How Come So Many Bad Things Lead Back to the Liberal Party of Canada?

Do you all remember this scene on Parliament Hill when Romana Didulo, the “QAnon Queen of Canada”, and her supporters burned a Canadian flag?

A quick search (DuckDuckGo version)  of “Queen Didulo” reveals her to be: a nut and a so-called right-wing QAnon conspiracy theorist.  This is her personal website:

Here’s where things get really interesting.  This is her political party’s website:

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Click on the Donate button.
  3. Specify an amount and press the `Continue’ button. Don’t worry, you’re not going to be donating anything.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the modal that pops up and click on the “Show Terms” link. In the 3rd paragraph you will see who your donation would be going to:

All Canadians with taxable income receive generous tax credits when they donate to the Liberal Party of Canada. The size of your reduction in taxes payable depends on the sum of all your political contributions.

h/t Romanian Patriot

14 Replies to “How Come So Many Bad Things Lead Back to the Liberal Party of Canada?”

  1. Because the LPC is evil, filled with evil people? Tell me Castreau and the mad Uke aren’t the servants of Satan.

  2. The Liberals are a criminal organization pretending to be a political party.
    Once you realize that, it all makes sense.

    1. A town on The Rock has its own monarch? Let me guess: Mary Walsh or Shameless applied for the job…..

  3. Romana Didulo is a Filipina immigrant to Canada suffering from an uncontrolled mental illness of some sort. No surprise someone is taking advantage of her. That’s what the Libranos brought Trudeaupians to Canada to do.

  4. In a comment from one of her youtube videos months ago, someone stated that she was a “beta test”. I have no idea what that means.

  5. // Maybe they copied the text from a Liberal site and forgot to change that bit? //
    Looks like it. the colors are the same, but purple is the color favored by the Qanon Queen.\
    The other possibility is that they are not an official party & they hope the donor will see “tax rebate” and not notice the “Liberal” bit.
    Given the people likely to donate …
    On this list the CanadaFirstParty
    doesn’t appear.

  6. When you see a radical right winger, it is almost certain he or she is a paid by liberal fake right winger…paid to make the right look bad.

    The supposed right wingers that incited people to enter the Capitol = FBI and democrat paid actors.

    The supposed right wingers that were supposedly planning to kidnap a Democrat governor = FBI and democrat paid actors.

    Democrats and liberals are people devoid of a conscience or of remorse, and very very hungry for power.

    You can trust snakes more than those liberals.
