America Is In The Very Best Of Hands

Anyone missing Psaki?

43 Replies to “America Is In The Very Best Of Hands”

      1. Hi, Ralph.

        Yes, I do. There is light at the end of the American tunnel, and it’s a GOP train, coming hard & fast. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to steal another election. The people will have been well-warned by then. That crazy RINO bitch, Cheney, is toast. I predict a GOP run of both houses. The Progs have no chance of reversing their current trajectory by then. At this point all they can do is hang on & ride it out and it’s going to be the most lengthy, painful 6 months of their miserable, commie lives.

        All that said, none of this can be taken for granted. The GOP needs to double & triple down on their efforts before November.

        Canuckistan, on the other hand, is fcuked. Wexit is the only solution.

        1. Hey DB – I hope you can watch the movie “2000 Mules” and you are able to see how the last election was stolen.
          On the night of the election there were people driving all over in just a few areas that the Dems needed to win, picking up ballots and delivering them to the dropped off ballot boxes. This was part of a plan initiated by some upper level Unionistas to “Save the Election”. It was designed in the early summer of 2020 and carried out because of Covid! The plan was described in Time Magazine!
          Grab a beer, find “2000 Mules” and then read the Time article.
          Oh and have a great day!!

          1. Hi, CRB.

            Yes, I’ve watched it. Very revealing. And from the sounds of it, there’s more information coming. I also read somewhere in the last day or so that more investigations are being instigated in other districts of concern. I don’t think they’ll be able to pull off another steal. Forewarned is forearmed.

            Good day to you, as well.

        2. DB… I’m not taking anything for granted. Unless and until they fix 2020, there’s no reason to think that the same thing is going to happen again in 2022, and again in 2024.

          Don’t let your guard down for a second. Stay on your toes, and be ready to anticipate anything.

  1. It’s like talking to a brick who can barely read or understand briefing notes. She does however have the right boxes ticked off for diversity and inclusion, being an LGBTXYZ, Black, female, former msnbc, lefty. Being the spokesperson for a POTUS who likely doesn’t know what day it is doesn’t really require qualifications that would come in handy for say any business in the non-media private sector but it might make people a little more confident in thinking that despite Joe being mindless, he at least had semi-competent people around him.

    1. This ditz is absolutely THE WORST PS I’ve ever seen take to the podium, and despite my bias, I can assure you that is a purely objective opinion! You’re right! Skills and abilities no longer matters. What matters these days is how many check boxes you can tick off.

  2. Calling her a dim bulb would be giving her a compliment she clearly doesn’t deserve.

  3. “We encourage those who have done very well, especially those who care about climate change, to support a fairer tax code.”

    Me too. I propose all municipal, provincial and federal governments and any employees of entities funded by government grants be taxed at 80%. For the benefit of all you understand just like the carbon tax.

  4. Hey, she can read! So this is the new normal, a woman reading ridiculous talking points without ever looking up?

  5. Well, she didn’t say she’d circle back. The idiocracy is now unadulterated.

  6. I chuckled when she started one sentence with LOOK.
    Yunno, like, okay, you’re having trouble grasping this so now I’m going to go a bit slower and really explain this to you.

    I think Obama is having a lot of fun. Justine too.

  7. To be honest, answering for Biden has to be an impossible task. Could you try answer that question? (Remember where her allegiance is.)

  8. Conrats on hiring a black woman Joe, but did you have to hire the stupidest black woman on earth? Oops! Second stupidest. The title goes to Kamala. Honest folks, there are smart black people. They’re all hiding from Joe Biden, the old friend of the Dixiecrats.

  9. She’s reading a script prepared for her by some else! So everything scripted. The questions are submitted and answered for the saps who don’t know which end is up.

  10. Don’t try any big words like ‘wheelbarrow’, ‘cardboard box’, or ‘economics’.
    Keep it simple.

    “I for one welcome our new potato brained leaders.”

  11. Why should the answer make sense? Doocy asked his question out of the order her answers were listed.
    Please pose you’re inquiries in the order of the answers in my notes.

  12. yet more distraction.
    wake up.
    or just wait for norm on netflix.
    tired of it yet?

  13. Yes just reading from a script, kind of like when socks answered the question about SNC Lavelin using ill begotten funds to hire hookers for Qadaffi’s sons in Montreal and he said “I will always stand up for good Canadian jobs”…..didn’t matter they had to take it laying down.
