20 Replies to ““Katie’s former staff here.””

    1. She’s a monster, that’s what.

      One can look into the closet of almost any leftie and come up with sordid crap and evil. While they are so damn busy calling every conservative hitler, they seem to have unrelenting energy to do actual evil to everyone around them.

      No, I don’t wonder why this is, the truth is obvious enough.

        1. No really, priests for the most part help people and society. Congresspeople, meh! Liberals and Democrats are just dangerous and shameless hypocrites.

  1. Hopefully someone a bit slimmer plays Katie in her movie of the week.

    *It’s awesome that months after this was in the news, her staffers still have access to her verified Twitter. It’s an hour later in Calif time, maybe she’s resting still.

  2. But, but, but ….
    Hill got 2 designated victim status points.
    Being a woman today qualifies for victim status.
    LGXYZ is another victim status position.

    She will be fine, all the others are misogynists, racists, low lives.

    That is the hierarchy of victim hood.

    1. Oh! But my oh my … you forgot her THIRD tier of victimhood!! She’s also a … “survivor”. A survivor of domestic abuse, if I recall correctly. Her survivorhood must have something to do with an ex-husband abusing her … just before she discovered her bi-sexuality or LGqBQ “identity”.

      If you survive cancer, or some other ailment over which you have no control … you’re a survivor. If you stay with an abusive man … well … you had options.

      1. Thanks for pointing the error.
        There are probably more victimhood points that I’m not familiar with.


      2. “If you stay with an abusive man“

        That would put her right up there with Hillary.

        Oh wait, my bad. She would be there if she stayed with a philandering husband.
        Never mind.

        1. I think you have the roles reversed on this one.

          That last video with him sitting behind her looked like a hostage video.

  3. “In order to advance the #MeToo movement, we must be willing to acknowledge the problematic behaviors among those in our own communities…”

    Oh shut up. The “problematic behaviors” are ONLY in your “communities.”

    You covered Katie’s well-used backside as long as you could. It was Katie Hill’s long-suffering husband who girded his loins like a man and exposed her piggish behaviour to a candid world. Where’s his Hollywood biopic? Because he’s the only hero here.

  4. Hilarious. A number of Hill’s supporters are upset, calling this Twittter-jacking.

  5. They chose the Democratic Party, they got Democrat. Only when they have suffered enough to learn something, will they stop being victims, and become human.

    Until they understand what agency is, there is nothing that can help them.

    1. Katie Hill. Democrat Representative from California in the US House. Engaged in numerous threesomes with her former husband (male) and some of her former staffers (female). Divorced said husband, became mostly full-time lesbian. Broke off relationships with lesbian staff members and threw them under various buses, because, who knows why. All of the former was exposed to the public by jilted ex-lovers/ex-staff members. Husband went public when divorce was going off-the-rails. Democrat politician Katie Hill then claims to be a victim in the the press to save her political career. Fellow Democrats cut her loose. Hill forced to resign in shame/hypocricy/embarrassment. Many months later, in October 2020, Hollywood has decided to make a movie about the whole scandal, painting Katie Hill as a victim of everything. Will have to include some graphic sex scenes in order to get any publicity or viewers.

      I’m sure I’ve misplaced a few details but that is the jist of it.
