Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

New York Slimes: …deletes bizarre tweet referencing Brett Kavanaugh’s ‘harmless’ penis

Wait, it gets better.

The New York Times suddenly made a major revision to a supposed bombshell piece late Sunday concerning a resurfaced allegation of sexual assault by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — hours after virtually all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates had cited the original article as a reason to impeach Kavanaugh.
The update included the significant detail that several friends of the alleged victim said she did not recall the purported sexual assault in question at all. The Times also stated for the first time that the alleged victim refused to be interviewed, and has made no other comment about the episode.

Mission accomplished, damage done.

16 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. I’ve been following this in the media and took 4 major points from what I read…

    This is not a new allegation, it is a rehashed old one.

    The ‘victim’ herself cannot remember the ‘event’ even happening.

    This allegation is being pushed by a lawyer linked to the Clintons.

    Even if events transpired as alleged, legally, both Kavanaugh and the girl would be classified as victims.

    Democrats, and anyone who supports them, should be f*cking ashamed of themselves.

    1. Not just a Clinton lawyer, but a Clinton lawyer who was a direct opponent of Kavanaugh in the Whitewater case

      1. You mean that aerospace engineer Trayvon Martin, O’Bummer’s ifihadda son?

        Apparently Mr. Martin wanted to go to university to study aerospace engineering. After his academic aspirations were suddenly cut short, some campus actually granted him a degree…. before he had even applied, apparently…. posthumously.

        Virtue-signalling, yes?

  2. The accusations are endless, aren’t they? Well, those who put their trust in the God of the Bible have been putting up with this for millennia, e.g., accusations of ignorance, stupidity, uneducated, blah, blah, blah.

    “… because the Accuser of our brothers,
    who accuses them day and night before God …”
    – Revelation 12 (CJB)

    And who is that Accuser? The Oxford English Dictionary gives us an answer indirectly.

    Old English dēofol (related to Dutch duivel and German Teufel), via late Latin from Greek diabolos ‘accuser, slanderer’ (used in the Septuagint to translate Hebrew śāṭān ‘Satan’), from diaballein ‘to slander’, from dia ‘across’ + ballein ‘to throw’.
    – OED, 2019.09.16

    “8 Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary [HaSatan, Satan], stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Stand against him, firm in your trust, knowing that your brothers throughout the world are going through the same kinds of suffering.”
    – I Peter 5 (CJB)

    When will it stop?

    Read the book of Revelation and you’ll find out. It ain’t pretty, to say the least. But the final result is that these accusations will indeed come to an end.

    1. As a late-comer to Christianity, when I read Revelations I always visualize trying to explain the expansion of a red dwarf star (radiation burns, temperature change evaporating the shallow seas, etc) and a Star Trek style rescue of the “didn’t get advanced enough to otherwise survive” type a la “humans are being re-located to zoos around the galaxy….” to a bunch of stone aged Israelites and seeing how the story would get mangled.

      If we want to be advanced enough to survive beyond the era of life on our little marble going around the star that will someday devour our planet, these are the rules to follow, as detailed in the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (Bible).

      But I’m in the minority. 🙂

  3. “Mission accomplished” is exactly right.

    The “news” paper knows how the communists presented the news.
    You publish completely false, misleading, incomplete as in omitted, lies. You know that it is false, …. the consumer and the ideologues will run with it and the truth will hardly get out of bed, if it does there is perhaps 10% of people that will follow up on that.

    Lie is established and the “Democrats” in congress will proclaim it without any shame what so ever.
    If you watch any of the process in the judiciary comity, the midget in charge lies through his teeth every bloody time he opens his yap.
    It is too bad that few will know the truth.

  4. The NYT has just restated the SAME crap that the Democrats tried to USE to knee cap Kavanaugh..
    Kavanaugh is hated by the Clintons because he was one of the Elves that helped Jones in her Suit…(same as Kelly-Ann’s husband) Everyone in the NYT Times fake news became part of the hearing & was Investigated by the Senate and/or referred to the FBI…. Nothing but WAY-BACK crap from MSM mental miss-fits.

    1. The LSD induced memory of FORD was Coordinated by her FBI friend & John Brennen,,,Fraud

    Ford & her activist Lawyer, the EX-FBI Lie Detector Tester, Senate Minority leader are some of the issues that need further investigation by the DOJ…(Brennen involvement & dark operations)


  5. Have we entered the era of “Allegationfare”. It’s an offshoot of Lawfare. Both versions of Warfare in the Information Age. Truth has now become an archaic relic of the evil white man’s Law. The pursuit of TRUTH has become irrelevant and “relative”. The “truth” has become whatever you CHOOSE to believe. Innuendo is enough to destroy a man, and it is wielded with impunity.

    I have tremendous compassion for the Kavanaugh girls who have to learn stories about daddy’s penis. Fake stories about whipping it out. Disgusting. The Dem’s. are simply vile and immoral people. Whatever it takes. They don’t care. The left is PURE evil.

  6. For this B.S. to have any push behind it, Ruth Bader-Ginsberg must have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

  7. What Democrat “Presidential” candidates said about Brett Kavanaugh’s penis – will it be retracted?

    The NY Times publishes “ All the news that’s fit to print” supposedly, will they grow the penis story?

    If they go soft on news about one Supreme Court justice’s penis, how can we trust them to give us the full measure of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s penis? Inquiring minds want to know where she might be hiding that thing, keeping in mind that not all women have a penis of course- it would be rude to even suggest that some don’t.

    The jokes write themselves and I’m not even good at it. If comedians still existed they would mine this gold. But too many insane people are in prominent positions, nothing can be done…

    1. Feeling the heat of numerous IG/ criminal investigations against prominent deep state Dems, and Gingsburg’s failing health?

      Obfuscate, divert, lie if necessary, smear, and above all project their miscreance on Trump and the GOP.

      Yes Trump is an existential danger – to big government types and their perks; no matter who’s in power. He’s uncontrollable.

  8. And on, and on, and on, until we, the sane people actually stand on their necks and make sure they never are exposed to a child again. OK, now who will dispute my stupid comments? And if I give you my real address and how you can locate me will you, COME ON DOWN? I really do doubt that.
