60 Replies to “February 20, 2021 – Reader Tips”

    1. Yup, lots and lots of copper needed. Copper price is starting to spike, but no mention of needing to double the number of copper mines in the world to provide the grid that can handle half of the current vehicles becoming electric. Unless the greenies aren’t really serious about electric cars?

    1. B.A.D. Awesome picture. Too bad you would have to live under those rocks to be protected from the radiation on Mars and from the brass-monkey balls cold. I think I would rather live in a cloud city above venus where radiation is similar to Canada, atmospheric pressure is 1 bar and temperature is a manageable 75C. Five km higher the temperature is 27C but that is not the zone the airships would float at I presume.

      Speaking of stars and space (cadets) – Kim Kardashian and Kanye West filed for divorce. Caused in part by “his bipolar disorder” and no doubt his white-supremacy stance (“He courted intense backlash in 2018 for publicly supporting Donald Trump and saying 400 years of slavery in America “sounds like a choice”. “).

      1. I believe there was an attempt, or was it simply a proposal, by either Soviets or Russians to use a balloon for Venus many years ago.

        As for living underground, lava tubes have been suggested as starting points for habitations. There’s no need for excavations and they can provide sufficient cover against radiation.

        1. BAD – if you follow the link, the NASA Study Proposes Airships, Cloud Cities for Venus Exploration. Let’s see if that translates into an RFP for front end engineering and design.

          1. I recall hearing about similar proposals for surveying Titan as it, too, has an atmosphere.

  1. You know the House of Representatives have the authority to Constitutionally Disqualify on opponent that they believe have used foreign interference into an election. President Trump was never out of power. Being out of office was legal cover in the Impeachment but he still is fully President and uses it in public. And faking not being in power to play this Democrats game.
    This is why he has no worries what the Politicians have been doing and not worried about the US Supreme Court cases.
    It will have to break when Biden Administration is NOT sworn in this is why the Democrats are freaking.
    They know President Trump did something and don’t know what it is.
    Kamala quitting her Senate seat 2 days before inauguration was cautious.

    1. This is three, or is it four?, weeks in on this particular fantasy. Enjoy it, but don’t expect to find a lot of kool-aid drinkers here when it fails.

    2. The craziness of these politicians would have his family, his close lawyers and anybody who helps President Trump in danger and yet they are all calm and cool.
      Anything that keeps happening by these politicians they state, ah that was a mistake or he’s screwed up bigly
      January 20 Biden was in and 30 days, Trump Administration is supposed to be out after transition.
      Any media showing anything other than when President Trump left the Whitehouse?

      President Trump and his family wouldn’t survive being out of office as these nutbar politicians are dangerous.
      His time is now as well. Another 4 years out of office fighting lawsuits would kill his and the restrictions imposed too

      1. I think Steyn would be the overwhelming choice but personally I couldn’t listen to him 3 hrs a day 5 days week for years to come.

    1. Why would occupations that are 95% male even have a female uniform option? In my low brow world, women never seem to wear skirts to work. Simply make it a non-issue.

  2. This was found on another website and I was hoping the person who submitted it would do so here @ SDA. He fully deserves the credit. It’s about COVID-19.

    From Chris:
    “I posted this on Farcebook and have already had one person tell me to shut up and be happy to be a guinea pig for something that may help others even though we’re told that getting the vaccine will not do anything that a vaccine is supposed to so. I give up, bring on the asteroid because we, as a species, are just too stupid to survive”…

    ●”If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask(s)?”
    Government: “NO”
    ●”If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen, and will people be able to get back to work like normal?
    Government: “NO”
    ●”If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to Covid?”
    Government: “Maybe. We don’t know exactly, but probably not.”
    ●”If I get vaccinated, at least I won’t be contagious to others – right?”
    Government: “NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.”
    ●”If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?”
    Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”
    ● “If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?”
    Government: “NO”
    ● “If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?”
    Government: “NO”
    ● “So what’s the benefit of getting vaccinated?”
    Government: “Hoping that the virus won’t kill you.”
    ●”Are you sure the vaccine won’t injure or kill me?”
    Government: “NO”
    ●”If statistically the virus won’t kill me (99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?”
    Government: “To protect others.”
    ●”So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?”
    Government: “NO”
    ● “If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long-term effects (still unknown), or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?”
    Government: “NO – the government and vaccine manufactures have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug”
    So to summarise, the Covid19 “vaccine”…
    Does not provide immunity
    Does not eliminate the virus
    Does not prevent death
    Does not guarantee you won’t get it
    Does not stop you from passing it on to others
    Does not eliminate the need for travel bans
    Does not eliminate the need for business closures
    Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns
    Does not eliminate the need for masking
    I am not anti-vaccine. I am pro-choice.
    Want the vaccine? Help yourself.
    Just don’t tell me your choice must also be my choice.

    1. Just don’t tell me your choice must also be my choice.

      That’s because you won’t have a choice. Get jabbed, or be un-personed. Never mind that it’ll do SFA for you.

      It’s all an exercise to test our loyalty to the almighty government.

        1. I am not sure if if you can still own a machine gun in Canada but at one time no-one had ever been killed by a legally owned machine gun. The most dangerous guns in Canada are the ones smuggled from the US.

    2. There won’t be an end to the restricted no matter what happens. Might as well get vaccinated before it’s mandatory. Anyway see you in the camp.

