all northern Canadian tribes. Native leaders appearing for meetings in such in such attire may be guilty themselves. Maybe someone from the media might point this out.

  14. I will also freely STOP using Peyote … if that will STOP one more Native from alcoholism. And I will also stop eating any corn, or corn products whatsoever … if Natives stop eating the white mans junk food and growing to 350 lbs while sitting on their bottoms on the Res.

  15. no no no Joel, what we are in for is strictly enforced licensing of the gadgets, accompanied by a ‘dreamcatcher registry’ and another enormous lieberal single-issue bureaucrapcy.
    anyway, tq for today’s best laugh.

  16. Does this mean the savages will give up the white mans liquor, language, clothing and start walking on all fours again?

  17. The irony with this sort of nonsense is that indigenous people simply risk becoming even more invisible and detached from mainstream society.
    I already avoid native issues as it is: the futility of any honest discussion about their situation is the biggest deterrent.
    Who needs the aggravation when there are other more pressing day-to-day concerns to deal with?

  18. By the way, the Mob called.
    They want the indigenous people to stop running casinos.
    Or else.

  19. *
    how come bruce jenner is a hero instead of a cultural criminal?
    you can’t wear dreads or smoke a peacepipe… but apparently
    appropriating someone’s genitalia is outside the purview of
    this agency.

  20. The businesses you mentioned are significant sources of revenue for the natives and create meaningful employment, especially the casinos. Non-natives frequent these establishments in great numbers at their own free will and spend bushels of cash. If this revenue wasn’t available, where do you think the shortfall would be made up? I think we all know the answer to that one.

  21. OK so riddle me this: IS there ANYONE on this planet whose race or culture is NOT indigenous to some part of the planet?? If not then where did it come from?
    …or does this mean what I already believe it to mean: “Indigenous” is (yet another) code for anti White European?

  22. If any of the money generated from these sources were to go to help their “community” it would be purely optional, as Native Indians they pay no taxes so it does not go to government coffers.

  23. Once this becomes world law, civilization will collapse overnight. Only the Chinese will be allowed to eat pasta, use paper and compasses, and wear silk. Only the Greeks will be allowed to do math and govern themselves democratically. Only the French can use metres and kilograms.
    I could go on but I think you get the picture.
    We may as well go back to the Neolithic era, but, then, that’s what the Frankfurt School socialists have been aiming for, haven’t they?

  24. Scar: “I’ll give up eagles feathers and booze if they give up booze.”
    Yes, they will have to give up booze but we will have to give up tobacco. No big deal, I am a non-smoker.

  25. “…or does this mean what I already believe it to mean: “Indigenous” is (yet another) code for anti White European?”
    I think you are right. This is exactly what this effort is all about.

  26. The Six Nation Confederacy was comprised of earlier European immigration.
    Now they will be complaining about appropriation from fellow ancestors ?

  27. “Only the Chinese will be allowed to eat pasta…”
    Not quite. The Chinese will only be allowed to eat noodles. They will not be allowed to eat Italian-style pasta since, although this was initially appropriated from them, it was greatly modified into a distinctly different dish.
    So NO ONE will henceforth be allowed to eat pasta!

  28. For a regression of the human experience we must remain a member of the so-called United Nations. It is where all the dictators and despots have a majority vote in that crazy organization whose time has come and gone.

  29. We can take back the wheel, air conditioning and central heating, the firearm. Let them live in wigwams again. Oh, no medicine.

  30. The U. N. was founded to accomplish what the League of Nations failed to do: bring about world peace. It certainly looks like it, too, didn’t succeed at that.

