Its Wednesday In Trudeau’s Canada

Justin’s police will be out in force.  Truckers may form world’s longest convoy.

More money needed. First Nation finds a gazzion burial sites.

Biden checking store shelves. Joe finds lots of ice cream.

Just what the world needs. Woke Capitalism

Germany embraces its inner fascism.  Mandatory vaccinations for Germany?

Uncle Joe.  Biden is dangerous.

Justin has ordered his bought and paid for media to attack the truck convoy.  CTV and Global warn about far right groups and Jan. 6th like event on parliament hill.

UPDATE:  Kamala Harris celebrates communism.

Blacklock reports that newspapers are whining for more government money.

39 Replies to “Its Wednesday In Trudeau’s Canada”

    1. Sending you some -29 C global warming greetings.
      Damn, I got that wrong….It global warming climate emergency.
      I think?
      They keep changing the name and I might not be up to date in it’s latest political version.

  1. My latest contemplation is…
    Since our politicians all do this creepy, weird alliance shit.
    We don’t need the councils or independent thinking when that ‘all for one and one for all’ political game is played by all the players including the ‘opposition’.
    Quite a joke…opposition leaders. All spewing the same creepy crap that you get from the first politician.

    1. He won’t be able to ignore it for long, since Canadian media is now covering it.

      As I stated earlier on another thread, it will be interesting to see Trudeau’s response. Based on what I have seen of Justin, it will be hateful, bigoted, insulting and completely out-of-touch with the reality of the situation. He knows Canadian media has his back.

      Like many ‘leaders’ today, he doesn’t govern, he just enforces his will.

    2. His agenda is not failing. Like his father, he’s moving Canada along the road to ‘pure socialism’ through massive social spending increases, imposing centralized command by intimidating the premiers, dividing Canadians along ideological lines and delivering the country into the arms of the UN/NWO cabal.

      1. delivering the country into the arms of the UN/NWO cabal.

        I would say right into the hands of Davos and to a China credit score system.

  2. Let’s not get too excited just yet. You can be sure that Trudeau as some of his RCMP flacks, or CSIS goons mixing in and pretending they are with the truckers. Just wait for the “newly discovered” video’s to emerge of extremists, white nationalists, etc..etc..etc… make an appearance. The plan is to make the Trucker convoy look bad….and Trudeau will hold his press conference and express is “concern and outrage” at the racists.

    (No mention will be made of Quebec’s bill banning religious gear, or the fact that Montreal Police refer to Ezra Levant’s Rebel News as “the Jew Media”)

    Any bets?

    1. you left out the “neo-nazi cosplay enthusiasts” working for the “canadian anti-hate network”

  3. So according to Justin’s media anyone or any group fighting for their basic rights are far right wing?
    Are we in trouble or what?

    1. We’re governed by a narcissistic sociopath and his posse of far left traitors. Of course, we’re in deep trouble. And all too many dumbass denizens of this failed kingdom see no problems with that.

  4. Trudeau hates Canadians, especially Western Canadians. There will be no “far right” hate groups. Give your head a shake. As a wise man once said, you’ll have a better chance of finding a blind albino skateboarder than actual bonafide far right hate group members in Canada.

    If there are any at or in the convoy, they’re RCMP/CSIS plants. Duh. We are on to you Trudy. Can’t pull the wool anymore on the sheeple.

    1. “Trudeau hates Canadians, especially Western Canadians.”

      The fact that the Baked Potato wakes up every morning with hate in his heart thinking of me & my fellow Westerners makes me grin like a Cheshire cat. I hope that hate eats at his guts every day for the balance of his useless, oxygen-wasting life.

      Fuck you, Prinz Blackface Groper-Elbowgate McSelfiesox!

    2. Well, over many of the sheeple he can keep the blindness going. All he has to do is get his media to breathe a few key words, like “racist” “right wing” “extremist” or “anti-vax” and a huge swath of Canadians will close their eyes and minds, dismiss all concerns and move on, comfortable that The Narrative is firmly in place. It does not matter if the labels are true; the incantations will work their magic on a trained populace.
      And I absolutely believe that we will see a Canuck replay of the Jan 6 aftermath here. His handlers have been studying how effective the Insurrection label is when applied to conservatives. Unlike hippies blocking bridges or pipelines, which is ok. Or Natives throwing iron beams in front of trains. (Attempted murder if anyone else did it. And for the record, my Metis status does not preclude seeing the double standard.)

