9 Replies to “Bigger Than Rathergate”

  1. Newsweek has now tried to blame the US government, by complaining that the government spokesman did not deny the aligations… therefore it was the governments fault… get it?
    I don’t get the logical thread, but then again I’m not as intellectually gifted as Liberal Socialist journalists.

  2. I can almost understand people thinking you could actually flush a book down a toilet, if they’d never seen either a book or a toilet.
    But what’s a Newsweek reporter’s excuse…?

  3. Too dignified for the likes of Newsweek. Try Crappergate, seems more appropriate for them.

  4. I hate to spread a rumour but when I was up to the West Edmonton Mall on the weekend. I over heard a couple of 20 somethings say that Stephen Harper has forbidden all his caucus members from keeping a copy of the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms. He only allows one copy which he has posted right above the mens urinal, next to a poster for the World Wildlife Federation!
    Better keep that under your hat. I’d hate to see more nefarious bloodshed like those Newsweek fellows caused.
    Wayne from Wetaskiwin

  5. Is the Charter actually posted or is it wrapped around a cardboard tube in roll form?

  6. I ain’t saying.
    Like I said before I don’t want to cause no nefarious bloodshed.