  31. Oh my … and hasn’t the UN completely lost the plot ? Their mission has turned so creepy they no longer remember their Charter. Standing about in blue helmets, turning a blind eye to Palestinians crouching in schools and hospitals, lobbing weapons at Israel … sexually abusing desperate African and Haitian refugees when supposedly “keeping the peace” has become the UN “mission”. Or using FAKE global warming to leverage $$$ money from the successful and distribute (10 cents on the dollar) to perpetual victim-States. Mission creep that now includes the establishment of worldwide Socialism and the destruction of Capitalism. The UN has turned creepy and adversarial toward the West … toward Christianity. Get the UN … OUT … now. Let them move to mud huts in their “client States” (without air conditioning … of course).

  32. Another monumental work of fantasmagorical proportions brought to you by a group of people that would otherwise have a hard time knowing which end of the broom to hold as they tried to sweep the streets, never mind knowing how to catch a dog. Western voters have been duped and brainwashed for almost seventy years both by their own politicians and by the International Cabal known as the United Nations. Bernie Madoff was a nickel and dime piker compared to what we have now passing for leaders of the ‘Free’ World. The best of it is, we are all so bl**dy, imbecilically stupid that we put up with these morons telling us how to live our lives instead of telling them to ‘shove off!’.

  33. Why does anyone think the goal of this new edict is to be fairly applied to all. This will be used arbitrarily as a blunt instrument in the show trial/kangaroo courts that will be used to destroy anyone who stands against the progressive world order.

  34. Western voters have been duped and brainwashed for almost seventy years both by their own politicians and by the International Cabal known as the United Nations.
    Particularly the latter. It’s snookered people into believing that contributing to its various con games–oops! I meant to say programs–is doing good for the rest of the world.
    I remember when I collected for UNICEF on Halloween when I was in Grade 7. I thought I was helping to my bit to help make things better.
    UNESCO has become a joke. Several ancient sites in and around Israel have had their names changed to accommodate adherents to the “religion of peace. Many of those sites, and their original names, pre-dated that ideology’s establishment by several hundred years. UNESCO is to thank for that.
    Oh, and don’t forget the fat lot of good it did in preventing the Taliban from destroying those ancient Buddha statues in Afghanistan about 15 years ago.
    So, can anyone explain to me why Canada’s still a member, aside from Shiny Potato’s ambitions?

  35. This is absolutely not the fault of the aborigines taking this apparently idiotic position.
    It is our fault for electing governments that provide the money to allow behaviour like this. The government provides money directly and by giving tax breaks to batshit crazy NGOs.
    So if you’re looking for stupid, look in the mirror. If you’re looking for clever use of an insane system, look at the aborigines. They got a free flight to Geneva and no doubt 5 star hotels and Michelin 3 star meals out of it.
    What did you get? You got to pay for it, fool.

  36. Thomas Sowell:
    The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.

  37. If this hair brained money grab gets legal traction in Canada it will make for some good political Ads come 2019. The marijuana plant was appropriated from the Asians…I’d imagine that would cook JT’s goose if it was banned.

  38. Don’t count me in when you look in the mirror. As for appropriating blame I’d like to blame the first hunter/gatherer that threw that first scrap of food to the first liberal that couldn’t hunt or gather and ended up dancing around the fire making a fool of himself just to get a few scraps and a couple of laughs. Our ancestors were easily bought, today not so much!

  39. Oh, this is all culturally consistent and appropriate, just modernized to keep up with the times and exploit the opportunities that people like Mr Trudeau present. Without the rule of law and the great white mother’s skirts to hide behind, success as a hunter-gatherer is exponentially improved if you hunt to gather stuff that others have already gathered for you…

  40. This is brilliant.
    I fully support the UN in this venture.
    Har Har Har.
    This will be a gift to Discord and chaos.
    All hail Discordia.
    Why are we still a member of this organization?

  41. It’s just socialist identity politics again. BFD. Socialism is in it’s death throes. It can go easy or it can go, hard.
    I suppose it depends on which identity group one chooses to belong to.
    If you’re a member of a stone age savage cannibalistic throwback identity group, I’m guessing, win or lose, you’re in for a hard realization.
    UN Agenda 21 has your number, and your number is up.
