70 Replies to “Throne Speech Open Thread”

  1. He’ll be making pithy statements in it, such as “Pith on you” and “I pith on thith countwy, ethpethiawwy Awbewta.”

  2. Brace yourselves folks, unless he was talked out of some expensive programs by saner people in his cabinet, although I can’t think of anyone right now, he’s is going to totally transform Canada’s economic landscape. Of course it’s Butt’s vision for Canada…Trudeau has trouble tying his own shoes.

    I love also how certain elements in the media are slowly realizing the fiscal horror show they’ve foisted on the rest of us by acting as this fool’s praetorian guard.

  3. Good old John Manley talking about fiscal restraint.

    If I live to be a hundred years old I will never forget watching John Manley on the news many years ago talking about the absurdly high rates of taxation in Canada compared to some other countries in the world.
    And he said,to the best of my recollection,
    “If Canadians don’t like the tax rates in Canada THEY CAN JUST LEAVE…WE’LL BRING IN SOME HARD WORKING IMMIGRANTS TO TAKE THEIR PLACE”,….as he punched the air with his fist to add emphasis to what he was saying !!!!!

    If he had said that while I was standing there I would have slapped the smarmy smirk right off his face

  4. The so called normal flu season is approaching and our immune systems have been compromised by all the hand washing, sanitizing, social distancing & mask wearing to the point many will be unable to fend on even the mildest cold – just the outcome the NWO Globalists are counting on.
    I fear that Trudeau & gang will also use this “opportunity” to further enslave us with greater punitive lock down measures to stave off the impending “second wave”

  5. I’m more interested in why he is going to address the nation following the speech. What is it that he has to say?

    When a PM asks to do this the leaders of the other parties get equal time.

    My Spidonometer senses something.

    1. He wants to use the viral talk to distract us from his looting ways. He’s doing it for us, you must understand.

    1. I hate to tell you, but it’s already dead. Can’t you smell the putrid stench of decomposition?

  6. Prime Minister promotes Western Separation.
    In a blithering,stammered wall of platitudes,the Prime Minister of Canada today told all productive self reliant citizens that “They have no place in Canada.”
    All citizen with savings,future plans not dependant on Government handouts,were “UnCanadian”.
    All such antisocial persons are guilty of crimes against the State and will be fined,taxed and lectured until their social scores become more acceptable.

  7. When he addresses the nation it will be to announce that more stringent COVID restrictions will be applied because of fear of second wave and that we must all do our patriotic Canadian duty to comply with these increased restrictions.

    When you have a Liberal minority government, you have an NDP minority government.

    1. we must all do our patriotic Canadian duty to comply with these increased restrictions

      Correction: we must all do our patriotic Canadian duty to do whatever Prinz Dummkopf (AKA the Little Tyrant) tells us.

  8. I’ll sum up the bullshit coming soon in Ottawa;

    “Blah blah blah socks. Blah blah blah racism. Blah blah blah new taxes”.

    My take away: Fuck Canada

  9. Was downtown just a while ago and in front of the temporary home of the Senate two ladies were sporting signs. One was pro-Trump and I believe the other said Trudeau For Treason. I told them I like their signs and they said thankyou. As I passed back by later on there was a big banner up saying Green Recovery.

  10. Hasn’t been a sane balanced budget in my entire lifetime, and fuck head’s father stared the insanity on the very serious down hill trajectory we are currently on. I wish, someone, anyone, in Canada was even close to my level of understanding and had half a brain and the power to stop this and also dump the insanity called the whu who flu. I am sure I may have one more golf game in me, but damn, it would be so nice to see all the commies in Canada die enmass. I play tomorrow, God willing. I will kill anyone who tries to stop. me. Now there’s fightin words. Too many idiots not enough thought. OH, I FORGOT, KEEP VOTIN LIBERAL. s/

  11. Watching CBC News’s montage before the Throne Speech, one sees plenty of angry Indians and blacks at demos– Canada is a racist country. That’s the CBC’s T.S. priority.

