50 Replies to “The Stupid Party”

  1. “As far as I’m concerned, the party was headed in the right direction under Andrew Scheer…”

    A Stupid Party needs Stupid Pundits.

  2. I’m done voting for eastern LibCons. I’ll stay in the wilderness – thanks.

    1. call me shallow if you will but I’ll take – defeat JT and the Liberals for lots of $$$ Alex…Even if the CPC crumbles into dust afterwards even a minor course correction at this point in time would be good.

  3. if mackay wins I am out of the party. he is not conservative but lieberal lite. I agree with the caution about o’toole. he sounds good but I have real concerns that he will “memory hole” his campaign statements after he gets the vote.

  4. Cut the tax deduction for political donations from 75% down to 19% the same as other charities. Then we’ll see who survives. Pretty nice game when you can rig the tax code to your benefit

  5. They aren’t stupid; it seems more likely you are not accurately identifying their goals.

    Are donations still pouring in?
    Are the membership numbers still high?
    Did the previous loss affect either of those two things?

    The crux of the matter, is that there are 6, 8, 10, whatever million people in this country, who are willing to keep the CPoC going, no matter what. They pay the salaries of the part brass with donations. They keep buying memberships. They keep buying lawn signs. They make sure that tax payer money keeps going to the party, thanks to that rule about “$1.75 per vote” bull crap thing that Chretien put in.

    No matter how monumental the failure, or betrayal of principle, they will keep the wheels on the CPoC’s gravy train. There is no penalty for failure, so they do not actually have to deliver ANYTHING, to keep their caviar coming, and their comfy fur. Not election wins, not even convincing sound bites during question period. They don’t have to hold anyone to account, they don’t have to do or risk anything to keep their world safe and secure.

    Just ask Oz, he will tell you.

    1. “They keep buying lawn signs”?
      Who does this and where? Never heard of that before. Cute.

  6. I receive almost daily requests for money from the CPC and keep sending notes back that I am Wexit from now on. The Party doesn’t really care what I think. Hasn’t been a Townhall here for years when they used to be regular.

    My political donations go to Wexit and failing that I will drop out. The times remind me of Atlas Shrugged more and more.

    1. Yes, it is humorous after you get over your anger. I have started sending them back, with demands that if they want my money, they must deliver. I never use a stamp, I never fill out any of their other crap, I never buy a membership.

      I simply tell them my price, a list of things I want, that there shall be no negotiation; either they deliver something I want, or they get nothing.

      Actually, I may have gotten myself removed from their list… I have not seen one of their letter for months now…

  7. O’Toole a conservative?? The only conservative in Kanukistan is Maxime Bernier!

    Why do these fools not see that. Why pick someone who changes his beliefs to suit the situation. It’s like Groucho Marx, “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”

    1. He is not the only conservative, just the only one in the last decade who managed to get elected anywhere.

      1. Bernier, and I’ll repeat, the ONLY conservative, won his seat in Beauce as a CPC. He lost it as a PPC.

        Further, he would have won the last election had the CPC not criminally hired Kebecistan dairy farmers to join CPC to vote for Dimples. So much for the wisdom of the expert backroom boys.

  8. Why is everyone in this country so afraid? Afraid to speak up. Afraid to stand up. Afraid to stick to principles. Cowards you all.

      1. This defines all C.A.N.A.D.A.s problems: “Let someone else do it”

        So, why are you so afraid?

    1. You haven’t started yet?

      Thought you were in a hurry.

      Well, let’s hear your plan anyway.

      You do have a plan, right?

      You wouldn’t just throw a derogatory epithet at every Canadian for doing exactly what you are doing, mostly nothing but complaining, would you?

      So let’s hear it.

    2. Cowards?
      We don’t take too kindly to being called names.
      Why won’t you even give us your name?
      Are you related to Tarara Boomsee eh? Must be.

  9. Hmm …. let us see now.

    Getting mail begging for alms from Mackay every other day.
    Sent one back that he has not got the integrity, folded like a wet paper, to lead a horse to water.
    In holding pattern for O’Toole, don’t know much about him, though more then earlier.
    Pronouncements are meaningless hot air, no meat. No consequences.
    The Jamaican lady is nowhere, don’t hear much from her, could be that the media cartel has its orders from the swamp.

    Who is the character that wrote the screed? Sounds like some kind of slighted apparatchik.

