27 Replies to “Greta’s Indians”

  1. But how will the Chinese get their oil to continue to make cheap shit so it can sit idle in a container ship off the coast of Californicator?

    1. Defending the “rights” of the ‘hocus-pocus’, ‘wave-a-feather’, Indian Holy Men … from the elected Tribal Chiefs. Way to choose sides, RCMP! You’re on the side of smudge pots, and dancing Injuns.

      Let me know when the shooting starts … just like back in the Cowboys and Indians era. My tip for defeating the natives? Drop pallets of booze and Weed into the ‘We’shwep-’Ongonkan’ territory … then just carry on as usual.

  2. What climate scientist are they referring to? Anyway…
    I’d say take the federal government to the supreme court. But what would be the point?
    That whole court is loaded with socialist progressives.
    I think the only solution left for Alberta is to leave confederation. Trudeau and his fellow minions are making remaining with Canada an impossible situation. Alberta should then try to encourage BC and Saskatchewan to join them.
    Leave the rest of Canada to wallow in their “green air”.

    1. “I think the only solution left for Alberta is to leave confederation.”

      A conclusion I reached 3 or 4 years back. There is no percentage in staying. It ain’t gonna be easy, it’s going to take a ton of work and I’m unlikely to see the end result. However, my children & grandchildren will be better off for it. While I hold no ill will for anyone who wants to join us, Alberta must secede on her own terms, no one else’s.

      And, for the record, I have zero interest in becoming the 51st state.

      1. Yes, but in order for Alberta to be able to survive, we in terms of trade have to be very closely tied to the US, or we won’t survive.

    1. *
      this problem, you mean?

      “The 2013 and 2014 RCMP data reveals that the offender
      was known to the victim in 100% of the solved homicides
      of Aboriginal women
      in RCMP jurisdictions, and in 93%
      of cases of solved homicides of non-Aboriginal women.”


  3. One roadblock in Alberta with another nonaction by the Royal Praetorian Guards should wake the hell up everyone to the need for the creation of the Alberta Provincial Super Troopers. 🙂

  4. Yeah …. the policemen monitor the situation, as long as nobody interferes with the paid protesters, after all they have a job to do, everything is cool.

  5. I’m convinced that the mishandling by the Notley provincial government of the fires that burned parts of Fort McMurray a few years ago was deliberate.

    Conveniently, just before the fires started, the contract for water bombers wasn’t renewed. From what I heard, it was due to a government “oversight” or some such malarkey. I think that was done on purpose with the hope that the fires would burn down the various oil sands facilities, persuading the companies to pull out.

    Considering how nasty Rachel the Rancid is, as well as the tantrum-like opposition to any resource development by supporters in her riding (in which I, unfortunately, reside), I wouldn’t be surprised if that was what she and her ilk had in mind all along.

  6. Let us recognize that Canadian “Indians” generally want modernity including good jobs, while their archaic chieftainship keeps a few in “let them eat cake” positions of privilege. Chiefs were governors in primitive societies everywhere, and everywhere but in “enlightened” Queen Victoria’s world, progress has made them obsolete.

    The only reason for handing power back to those irrelevant incompetents is that they provide another playground for the legions of parasites feeding off our Canadian economy. Of course I mean government and quasi-government (largely lawyers) whose loyalty is to parasitedom – not in the least to Canada.

    1. Unfortunately, they get a lot of support from leftist whites.

      I remember how many of them in the churches I attended about 40 years ago were whining about how bad things were for the Indians and how we, through our Christian charity, give them unending handouts. Those same people were also the ones who looked down on me for being unemployed, calling me lazy and wanting only free dole money.

    2. *
      those poor, starving natives…

      “At least 80 aboriginal chiefs and band councillors made more money last year
      than Prime Minister Stephen Harper
      , and at least 200 were paid more than their
      provincial premiers, according to newly released federal figures.”


  7. I’d like to ask these reservation chiefs what kind of support they receive from these environment whack jobs, after they’ve teamed up with the them, and manage to shut down the construction of any oil pipeline across their land. Thus ruining any chance of jobs and profits for their band. My bet is no support from these environmentalists at all.

    1. *
      maybe fix this first…

      One in 10 aboriginal children now lands in foster care,
      compared to one in 200 for non-aboriginal children, the
      AFN said. There are currently three times as many children
      in foster care as there were in residential schools


  8. Who needs Law and order anyway?
    In Can Ahh Duh,we have the RCMP,the Just Us System and 338 conniving scumbags to steal from us..
    It works great,until the host stops producing anything more to steal.
    Funny thing tho,these parasites keep telling us what a “Genocidal People” we were/are..Yet they live..
    Seems we are pretty inept.
    In their eyes.

  9. This is what Globalist politicians do… they hand a “special status” to certain racial groups, in this case its the Indian Industry, handing them a defacto veto over any and all future energy development.

    This is the State interfering in the affairs of the State by proxy.

  10. Holy Hell this is good news! Shut the whole damn industry down! Make the 78% of Canadians that agree with the Prime Retard to try to live in his fantasy world. Once their horse gets colic and dies and they are stuck in their whale oil lamp burning mud hut, then the feckin light in their shriveled heads just might go on.

    People are so stupid