    1. “The CBC perfectly represents the downtown Toronto neighbourhood that hosts its headquarters building.”
      The rest of us, not so much.

  12. Throne Speech = Drone Speech… Liberal wets his / her / its / their panties as Justine addresses the nation(s) afterwards.

  13. My general prediction is Trudeau will make policy goals and promises for measures that can’t actually be measured.

    Many examples abound, such as climate change, gender issues, systemic discrimination, covid “recovery,” of course the old collectivist canard, “creating” jobs. All done with only benefits “estimated,” but costs never considered or disclosed.

    Those immeasurable non issues will form the basis and tenor of the Grit government grifters.

    My next prediction is there will be lots of pushback on their numbers, given actual details are to follow later. Trudeau will throw his arms up in frustration at the obstruction at his attempt to double the Canadian debt in one year, so he’ll call a snap election.

    In BC, Premier Horgan cut out the middle parts, sensing obvious weakness in the Opposition, and just called the election.

    How will they do? Will their power gambits succeed? How compliant are Canadians to being racked with more debt and taxes?

    In my opinion, they’ve already demonstrated an extremely high pain tolerance of all things technocratic, so not good at all.

    1. “In BC, Premier Horgan cut out the middle parts, sensing obvious weakness in the Opposition, and just called the election.” Shamrock

      Horgan saw the NB election, Greens stuck on 3… NDP (other) Zero… He has to act before the Greens get the NDP voters in BC… Separating the NDP from the Stuck Greens…. now…..

      BTW: The US Senate hearing does not bode well for NY… Tony Fauci stated that NY made Mistakes… Hello Lawyers…..Raul Paul did well in his build up, but he always goes for the KILL shot and flubs, except he got Tony angry enough to say thing that are actionable

  14. Let me see now. Two weeks ago Pinky O’Toole said, like the great grinning scheep before him, that he fully supported the Paris Climate Accord.

    So I’m predicting that Justin’s going to give working folks the big green ream. And why not … after all, the Conservatives have handed him the lubricant.

    1. Can we just stop referring to the “Conservative” (in name only) Party of Canadastan as conservative??????????????????

      It is not; it’s the Con wing of the #LibCons, out whoring each other for votes.


  15. Trudeau claims to be able to create ONE MEEEELION jobs.

    Liberal FANTASYLAND. Puppy dogs, rainbows, Unicorns and Apple Pie for everyone!


    1. One million more syphilis servants. Only Marxists think they can create jobs with tax dollars and grow an economy.

  16. He’s got his pension, life’s work is complete. Wants Canadians to have a “net zero future”…

    Methinks His Excellency will be taking a walk in the snow pretty soon — like when there’s snow on the ground. They zoomed in on his face once, eyes getting heavy. The mask doesn’t help —- quick he needs oxygen! Give him oxygen, he can’t breathe, he can’t breathe!

    Maybe he’s thinking: “zzzzz — elp…efffth dis shith, I ave thangsth to doth, placesths to goeth, peoplesthkindth to seeth.”

    Bye bye Assthhole Boychick!

    1. Are you kidding? He is approaching peak left-wing nirvana. A public that has rolled over as he increases spending ten times faster than his father could have ever dreamed of doing. Orgasmically printing endless gobs of money to “solve” every problem, real or imagined. This is a moment leftists, only ever in their wildest dreams, could possible imagine existing.

      Trudeau is going nowhere, at least voluntarily.

  17. The message just sent to Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland & Labrador workers: “Learn to Code”.

    1. “The message just sent to Alberta, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland & Labrador workers: “Learn to Code”.

      I’d say the message is to get up off your arses and start protesting. But I know there’s about as much chance of that happening as me becoming the first protestant pope.

      The best Ace in Juthtinth soft little hand is his certainty that the West – just like their rural eastern brethren – will piss, whine and moan, but they’ll never take real action.