    So far, there is nothing in the campaign to pay attention to. Repeating self goodness, self greatness, self satisfaction and the apparatchik don’t mean the matter in the latrine.

  10. The Conservative party is elistest scum. They make their convention as expensive as possible to deter participation by regular membership. The representatives from the EDA’s are whipped to vote on ‘policy’

    The Leadership races punish ridings that have large membership.

    ‘Supporter services’ doesn’t actually support anything. Try and engage them on the phone on anything that isn’t in their fundraising script and they’ll hang up.

    Most of the MP’s currently elected are red tories and anyone who isn’t cucked to the Canadian press is forced out.

    The party has the energy of a 100 year old dementia patient.

    1. MM, well said. The CPC here locally is a group of elitist millionaires,current MP chosen over another millionaire vying for the trough. I am constantly dunned via e-mail for donations,don’t even bother to reply.
      I prefer O’Toole to Eastern establishment elitist Peter McKay, former boyfriend of Paul Desmarais daughter.
      “The party has the energy of a 100 year old dementia patient.”
      Yes,and at every meeting I’ve attended the past few years almost everyone there was an old age pensioner, and a few of them DO sound demented.

      Oh well, if Trudeau f***s up badly enough we can hope the CPC wins the next one,at least we might get our guns back, as Blair is set to present his new gun control Bill this week.

    1. It is comical that something called the PPC is still trying, after the debacle of last October.

      You could, of course, get yourself a leader. Bernier isn’t one.

      1. It is comical that folks like John Lweis are low info enough to still believe the CPC is doctrinally “conservative” but acts liberal in every way:)
        How’s Scheer as a leader?

        1. It is comical that “ray” likes to slander conservatives. A true PPC. Go get yourselves a leader.

          1. hay miss rewis, you would know “conservatism ” if it bit you on yer non existent bag. Max managed to start an actual conservative party, and you just bang yer gums like an idiot

    2. Oh, thanks for reminding me! I meant to join but got carried away by the recent distractions. There will be 6 new members from our household by night.

      CPC can go and fornicate with themselves.

  11. Told a fund raiser on the phone a week ago, no donations until the leadership is decided and if it’s MacKay never another cent. I’d be better off using the donation money to get on a good drunk so I’d forget how terrible my country has become.

  12. Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide.

  13. How many real conservatives are in Canada ? Not many, they are either: hiding, locked-up, or fled to the USofA like Mark Steyn.
    You live in a socialist country. The problem is not the leadership but the people who vote for more socialism: your neighbors.
    A real conservative party is non-viable in this environment. The leadership race is just a reflection of this.

    We need to admit that we are the fringe element of the electorate and that all the action is far to our left. Sad, but it does
    show that democracy is still working in Canada. For now . . .

    1. That is the real problem. It is the result of decades of indoctrination in the schools, universities and media. Until and unless the electorate wakes up (not likely anytime soon), we will never have a real conservative federal government. Max couldn’t even win his own seat let alone form a government. PPC policies are pretty much irrelevant.

      Wexit makes sense (in more ways than one), but there again I doubt whether there is anything even close to a majority supporting that view. The best than can be achieved is probably some kind of Quebec semi-autonomous status. But even that would be better than the current situation.

    2. RimcMT, well said sir or ma’am.

      That has been my view for a very long time which is why I’m not very excitable on this subject.

      The root cause is medicare (aka free health care).
      As Mark Steyn has put it, monopoly public health care causes the ennervation of a polity.

      As a prosperous woman of my acquaitance, who was dispersing capital to her family, put it: I want to make sure that the government takes care of me. Another, a good friend, and retired public sector millionaire, has no qualms about his adult daughter being on welfare, more delicately referred to as “social assistance”.

      Self reliance is for suckers, of which I’m one and happy to be so.

    3. I think yours is the most sober and accurate take on the Canadian electorate. The absolute ceiling for the Conservatives is about 40% of the vote. The other 60%? Left, left, and more left. And those numbers aren’t going to get better for the Conservatives any time soon. If anything, as boomers start dying off, they’ll get WORSE. Once that vote ceiling declines to about 35%, the country’s cooked. Stick a fork in it. Permanent left-wing government, most often led by Liberals, who will happily keep going to the left (but always keeping just a shade to the right of the NDP & Greens) to maintain power.

