43 Replies to ““I escaped the plantation””

  1. I watched a couple of his videos last night and he’s excellent. It would be great to see him get more exposure.

  2. I’ve watched him before and he is good. He realizes the left are racist and work like hell to perpetuate victimhood to keep people down.

  3. Great rant!! but for someone who is a pop culture illiterate, could someone tell me who this guy is.

  4. I’ll tell you one thing, as we sat around this morning drinking coffee and watching this..it never hurts when you want to get your message across to be articulate, street wise, and have a great smile!
    That’s a killer combo that gets people to listen..!

  5. Loved the part when he referred to Hollywood’s anti-gun activism and yet their liberals stars are often found on movie covers holding a gun. A lot of irony throughout his rant. Very well done.

  6. Excellent points, good delivery, and not a single bleep-able word. As a middle-aged guy, I have just one question — Who is he?

  7. He could be used in in our current campaign to hammer the Libs and Dippers, much of what he rants about is applicable here. It’s ironic too, even the name George Bush is used as much here. If the desperate Lefties in this country want to talk Bush we could use this rant with a few name changes.

  8. Wow, the dude gets it. While I personally think his rant is too long for the typical lieberal’s attention span, he nails down cold a lot of the talking points most conservatives have. Almost ten minutes and not a single XFG@$%^*N word in it.
    The fact that he can point out faults about Bush and McCain shows me that unlike the “progressive” sheeple and lemmings, he can think and make opinions on his own. Try to get a Dem or Lieberal to ever admit imperfection.
    If there ever was a roll model for kids in the hood, this guy is it.

  9. This youtube post is at 96,000 and counting…And that’s apart from all the cut and paste moved around like this one at SDA.
    The McCain camp should somehow promote this youtube address.

  10. That was niiiice.
    One problem. If I did that video and said that stuff, I’d be up in front of the CHRC before you could say jackboot.
    That’s not a problem with the video. That’s a problem with this country.

  11. Does this guy have a name? Or maybe he is in a witness protection program. He might have to be if the Dems win.

  12. I just watched another video from this guy on you tube, mostly about abortion. this line cracked me up: ‘who are you to decide whether someone will enjoy thier life or not? retarded people smile a lot more than we do’.

  13. A very good rant. Like the evil/good people pics.
    Thanks for the link Christoph; It is a very good read.
    Liz J; I agree.
    The liberals and NDP are democrats in disguise.

  14. The man is informed; his knowledge of Planned Parenthood is spot on. I never knew how racist Margaret Sanger was until I read ‘Liberal Fascism’, that woman hated all black people with a passion.

  15. Christoph, thanks that was a great link.
    And a great rant by this gentleman. I hope he has a long and profitable career ahead of him.

  16. Thanks for this – I remember a previous post here of his video – informative and engaging!

  17. gellen, yes, Alfonzo Rachel is a Christian. He describes himself as a “Right wing republican Christian conservative”. His video, The Vote Reaper, where he duels, verbally and with a light sabre, with Darth Barak—can I call you Darth Barry?—is a hoot. This guy is dynamite!
    (Linking to the ideas at another thread, wally, I think Rachel is a fine advertisement for the good of Christianity. Of course, we all fall short of the glory of God, but, I believe if you check out the lives of committed Christians, you’ll find that they are generous people who go out of their way, with time, talent, and treasure, to help others.
    This is not just my opinion. In “an analysis of the Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey (SCCBS), [which] was undertaken in 2000 by researchers at universities throughout the United States and the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research [the Hoover Institute made some observations]. The data consist[ed] of nearly 30,000 observations drawn from 50 communities across the United States and ask[ed] individuals about their ‘civic behavior,’ including their giving and volunteering during the year preceding the survey . . .
    “The differences in charity between secular and religious people are dramatic. Religious people are 25 percentage points more likely than secularists to donate money (91 percent to 66 percent) and 23 points more likely to volunteer time (67 percent to 44 percent). And, consistent with the findings of other writers, these data show that practicing a religion is more important than the actual religion itself in predicting charitable behavior. For example, among those who attend worship services regularly, 92 percent of Protestants give charitably, compared with 91 percent of Catholics, 91 percent of Jews, and 89 percent from other religions.”
    Mr. Rachel’s convictions have everything to do with his Christian beliefs. Think of the difference in Canada if the black gang members and other drug thugs, who are wreaking so much havoc in our country, were, like Mr. Rachel, believing Christian conservatives . . .)
    McCain and Palin should take note and officially get Mr. Rachel on board. He seems to be a gift that keeps on giving. What a great guy!

  18. This is a nice counter to those videos from Diddy.
    On my last trip to Calgary I noticed a lot of Obama T-shirts on the “crews”. Quite a fashion statement, an Obama T-shirt and a 9mm.

  19. From the video:
    “Those of you who plan to vote for Obama, you’re waiting for somebody to make you happy, when you have the power to do it yourself, right now.”

  20. My opinion also, lookout. Watched Vote Reaper – hoot as you say – and a few others. This man makes Obama look like an amateur, aka teleprompter reader. McCain and Palin could certainly use him.
    Also watched his bible thumpin’ video and he must be an ordained minister as I haven’t heard the Bible explained as succinctly or as well in my lifetime.

  21. So whose face was on the T-shirt?
    Posted by: randall g at October 7, 2008 3:18 PM
    Looks like Richard Pryor.

  22. Oh dear God, that man is one of the most attractive men I’ve ever laid ears on! Playing his rant at work meant I was confined to a space defined by the wire of my headset, because if anyone finds out that I’m conservative in ANY way, odds are I will be shunned like a leper (which is standard practice in my office) but it was completely worth it! He makes a great point about Sesame Street and the victim mentality and the REAL price that McCain paid for his country.
    This was an amazing rant! Where do us single conservative chicks meet REAL men like this!?

  23. The bucket of crabs analogy was spot on.He could have added that the only crab to survive and the happiest is the one that manages to climb out.Irene ,I know how you feel,I work surrounded by the lowest of the liberal mindset,the dreaded truthers. It is like the debates every day.

  24. Okay, that was an entertaining, and thought(I hope) provoking video!
    Great Job “machosauceproduction”.
    Glad you posted that Kate.

  25. Just goes to show that even though you can shower people 24/7 with propaganda. Sooner or latter the sharp ones figure it out. I just hope a talented guy like this with his brains, gets a chance excel in his own time.
    Takes guts to stand for something unpopular with your own peers.

  26. Zo is a hero to a lot of us out here. I’ve been dropping links to his vids all over the net and I can’t figure out why he isn’t more well known…. but we, his fans will keep trying.