  18. FREE STUFF FOR EVERYBODY! Money is no object. Going full dictator. Taking over provincial responsibilities. Babysitting services for every family. Lots of money for third world shitholes. Big global warming scams. Will exceed Paris targets. Western provinces get nothing. And of course he will fight systematic racism, because Canadians are racist bastards.

      1. No, Trudeau just stepped off and stomped on the Canadian people with his climate change covid dry run.
        A future unspecified disaster, with no way to measure or hold its proponents accountable.
        The worst part is they know it’s all a lie because their behaviour proves they don’t believe any of it.
        Some facts – covid reported deaths in September – 110, or 3 per million of the population. Some pandemic eh?
        And strangely enough, no influenza deaths?
        Of course, we’re all supposed to be on pins and needles, further locked down, because of a nonexistent “second wave.”
        Kind of like climate change, and gender equality, and systemic discrimination, or other immeasurable policies.
        All hail the false narrative overlords. Why do Canadians permit this dishonest chicanery?

        1. Why do Canadians permit this dishonest chicanery?

          The same reason that they kept voting for PET.

        2. Upon further information and consideration. If we let this clown shut us down then borrow to our rescue, then we deserve to die as a country. Oh and FU you progressive intellectual yet idiot northern DeMarxist megalomaniac.

          Reported covid deaths yesterday in Canada. Six. Oh God, seven day average of seven per day.
          Peak 7 day average was reached May 3rd of 177, a 25-fold difference.
          Death peak was 31 May at 221, but didn’t affect the precipitous drop in death rates since then.
          What second wave is he afraid of? He’s already signaled he plans to shut us down into next summer.
          He’s bullshitting us – this is a leftist power grab, take two foggy issues, battling covid, or is it climate change.
          How do you determine success or failure. Oh right, the objective, the one you cherry pick.
          For that he wants the put our nation into an economic deep freeze. No, for that he wants to be our regal.
          Doesn’t his Grit bribes for continued sloth not reveal his intention to do just that.

          1. Yes, the health authorities are again, using fear mongering to present scenarios that are the absolute worst case, just like the initial breakout. Those scary projections, were also spectacularly wrong.
            Currently in Canaderp, since August 1st, when the daily average was 6 deaths, nationwide, has declined to present day at 4.3 deaths per day. That’s a steady DECLINE, gamers.
            All the while, infections vary wildly, though again on August 1st, 287 infections, to today, it is 702. There is a rising trend in infections, though the death rate has declined. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm why would that be?
            Could it be, maybe, the fact that the current increase in rates is with the young (under 40)? Yes indeed, and their death rate is almost nil….and they know it. But, our governments and media keep up the fear factor nonetheless.
            Check out Worldometers, this link is for New York, where the cases were very high. The stats stick out, that, the overwhelming number of people that passed away, had underlying conditions (diabetes, obesity, asthma, CPOD, etc). Half those that died were over 75 and 25% were between 65 and 75. Only 4% of the deaths were people under 45 years old. Those numbers are staggering, yet, our whole country is one step away from being locked down?
            There are 6 cases on Vancouver Island in total, but going into stores, one would think everyone is infected, SHEEP everywhere!

  19. Here’s a tip.
    We all know that there is no amount of money that can ever meet the goals as not one of them is based on reality,
    Not one.
    But the voting base that support this nonsense believe it.
    They get red pilled if they start realizing he can’t deliver.
    Reason will not work so it’s time to employ reverse psychology.
    Encourage them to demand all of it right now.
    No delays, no excuses, insist that if they believe this level of spending is the solution, then they need to insist on getting all of it right now, or else.

    1. “But the voting base that support this nonsense believe it.” That is true. Liberal promises always sound so good and the suckers believe them over and over again. These are hugely expensive programs at a time when we are already over our heads in debt. How is he going to create a million jobs? Are these government jobs? I believe he has lost touch with reality. Time to grow up, Justin.

  20. Rosemary Barton is outraged that the Conservatives have accused her hero of intruding into provincial areas of control. They are lying.

