5 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. For the past 20 years, I have always said that the media are “sluts and jiggers” (male sluts). I will only believe them if I see it also reported on blogs which I read or if it is fairly easy — such as an accident or a fire somewhere. As soon as the reporter starts editorializing about the accident or the fire, I start disbelieving them.

    1. B M, there hasn’t been an honest media in my fairly long life. It takes, intelligence and serious moral values to be honest, ethics are always situational and will bend according to the cash flow. I remember watching news reels in the theatre of the Jews being bulldozed into mass graves after the allies crushed the Germans. That was the truth and it has stayed with me all my life.

  2. Imagine for a second if blumpf said he’d black list anyone who put out a story. The press would say lolgfy and then run front page news about blumpf’s facism. What a pile of spineless scumbags. Literally fake news.

  3. Mohamad Obama started all this bullshit,
    ” Law enforcement, Police are Stupid.”

    A Benghazi attack is killing Americans, need to go take a nap.

    Never let a good crisis go to waste. etc. etc..