      1. Will see you first at the “Soup Kitchen” as the nation is purposely destroyed and then the camps.

  3. And now what’s happening at the CBC, since nobody watches it. Bag over the head news host discussed racism against Chinese people. Heartwarming story on the Canadian comic book about President Harris. Yes little girl, you can be a slut like Harris. Inuit on Baffin Island explain from their snowmobiles and flat screen TVs how mining is evil, but they will drop objections if they get more money from the mine. This morning the CBC backs up Blackie’s rants to the premiers that Canada must stay in lock down forever.

    1. John, Bag-over-her-Head is understandably angry at what transpired in London, ON — whereby the Ale House dared to criticized the Xi Jinping regime as to the commies having forced-labour camps.

      So for those who missed Bag-over-her-Head’s report, this Saturday morning we have…

      CBC Breaking News!:

      SDAers living in the London, ON area may want to check out the Ale House for a quaff or two.

      1. I was at the Ale House before the covid crisis. Went to eat and drink before the Trailer Park Boys Christmas concert at Centennial Hall. Stop on by if you can!

  4. Its great to work for Blackie. CTV News website explains that during the first 9 months of the China virus, one out of every three federal civil servants were able to sit at home on their asses and do nothing. They were paid over eight hundred million dollars in wages to do so. Life is good.

  5. Posted by Sarah Hoyt on Instapundit last night
    For My Own Good

    Remember when you kill me:
    It was for my own good.
    Remember when you turn me in to the authorities:
    I brought it on myself.
    Remember when you point out my house and watch the mob burn it down:
    I should’ve known better.
    Remember when they haul me off to their star chamber:
    It’s all about fairness.
    Remember when they disappear me in the middle of the night:
    You never heard my calls for help.
    Remember when they erase me:
    You never knew me at all.
    Remember when they come for you:
    It could never happen to you.

  6. Rush Limbaugh Was Great When Democrats Were in the White House

    But for the most part, his legacy was one of being proregime when the GOP is in and being antiregime when the GOP is out. Given that he was an entertainer, of course, it’s hard to fault Limbaugh too much for this. He was just giving his audience what it wanted. And what his audience wanted was a simplistic yet incoherent idea which maintained that things are mostly fine when Republicans are in office, but that the world is mess when Democrats win the White House. He was clearly very successful at delivering the message.


  7. Last May, Jacqui Lambie, an Australian senator, dared to stand up in her Parliament to criticize China, and the Australian government for kowtowing to China (it is a little long – 10 minutes – but the first minute or two will give you the sense of her conviction). No politician in Canada would ever have the courage to make such a speech.


  8. And now the most important news of the day. Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau is relaxing at his Harrington Lake winter palace this weekend. Poor little fella is all worn out from throwing money out the door and calling us racist bastards.

  9. Texas is saved! CNN is excited that AOC has explained that only global warming scams can save Texas from future snowstorms. And don’t miss CNN’s all day coverage on how wonderful Dementia Joe is.

  10. Prague newspaper quote hits the nail on the head!

    Extraordinarily accurate analysis from a foreign country. God help Canada . Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. It was translated into English from an article in a Prague newspaper.

    “The danger to Canada is not Justin Trudeau, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with being Prime Minister. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Trudeau, who is a mere symptom of what ails Canada. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The country can survive a Trudeau, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their Prime minister.”

    1. WOW! Never have read a more true comment! So very true and I have relatives falling into this portion of our sad population.

    2. And that is why the idiot will form the next government.
      Canadians feel the pain and they like it.
      What can one say.

  11. The bought and paid for media are excited that Blackie and Dementia Joe will have a virtual meeting on Tuesday. They will have a great conversation about global warming, but no further discussion about the cancelled pipeline. Great, one leader won’t know who he is talking to because of dementia, and the other one will be stoned on pot.

  12. https://apnews.com/article/ab96c4d9b3a84ef9b10598781ff38e93

    It’s time to fight fire with fire.

    Let’s give these people everything they want and more. Let’s push everything they want until they beg us to stop.

    Let’s start with legally de-gendering bathrooms. The trans folk want in on the bathroom of their choice, fine. There’s only one type of bathroom now.

    Let’s de-gender sports. Some mediocre biologically male athlete decides he’s a woman and goes to dominate womens’ sports. Nope, that’s over. Now he’s going to have to wrestle or run or compete against other athletes on a level playing field.

    No more safe spaces.

    Men will hate it.

    Women will hate it.

    And men and women will hate the ones who begged and pushed and screamed for it.

  13. Rex Murphy at the National Post, writes about how the Liberals will save us with electric snowmobiles.

  14. Well …. you don’t say.
    Heh, a peak at the past century.

    One day, a computer will fit on a desk (1974)


    Taking code at the Calgary SAIT, this was our computer, some number Xerox, you see in the background, punch cards, lots and lots of punch cards and punching machines

      1. And the peripheral strategies that went with punch cards – like not using any card machine until someone else used it without problems.

        And (IMO) “They also serve who only stand and wait” was a pretty fair description of university card entry rooms

        1. Just checked again — still nothing here…
          Well we know the content– it’s the same story everywhere.

  15. Just announced….

    Skaters at Central Park’s two rinks, Lasker and Wollman Rinks, are devastated that this weekend will be their last on the ice this season — and angry at Mayor de Blasio for closing the Trump-run rinks early to spite his political nemesis. This is a loss of 250 jobs 6 weeks early.

    Lara Trump was on FNC this evening with Judge Jeannine. She said that NYC’s residents are leaving in droves, including herself and husband Eric. That the Mayor is wrecking the City, is an understatement.


    1. Governments are going full speed ahead with make work projects for the Covid police. Wonder if the amount of cash they’ve made in fines so far is available to the public? Enquiring minds want to know.
