37 Replies to “Cold, Canuck Hands”

    1. You know that thing about repeating a lie often-enough? Ha! You don’t even need to do THAT anymore … because the slack-jawed public isn’t even listening … until some politician says he’s “keeping you safe” … and giving you “free stuff”

  1. Sorry guys. You’re f#%ked for now. Take heart in the fact that once we south of the border get fed up and finally take action against our “rulers” you will be free to buy all the guns you need from us. No doubt your pussy politicians will be high tailing it to France or Cuba.

    1. Never say never and never say all. ARs come in many calibers up to the .50 Beowulf. There are ARs in .22 long rifle and they have the same restrictions as the rest because they are black.

      1. And AR’s that fire 7.62 as well….(Best of both worlds IMO)
        Also – bleck..!!

        Twould be my preferred one – cheap n plentiful Ammo.

  2. As you can see Bill Blair is an accomplished liar and I dare say a fine example of the “Peter Principal”. I suspect that the trail of bad management and BS he left at the TO Police force must be astounding. We can only be thankful that Doug Ford saw his “Blair’s” brother for what he was and did not hire him as the Chief of the OPP. That would have been a disaster for Ontario. Just my thoughts…Steve O

    1. Bill Blair has found his niche. He is a fascist of the first order and has far exceeded the peter principle.

  3. Canadians are arguing about the color of the blindfold they want used at their execution, rather than the execution itself. You apparently stopped fighting long ago.

  4. Blair can get away with his vodka fueled lies because canadians are too stupid to even notice, and the XiBC et al are happily slurping up the handouts being stolen from us taxpayers to run cover pieces for their masters.

    God this country is a totally corrupt 3rd world shathole.

    1. gee whiz what is happening, more and more people are agreeing with me?

  5. Devout Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Bill Blair lying?

    No! Nonononononoooooo…

    Surely an oath-breaking treasonous Roman Catholic serving the pedophile in Rome pretending to be God and wearing the fish hat wouldn’t do that…

    It is precisely BECAUSE Bill Blair has a history of lying and treason that he was elevated to the position he sits in today.

      1. There are none so blind as those indoctrinated into the anti-Christian, Luciferian cult of Roman Catholicism.

      2. He shows up once every few months, finds someone Catholic he does not like, links it to Global Catholic Conspiracy, begs for attention and eventually leaves when the thread disappears into the second page.

        His favorite tactic is to unload a dump truck worth of bullshit and then demand that you address his discoveries and don’t be sheeple.

        1. Then tell me, Colonialista, why do these old white men belong to secret orders? Why are they “knighted”? Why do they take blood oaths to never reveal the secrets of their orders? Do you suppose that they are secretly doing good things for humankind?

          They take secret oaths because their oaths to the Pope supersede and annul any they take to the country they pretend to serve. Their goal is to destroy the freedoms and wealth of the people and make them ignorant. Back to the glory days when men were easy to tule over.

          Or as Rome calls it, the golden age.

  6. When you are incompetent in life, you become a Liberal politician. Then you defecate on everyone and everything else. The tendency to lie and cover your incompetence is the only life skill you have mastered.

  7. All cops are liars.
    At least 50% are fascists.
    Thats a recipe for a successful Liberal politician.

    1. Functionally, it’s little different from my 60 year-old .22 LR semi-automatic. Mine has a standard stock with tube magazine, capacity 17. Both are rimfire .22s, for crying out loud! To ban a gun because of how it looks, not on its function, is just plain stupid.

      1. “Stupid” seems to be what the Canadian Liberal Bureaucrats are most proficient at…

    2. OMG! Look at that thing! It’s like a “Rambo” gun. The evil gun manufacturers are JUST LIKE the evil cigarette corporations. They’re marketing their product to … kids. By making their guns look so kewl … and action-hero-ish … they’re counting on hooking young boys whose testosterone is simply exploding in their cells! How dare they!!

      What a WONDERFUL thing all the Lefties and their sock puppet, Justine have done. All guns should look oldy-fashioned … with clunky wood stocks … like your grandfather owned. Like all those white settlers owned (when they committed genocide against native peoples) . Right!?

      /the sarc should be obvious

  8. Liberals are pissing on the graves and the memories of the people that died by lying and by using their deaths as an excuse to impose more of their liberal fascism. This gun grab has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with creating an election issue that the liberals have used successfully for years.
    How does that show any respect for the victims and families?

    Blackie: “We will honour their memories and mourn them by shamelessly lying and using their deaths for personal political gain.”

    As for the Canadian voters, they could show some respect for the dead by educating themselves instead of mindlessly supporting the Liberal’s lies.

  9. What really frosts my socks is how he says they are military, they are NOT!
    He says they are designed to rapidly kill a lot of people, yeah, with a max five round mag!
    Then he says the are not used for sporting purposes, They ARE! For the last thirty years or so!
    As mentioned above, the majority of AR’s ARE .22, not just rimfire, but also center-fire!
    Again as mentioned, they are available in multiple calibers, from .22 to 50 cal!
    If you shoot three gun, (A sport with an AR. a shotgun and a handgun) it IS a SPORT!
    What did the Sock puppet say in the mandate to Blair (B.liar) Jeeze, it’s in his actual surname!
    “Get these guns off our streets” While respecting…Ha! The rights of Hunters and target shooters! They then throw down this attempt to devastate our chosen pastimes! lies and disrespect! The icing on this cake? They are outfitting RCMP and Police with AR’s, but they are then called Patrol Carbines! They can’t lock us all up if we stand together in defiance, It could tie the courts up for 40 years! When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes a duty! I guess I’ll know where to find an AR once they are banned and we are then criminals!

  10. This is going to get expensive ,very quickly.
    And we can now all agree,if the majority of Canadians approve of this racist theft,then CBC is correct.
    “Canadians are racist bastards”.
    Of course I was given to understand that massive spending had to get parliamentary approval and could not be done by Order In Council.
    And given the govt “values” sniper rifles at $30 000 each and has rendered these weapons “priceless” in Canada,they will be continually sued for fair compensation,theft and making laws favouring one race over all others..
    All settlements in US dollars as the Venezulain Loonie ain’t worth squat.
    Real soon.

  11. Details, details. Once we are reduced to pointing out that Librano Junta banned a .22LR too we are implicitly saying “unlike the deadly assault weapons”. They had no right to ban any of those, nor they had a right to do so in the past… not that actual rights matter in the Canadian shithole anyway.

  12. I just bought 6x of 3/8″ thick 3×4′ AR-450 plates for my house. We sleep with tools. It is not going to be an easy confiscation.