    1. I hope you’re wearing heavy armour while watching the Commie Broadcast Corpse.

      Either Meethead is playing games, or, he’s just said he doesn’t support the speech. But, trusting Meethead is a fool’s game, he’s a thorough slime ball.

      1. Watch “The National” tonight on CBC. Rosie actually has a moment where she stands up to Crystia Freeland about endless spending.

        It was astonishing.
        Freeland looked like she had swallowed her tongue.

        I fully expected RCMP officers to storm into the studio and pull Rosie off the air. I hope someone records this 30 seconds of TV because I am sure we’ll never see the likes of it again.

    1. “The George Soros budget.”

      Preached by George.
      Drafted by sing-along Singh
      Rubber stamped and sealed by turdo
      Delivered by Pee-yet
      Applauded by the majority
      And accepted by Pinky O’Toole & Co.

      Things should be fine, eh?

      1. For what it’s worth, O’Toole and the CPC are voting against this speech. Not that it’ll do much. Let’s at least get our facts correct.

  21. Didn’t watch. Won’t bother watching the lead fuuctard later. No use getting worked up. These people dictate what they want. More spending, more waste and more taxes. I’ve heard this story before.
    Enjoying a Guinness and a cigar on my deck on a beautiful fall day.

  22. Thanks to His Supreme Smegheadedness, my financial portfolio got clobbered again today.

    Every time he opens his yap, the pension plans of a lot of people are worth less.

  23. So the big speech by Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau was a big nothing burger. He urged Canadians to wash their filthy hands and repeated the Throne Speech. Just a big public relations exercise on how wonderful a dictator he is. Meanwhile his bought and paid for media is excited that he will be introducing legislation to approve signing the UN declaration on whiny indian rights.

  24. So my local news has mentioned nothing about the throne speech or his free ad buy in the first 10 minutes. They’re already on stupid steerer stories about nothing important.

  25. The opening statement in the Prime Ministers address said it all. “Bonjour tout le monde”, a warm greeting to the francophones. “To my fellow Canadians, Good Evening”. In Central and Eastern Canada it is evening. “And to everyone else, Good Afternoon”. I am not part of “Tout le monde”, nor am I his fellow Canadian. Hmmmm where does that leave me?

    1. There’s nothing more Canadian than an “address to the nation” while the western one-quarter of that nation is in rush-hour traffic, going home from their jobs. At least those who still have jobs.

      1. He might as well as given us the hockey scores. Nothing new here, no insights, just droning on about covid hobgoblins.

  26. Our great leader tonight said “It’s all too likely we won’t be gathering for Thanksgiving, but we still have a shot at Christmas.” Seriously, who is going to listen to these useless proclamations six or seven months into this? I listened to our public health officials for Easter, back when all of this was new and uncertain. Shortly after that I began to trust my own instincts.
    “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” , not the useless bureaucrats and politicians. We will celebrate Thanksgiving, President Trumps’s re-election, American Thanksgiving and Christmas. Enough of this insanity!

    1. Only a little over two weeks until Thanksgiving, then we’ll know we flattened the curve and life can return to normal.
      Just like in March, see how well that went.
      Sarcasm? Yes indeed with boatloads more of it for these cynical statists cum collectivists.

  27. “Climate change initiatives will spur the creation of one million jobs’ You have to understand libspeak. It means they know that each subsidised green job kills three other jobs but the one million added jobs are in the public sector and the three million job losses are in the private sector which they don’t care about so all is good. And net-zero means the economies of Alberta and Saskatchewan were there are no liberals anyway.
    All in all an advertisement for Wexit

    1. “they know that each subsidised green job kills three other jobs”

      – It’s even better than that. Every killed not-green electricity job makes (statistically speaking) 7.7 green jobs – that’s the rough manpower breakdown between a kilowatt of oil/coal/gas electricity and a kilowatt of “green” electricity – and every last one of those green jobs knows the economic truth of the matter, and knows that they are all out on their plump li’l keesters the minute the green subsidies stop. So will they ALWAYS vote LIE-beral? – HELL YEAH!