      I’m not sure if there’s any stopping it now.

  14. liberals go to the Bronfmans to get their orders. Conservatives go to the church to get their orders. Mad Max is a real conservative. And most voters are weapons grade stupid, right Ooz and colon???

  15. You talk a lot about politics, Ms. McMillan, and think you know something about it. Why don’t YOU run? CPC, PPC, or the SDA party. If CPC we could maybe crowdfund you. I don’t think you would back down – you take your grudges seriously. There are enough men in your male hareem that you should do quite well.

    And you are a marksman. Most useful in present-day Canada. You could shoot and photograph a protester (preferably female), and use the photo for a new blog – “Tiny dead protesters.”

    Well, *I* like the idea.

    1. CPC … LOL.
      Erin steals from #PPCs platform while Peter MacGay loves Pride parades.
      They act like liberals.

  16. Who wrote that piece of crap. No name attached. I don’t see anything Conservative about the author but he sure wasn’t anyone I would believe to be kin.

  17. Not sure where the author gets the idea that MacKay is the “chosen one”. I suspect a very large majority of members want anyone but him. And many – myself included think the party will split in two if he does win. The author seems to be far too cynical to me.

    Of the options – I think two deserve closer examination at this point – otoole and Gladu. Just doing my due diligence on both – and the others – except MacKay I know all too well what he’s about – before getting behind one.

  18. I could care less who the libcons get as leader (other than for the jokes). I’d rather see Trudy McBlackface get in with a majority and seal the deal re: canada’s demise, than some milquetoast “conservative” get in and prolong the socialist suffering. Either way…none of them will be getting my vote or donations. Maybe PPC or more likely a Western separatist party.

    Be interesting to see if Trudy actually makes it through the Liberal knife ceremony before next election. I’m sure they must have a plan to turf him soon.

  19. After reading through all the above comments, I think most are on point. For me, the cons called me at least once a week AFTER the election trying to suck money from me. After three or four polite refusals, Yeah, I guess I’m a glutton for punishment! Anyway, I got real tired of the repeated calls and eventually just unloaded on the next begging call! Not sure why, but they haven’t called since! Yep, I’m done too! Until we get a real right wing party I can get behind, I’ll be supporting Wexit. I live in BC, but if Wexit ever happens, well, I retire in three months, and if I must, I’ll move to the new post Canada nation of WEXIT! Ya know, we need a real name for our future country, something we can rally behind. Anyone have an idea for a name? ManAlbSas sounds to much like something that needs lancing!

  20. If you reincarnated Margaret Thatcher and made her leader of the CPC, she’d get nowhere. First of all, she’d get no support from that type of gutless CPC MP (the majority) who supported turdo on the Paris climate crap, and second, she’d be unpalatable to the pinkos in the electorate who call themselves Conservatives but are too cowardly to speak up and out for conservatism.

  21. WHO CARES!
    It won’t make any difference who the next leader of the CPC is. It’s like choosing the Blue Mob over the Red Mob or the Blue Liberals over the Red Liberals. The real conservative party died years ago.

    Wake up people! They both don’t care about the west. They are both run by the Laurentian elite.

    Then the Conservative party decides to ban social conservative Richard Decarie from contesting the leadership of their party, without explanation, reeks of hypocrisy. And on and on.

    And then you want to fall in love with some fantasy, some fake conservative.

    Some folks on this blog fool themselves into believing they are conservative when in fact they present Liberal views. Look inward to see why this country is going down, down, and down. Fake Conservatives keep moving further and further left for what. To get a chance to feed at the trough?

    And that is the rest of the story.

  22. The only political home for true conservatives and libertarians is WEXIT.

    Canada, thy soul is dead.

    This broken confederation cannot be fixed. If any true conservative cares to think about it long enough, you’ll come to the same conclusion.

    Kate! Please run for leader. I’ll spot you.

    If things don’t improve in next few election cycles, I’m making real plans to exit the country. The only question is where? I like rum, so possibly somewhere warm that creates a nice one. Of course I can always import it.

  23. from article:
    “As for rigging the leadership election in Mackay’s favour, we shouldn’t put it past the party’s top engineers.
    There is a good chance that this leadership race is a total ruse, designed only to make us believe we have a choice.”

    Aaah, but we do have a choice. I choose to stay home. WEXIT!
    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Eh, CPC Top Engineers? WEXIT