  5. Like I wrote yesterday and earlier this am, the press has their orders to rename the “Protest” an “Insurrection”.
    Getting a sack-o’-shit from the Canadian Anti-Hate Network is as obvious as tits on a bull.
    I’d email the reporter by why bother? He knows his bread is now buttered by the State. F’n Pravda POS.
    jamesHalifax is correct.
    It would be nice to get several dozen people out with cameras – not stoopid phones – just to look for the provocateurs.

  6. He’ll invoke the “War Measures Act” with the obligatory “Just watch me” like his daddy and media poodles will swoon.

    1. His daddy had an army and popular support, to back him up. This guy? I don’t think so.
      I got some advice for anyone thinking of calling out the military to oppress Canadians.
      You won’t like the reaction.
      There are an estimated ten million unregistered guns in Canada.

      The Canadian military has almost as many generals as they do combat capable troops.
      Pronouns and wokeness are the standards of the new Canadian military. The ability to win a prolonged engagement? Not so much.

  7. Jan 2019, my cousin & I had a drink with a pipeline convoy ride-along in Thunder Bay. Listened to his story.
    A much smaller rag-tag group. We all agreed the country is hooped with current “leadership “.

  8. A Jan 6-like event? You mean where nothing happened except innocent protesters were murdered? So we should tell the RCMP to dial down the violent rhetoric.

  9. You gotta love it. There are some Canadians who still have the snot to engage in a full on protest of this magnitude, not the banal, made to order media events of university students and public assistance collecting chronic pissers and moaners who contribute nothing to society.
    Well done drivers.

  10. AM Radio GTA (680 News) last night was vicious against the truckers. Suggesting garbage like: it “will” be like Jan 6 + money blocked because might be alt-right etc. No surprise, 680 News are bastards and they proved during Trump’s time that they lie and distort even if their format is just summary news.
    CTVNews last night was a bit mild, probably the whore tasked with this topic (Glenn McGregor) saw the CTV poll ahead of time and 78% pro-truckers means that the lies should be toned down a bit, at least for a day-or-two.

  11. Hopefully, they will have a group of people there whose purpose is to ferret out and record any provocateurs and PANTIFA scum trying to gin up an “insurrection”, because you can bet they’re going to try. When they’re found, expose them.

  12. I think we should have a contest.
    Who can write up the best Trudeau Media Trucker Convoy horror story?
    We know that Trudeau’s media harlots are going to be working overtime concocting lies and inventing ‘experts’ warning us about the convoy being a hotbed of insurrection, murder, racism, homophobia, global warming deniers and other evil peoplekinds.

    Try to include bleach, and that they yelled ‘This is Trucker Convoy Country’ somewhere in the creation.

  13. Re: First nation finds a gazillion burial sites.

    “Their bodies were cast into the river, left at the bottom of lakes, tossed like garbage into the incinerators,”
    Really? Former students remember this? So these atrocities were happening during the 50s, 60s & 70s? I find that hard to believe.

    All those burial sites, all the graves found all across Canada, and I have to wonder – why haven’t any of the First Nations dug one up to confirm there’s a body there? Surely they have shovels.

  14. Sellars said survivors recounted stories of children who were fathered by priests being incinerated, and of “many” children who attended the school being unaccounted for.

    … because BIPOC “storytelling” passes for “history” and “evidence” … ohhhhhhhhh mommmmmaaaaaa

  15. “…”a lot of other groups that are involved and individuals who are involved who have a long history of very overheated rhetoric,” Kurt Phillips, founder and former lead writer for Anti-Racist Canada, told in a recent phone interview”

    CTV quotes ARC’s (formerly anonymous) lead writer ‘Nosferatu200’, who was ultimately outed by statements made in an affidavit by Elise Hategan, submitted to bolster a claim for literary royalties.
    Also mentioned in the affidavit were Bernie Farber, Grant Bristow, Warren Kinsella, and Pogue Mahone – an undercover mole trained at a special facility in McGill University, created by Irwin Cotler (who would ironically become ‘Right Honourable’), to defeat ‘by any means necessary’ the rise of a right-wing menace in Canada.

    Why did CTV megaphone a comment, made by a confirmed ‘anti-racist’ activist with long standing ties to a veritable Daisy chain of liberal carpetbaggers, about a current event ?

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