25 Replies to “Overreactions are Expensive”

  1. Charging the bikers for the costs has about as much merit as various lawsuits filed against truckers. So why not? We’re living under totalitarian tyranny of a police state anyway.

  2. The cost of policing and cleaning up damage caused by BLM protests, on the other hand, were never the subject of discussion at all. I can’t imagine why.

  3. “The board chief said a plan — including a financial plan — was needed to deal with future protests, which show no sign of stopping.” Heh. Heh.

    1. I guess that means the Globalist Media and the Globalist Anal Schwab Brigade encrusted within Parliament have no plan to stop their lawlessness, terrorism and tyrannical anti science anti freedom dictates known as, “mandates”.

      Fascists really hate freedom and Globalists want to eliminate freedom all together.

  4. This line amused me somewhat …..

    “It’s important for the people of downtown Ottawa to be able to enjoy their city without constant disruption, El-Chantiry said.”

    Their city …. hum is it not our city as it’s the nation’s capital as well. Read lots of messages from residents upset over the disruption event. Fools.


    1. That’s because they think we’re living in their country, doing so rent-free and contributing nothing to their benefit, prosperity, or comfort.

    2. When you consider just how many billions of dollars the Canadian taxpayers have given the ‘National Capital Regions over the years.

      Further the federal (taxpayer) funding for every faddish scheme including multi million outdoor arenas, I would say the rest of Canada has a much better claim of ownership on that cesspool.

  5. Why the cost? The Bikers did SFA to cause any problems.
    3 million? my sweet ass it did.
    Go self-fornicate.

  6. Yeah, well, unless I am reading this trend wrongly, I would posit that the rolling thunder sequel jumped the shark, was bathetic, and handed the enemy their immoral high ground.
    Time to rethink the needed pushback.
    General strike yet?

  7. Why did the police force businesses to close?
    Did they force businesses to close when BLM was burning and looting?
    Or when Idle No More was blocking rail lines and protesting in the cities?

  8. Love this statement…”The relatively peaceful protest could have escalated if officers had not been so well-prepared, he said.”

    Yeah, like the peaceful protesters were almost ready to riot. Fcuk off!!!

  9. I hope you notice the sleight of hand at work: healthcare, infectious disease, carbon foot print, freedom – all these things are such a costly burden to your wise, benevolent overlords because you pesky, virus ridden, cash under mattress infested, meat eating deplorables just won’t eat your allotment of bugs in your 50 degree play pen.

    1. Fight for this shithole of a country? Not an f’ing chance. Whoever wants it can have it. Let the Progs take up arms & defend their wokeness. Prinz Dummkopf can plead for his post-national state whilst prancing about in his Indian garb, festooned in blackface, hoping nobody finds his daddy’s Merc & offering Soapy as terms. Fight for Alberta? Eh, possibly. Fight for my family? To the death.

  10. Shouldn’t the government encourage peaceful protest? The only violence we see is from the pigs.

  11. It only cost 3 million because of the stupidity of Justin Trudeau Jim Watson and Steve Bell. All three should be sent packing they are useless

  12. The cops tried to incite violence, some of it caught on video.
    Clyde Do Something on youtube has video of a woman on rollerblades being shoved from behind by a uniformed thug.

  13. I have a good solution.
    Announce there will be a concert featuring Sophie.And then she can demonstrate on how to make one of her famous “menstrual milkshakes”.
    Oh and don’t forget the famous RCMP Mudsical Ride featuring the trampling of a disabled indigenous woman and her walker.

  14. ANYTHING that you’re hearing from the legacy media, and from the police, or the city administration coming out of Ottawa is NOT TO BE BELIEVED. This is hearsay, granted, but I have no reason to doubt the source, who was on location when all this went down Friday night.

    The cops kettled. They did a jan 6 maneuver, entrapping people, by inviting in vehicles that were not supposed to be in the red zone.

    Sound familiar?

    We were all wondering how pickup trucks with trailers, and even some big rigs, somehow made it into the core. Well, it turns out that THEY WERE INVITED IN by the police, led by some plants on motorbikes. The cops let the vehicles in on one end of the core while closing off the other. The bikes were allowed out the other end, but then they sealed off the gates at both ends closing the trap. Hence, the arrests and the towed vehicles.

    Nicely done, Ottawa police.

    I have no reason not to believe my source, based solely on my witnessing first hand the despicable conduct by the OPS Saturday early afternoon.

    It’s enough to make you agree with the left that ACAB, but I don’t believe that. There are some good guys on the force, but the bad news is that they are being led by a scum-sucking, zero-integrity interim chief of police, who opted not to enforce the law, but rather enforce edicts issued from on high.

    Sooner or later, this will all come out, so stay tuned.

  15. Hell I can cure what ails Ottawa.
    Move the Capitol.
    Solves all their problems.
    The Capitol should be located at the geographical centre of the nation.
    A perfectly remote spot in which our beloved snivel servants will never be bothered by any protests by Road Warriors.
    In fact properly sited and prepared,they will never bother us again either.
    A perfect twofer.
    And the whiney citizens of Ottawa will be free to live their lives ,untroubled by angry taxpayers..
    Doing what?
    Damned if I care.
    Cause they won’t be sucking my blood from Ottawa,they will be attempting to do so from the Beautiful Barrenlands out near Baker Lake Nunavut…
    And you think they have a drinking and drug abuse problem now…

    1. Why don’t we just shut down the whole theater. The mps can meet by zoom from home or their office. Then the PM can dictate and not answer questions like usual. No need for the expense of Ottawa offices and accommodation. Think about how they will save the environment by not traveling. And all those subsidized services can be eliminated. I am sure they will be on board . The parliament buildings can be used to house the poor. No reason to protest there and for sure all those Ottawa businesses affected will thrive!

  16. They are the ones who decided they needed 8000 police officers. Give me a break. Just get Justin to print out a new pallet of money.

    1. Could some enterprising Journalist contact the Mayor of Port Dover and ask him what his policing costs amounted to for the Biker party.

  17. Now the perfect way to Troll our Officialdom.
    Announce a “Protest” at Parliament.
    Build it up large on line and feed the Government Media all kinds of “Truth” and then go elsewhere to party on private property.
    Meanwhile Ottawa will be chock full of useless belligerent cops and locked right down hard by these “Peace officers”.
    A genuine win win.
    The “protest” gets mass media attention.
    And the citizens of Ottawa get their little thrill as they get pushed around by their protectors.

    For Ottawa to complain about the “Cost of policing” is just too priceless.
    Of course the connections here will all go “Whoosh” well over the heads of our Progressive Comrades.
    But hit them where it hurts,we may have found a whole new way of inflicting pain on the stupid authoritarian assholes who think they rule.
    And all it takes is good acting skills and some fake logistics..
    Ie.. Book hotel rooms,buy airline tickets,announce guest speakers..all the usual stuff.
