32 Replies to “Film at 11”

  1. They lied, we know that they lied and they keep lying about their lying. They all deserve criminal punishment for fraud.

    1. And I still see blurbs from Covid-19 Canadian version that the vax is thorouglhy tested. Aren’t they aware?

  2. Mr. Bourla’s company promised this. He stopped only to stamp out the flames erupting from his trousers.

  3. The standard response of team Turdeau, team Bididiots, and their media cronies, is to lie, lie, and lie again.

  4. I believe in planting more trees because that’s one more platform for Pharma execs to swing from.

  5. This “stopping spread” thing is getting overplayed.

    The way vaccines work (are supposed to work) is that they tune up your immune system so that you resist getting whatever disease it is supposed to target. If it works, and you don’t get the disease, you are not going to spread it to others. So in that case, it does prevent spread – because there is nothing to spread.

    The more difficult case is where your immune system is boosted, but either not really enough, or, you get clobbered by a huge dose of virus. Then you will get the disease. Whether you suffer and die depends upon how poorly your immune system was tweaked by your vaccination. If it somewhat worked, you will likely have few symptoms and get over it fairly quickly. Whether you are infectious (spread the disease) depends upon lots of things, but mainly how many virus are in your body (“viral load”). If your immune system was semi-prepared, this will likely be low, and the chances of you infecting someone else will be much lower than if you have the full blown disease, it also depends on your behavior.

    If the vaccine doesn’t work at all, you get the disease, and yes, you can spread it.

    So any vaccine that even “sort of” works will have an effect upon virus spread.
    Add into that that we are talking about a corona virus, that mutates very rapidly, it is practically impossible to do any usable study on how effective a vaccine is in preventing spread. If it gives 100% immunity, It will be very good. Immunize everyone and it is dead in its tracks.
    The less and less effective it is, the more and more transmission you will get, because people will still be being infected.

    I don’t believe that ANY vaccine has EVER been specifically tested for its efficacity in preventing spread.

    The dumb woman answering the question gave a REALLY stupid answer. Her answer should have been, perhaps in a more polite way, but effectively “That is a stupid question”.

      1. Now, in Alberta, when they went into lockdown they shut down the strip clubs, so in that sense I suppose it stopped the spread…

    1. I took her reply to be typically evasive in that by stating that they hadn’t tested it for transmissibility they aren’t admitting that it doesn’t prevent transmission even though that is now well known. “Leaky vaccines” (non-sterilizing, and generally ineffective at preventing infection, reinfection and thus, immunity) were generally not approved pre-covid due to the risk of antigen fixation (herd non-immunity providing a vector for mutation). Covid has made the average critical thinker into what was previously a conspiracy theorist for good reasons.

      1. Exactly! They lied. And they fed us an incredibly dangerous vaccine that has maimed and killed a lot of people. And they are still lying to us and injuring us and maiming and killing us.

        1. Just wait until some bio terrorist figures out how to tune into the specific genome sequence of the vaccines and customize a viral infection that hits only those that have been jabbed.
          The Chinese made sure that their vaccines were tamper proof yet ours weren’t.
          It will kill millions.
          Those execs knew about how this could happen , now it may be set to become realty.


          I Am Legend.

    2. Biden, Turdeau, their health officials, etc., said get the vaccine to stop the spread.

      Now all the Winston Smiths supporting El Turd and dementia Joe, are attempting to rewrite what happened.

    3. First off that definition applies to therapeutics not vaccines. And even if your explanation was correct, which it is not, they said we had to all get the vax OR ELSE based on stopping the pandemic by stopping transmission. Say what you like, THEY LIED TO US.

    4. Uh…no….that’s NOT the way vaccines work. Sterilizing vaccines stop the spread…..leaky ones don’t. In fact, leaky “vaccines” can be extremely dangerous. Your comments are absolutely ridiculous.

    5. Not necessarily and not in this case. We are seeing something unprecedented in human history thanks to the broad application of gene therapies. Why this is important is because 1) the evolution pressure on the virus from the vaxed immune system is now producing variants that are more and more taking advantage of the immune fixation in the greater population and 2) Idiots are experimenting with manufactured chimeric Omicron-Original flavor viruses both of which are using the vaccine antibody response (pre-programming to Wu-original flavor) in the vax population to gain an enhanced and more virulent infection. If the virulence changes (as with the chimera) It is the billion dollar question with respect to humanity. What might happen to the broader population either by accident of evolution or lab leak. Does this threat taper off with time – no one knows. At present the research indicates re-challenge of the vaxed brings strong original antibody response. Will that ever change and when is unknown. There is a real potential and we are in uncharted territory.

      You missed some things that are happening. You can have a lot of “helpful” antibodies, except they aren’t helping you they help the virus. Remember back when they were touting the vax as making Way More ! than from natural infection and in different flavors (!). I thought then we were probably watching what ADE looks like, especially with the ratio of binding to neutralizing and as an immune fixed response to potentially any variant (which has now been proved out in several papers). So now the vaxed have an immune fixed (antigenic sin) response that actually helps you have the disease while suppressing your symptomatic reaction – and you become a super spreader with antibody enhanced disease (as also shown in papers – there is the same or more viral load as unvexed but the symptoms lag so a contagious vaxed person doesn’t know they are ill).

      And yes they generally do animal testing where they challenge with the disease and also where they put a sick animal with control and vaccinated group. From my memory, the excuse they gave at the time of the emergency roll out was – we skipped that part but it would be unethical to do that to humans so we’ll just pick a healthy, non-representative testing group and compare them to the population background of expected disease. It was but one of many reasons people decided not to vax way back in the beginning.

      I’d just say take care of your health and be aware of what’s coming out of research and current trends. We’ll know a lot more in 10 to 20 years is not particularly helpful if you or loved ones are boosted with the present threat potential.

  6. “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world that there was a pandemic, and that we could cure it” – Pfizer Soze, aka Albert Bourla

    1. Now that the Boston lab has let the Genie out of the bottle and proved it can be done , how long before some bad actor decides to copy their work and unleash Leviathan.

      Seems like the Basturds really do want us dead.

    1. They won’t. Doctors pay to be part of the organization, like a union. When did unions ever give a rat’s hind end for their individual members? Every level of these organizations gets massive kickbacks from the Pfizer Godfather.

  7. I’m not holding my breath waiting for Trudeau, Ford and all the other premiers to admit they fell for a marketing pitch from the most crooked pharmaceutical company in the world.
    Marketing = Lies, isn’t it ironic how politicians who are expert liars themselves, fell for Pfizer’s BS and spent Billions on a poisonous cure?

    1. They knew. It was the huge kickbacks they were after. Personal, political, and to the health care system.

  8. As an aside ,,,,
    A Liberal MP wants to have “a response plan” for the next pandemic.

    And here I thought we had already paid for “a response plan” after the SARS pandemic, created by someone called Dr. Tam – can we get our money back on that one?

    1. I think it would be a good idea to go back to the pandemic response plans that were tossed aside when Covid came along.

  9. What we are seeing now is a full scale ass covering by Big Pharma, official government “medical experts”, politicians and corporations that pushed the vaccine mandates. They will all lie because once the cat is out of the bag, they are all in DEEP shit. It’s time to bring the hammer down on every one of them.
