It’s Monday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  Mar a Lago raid is a farce.  Today’s Hunter Biden story.  Yes, Disney still pushing perversion.  The FBI’s Mar a Lago panty raid.  Your morning meme.

Today in Islam:  The Victor Davis Hanson Show.  The motive is unclear.

Global warming scam news:  Golf course holes filled with cement because of global warming or something.  German socialists don’t believe in heat during the winter because of capitalism.   The Hollywood dark money lawsuits.

Woke Britain:  Don’t upset the vegans.  Where are the left wing and feminist voices?

Trudeau’s Canada:  Justin celebrates Pakistan.  Tam likes Monkeypox grants.

23 Replies to “It’s Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. From the German Socialists link:

    “A few thousand people are camped at the System Change Camp, a festival-like gathering that was set up in a park northwest of Hamburg’s centre in August 2022. Many are climate activists, calling for less reliance on liquified natural gas. (Kenny Sharpe/CBC)”

    Funny, I didn’t see ONE cotton canvas tent in that field, they were all nylon, gore-tex,etc. which are made from petroleum products!

    1. Your right Zon the sheer stupidity of these clowns is astounding,not one word in the article about an alternative to gas for heat.

    2. Great point, Zon.

      It helps highlight the fact that not a single “green” initiative worldwide can happen without copious amounts of oil to facilitate it. The hypocrisy and ignorance of greentards has always been huge.

      Next to organized religion, these eco-sheople are at the forefront of feel-good, virtue-signaling, self-righteous behavior. And any suggestion that they could be ‘wrong’ immediately exposes their cultish mindset.

      “What is a Woman?” was such a huge success, hopefully Walsh will consider making “What is a Carbon Atom?”, next.

    1. Do these eco-terrorists know that a golf course routinely MOVE the holes around the green? Mainly to distribute the wear and tear on the greens … but also to change how the hole “plays”. They’ve not really damaged anything. And if anything … they will cause the golf course to use MORE water to restore the greens from their trampling and spillage of concrete. Idiots. And most courses here in CA use treated wastewater to water their courses. I would certainly expect that such a “green” country as Germany would make treated wastewater available for use … yes?

  2. Pakistani communities in Canada? Doesn’t he mean Canadians?

    Yes, yes, I know, rhetorical question.

    1. Considering Pakistan is one of the most violent, dysfunctional, failed states on the planet… Yay!

  3. I’d pay large to see some farmers show up and spread liquid shit all over those sour-kraut-filled tents.

    And speaking of liquid shit, F U Pakistan.
    Juthtin should go there and lecture the citizens of Earths #1 Shithole on how to treat women, Christians & terrorists. Oh yeah, he hates the first two and rewards the latter.

  4. From the first linked article,

    “I’ll bet you $5 that pro-abortion voters will come out en masse and vote Gov. Hochul back in. They won’t mind living with increased crime, filthy, unsafe subways, lousy schools and the mentally ill roaming the streets.”

    Of course they will, leftists are not rational people.

  5. If it’s any consolation, nobody knows who Ironheart is or reads her comics. That’s why it’s going direct to Disney+.

    Given the disaster that is Disney’s stock price, I do wonder at what point there’s going to be a shareholder revolt or lawsuit against the board.

  6. … drag queen Shea Couleé, an alumnus of RuPaul’s Drag Race. Terakes, who hails from Australia, was born female but identifies as “non-binary” and “trans masculine.”

    A woman who thinks she is a man and dresses as a woman is a drag queen?????

  7. Free electricity people!

    With the purchase of your sanitary napkins in India…

    Hey you know that toxic graphene oxide that slices through cells like molecular razor blades?

    If you thought, “wow that stuff needs to be on my private parts!” well then, do I have news for you…

    India announces graphene-chip sanitary pad.

    If you were injected with your c shots then you have something called Graphene Oxide in your body. Just take a look what it’s capable of ! Oh yea.. They have introduced it in Sanitary Napkins


    Need to light a lightbulb?

  8. We all know self-righteous vegans who are a pain in the ass. And the food in vegan restaurants, for some reason, is made to emulate the meat that they hate, and don’t want to consume. Not to mention it tastes like shit.
